Forums - MvC2 Infinites, Explained.. Show all 689 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2 Infinites, Explained.. ( Posted by Monkey on 05:11:2001 11:22 PM: Okay, for those that have seen my site, and downloaded the infinites and wish to know how to do them, ask away. This also is a correct version of the infinite topic that was posted before. So for those that posted in there, now post here. There are going to be a few rules though. (So I dont have to explain the same infinite 1000+ times.) 1. Read before you ask how to do the infinite. It probably was already asked. 2. Please, dont ask about timing, you cant explain that typing. 3. If I dont post for awhile, dont get angry. I have a life other than games. -Monkey Posted by n817azn on 05:12:2001 12:05 AM: please explain cyc's infinite- thanx n8 Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 12:18 AM: I think that this is one of the hardest infinites in the game. It took me a hella long time to get this. Here it is: Cyclops downfoward+hk(Launch), super jump, sj.jab, sj.short, sj.jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, land, (downfoward+hk, super jump, sj.jab, sj.jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short) Posted by berynogood on 05:12:2001 01:49 AM: how do you do that samurai infinite on your site, and the hayato one too Posted by BshidoHEAT on 05:12:2001 01:59 AM: Can you help with Omega Red's? I am having trouble with the timing with it. Also what is your site URL? I am new to the boards. Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 01:59 AM: SilverSam Feirce Punch. (No joke. You'll see. ) Hayato Holding Back + Jab, Jab, Feirce, Roundhouse, Jab, repeat. Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 02:01 AM: Heat: I dont even have Omega Red's on my site. Sorry. Posted by TimeFlip on 05:12:2001 02:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey SilverSam Feirce Punch. (No joke. You'll see. ) Hayato Holding Back + Jab, Jab, Feirce, Roundhouse, Jab, repeat. Silver Sam's infinite is a crouch cancel infinite; it's hard to do like Cyclops. And there's two infinites with OR; do you mean the relaunch infinite or the infinite where you jump at them with Jp,Mp,Fp? Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 02:07 AM: What are you talking about, the OR stuff..? Posted by BshidoHEAT on 05:12:2001 02:15 AM: TimeFlip, I need help on both, the jumping lp,mp,hp I have a hard time with because the timing is confusing. But I just can't get the relaunch one it goes like this right? Launch uf lp, pause, mp, pause, hp, relaunch. In some cases you could stick a lk after the lp. Whenever I try to relaunch its too soon. Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 02:18 AM: Okay, I see what is going on now. Here is my site's URL: And dont mind my last post, TimeFlip didnt make himself clear. I'll also try to make these two infinites sometime soon for the site. Posted by n817azn on 05:12:2001 03:36 AM: thanks alot monkey- i'm gonna practice it till i get it Posted by AZER on 05:12:2001 03:49 AM: Monkey: Can you explain Doom infinite and T.Bonne infinite. Thank You Posted by TimeFlip on 05:12:2001 04:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by AZER Monkey: Can you explain Doom infinite and T.Bonne infinite. Thank You Doom's infinite must be done in the corner. Basically it's launch, (Sk,Jp,Rk,Flight)x2 then Sk,Rk,Flight repeat. You do everything really quick. I find it best to hold the joystick neutral when you do it. And T.Bonne has two infinites; first one is like: Jp Kobun Launcher, Jp Beacon Bomb, Repeat When you do a Kobun Launcher, you want to time the Beacon Bomb to attack just as the Kobun lands on the guy. And spacing right is also key; the distance is about one jump away. The 2nd one I have seen; but I need to analyze it more. I'll get back to you when I figure it out. I might also send you the copy I have through Email. But I'm tired right now. How did I not make myself clear? Didn't you know OR=Omega Red? Posted by AZER on 05:12:2001 05:09 AM: TimeFlip: Thanks for the infinite but the T.Bonne infinite that was on Monkey site is different from the one you just said. It was a corner combo into infinite. Anyways thanks for the infinite. Posted by kdcmarvel on 05:12:2001 07:07 AM: Hi, monkey. I just came by to say that I saved some of the explanations I did about infinites here at srk. Two of them were already asked, and I have a good explanation(I think) to do them. I think it even helps with the timing. The ones that I have and were asked are Cyclops and Doom. If I have time(and you don't mind) I'll try to write some more to put here. I hope it helps. Here it goes: DOOM:launcher, LK, MP, HK, flight, LK , MK ,HK, flight, LK , MK, HK, flight, LK, HK, flight(repeat LK, HK, flight). Things to remember: 1)Do the first sj. LK as low as possible(very fast) 2) Cancel all HKs to flight and flight to LKs as fast as you can, even before the infinite part starts 3) Don't do the LK, HK on the infinite part too fast, or the opponent will be too high after some cycles.(so it's LK to HK not so fast, HK to flight very fast, flight to LK very fast) 4) The undizzie is about 52 hits, against a full life opponent. If you want to cancel it into a special, I suggest you do only about 45 and then change the combo to it. 5) Try it first against BH or another Doom. It's easier to do it against them. When you get more practice, try the smaller characters. 6) You can change the first MP for MK or even any MK for Mps if I remember right. I do it the way I do because it seems confortable to me. 7) The infinite isn't much useful(you have to be Doom cornering an opponent, which doesn't happen very often at high level play). So if you want to be good with Doom, I suggest you give priority to strategy and his other combos first. If you're already good, then why not have this option ready? Go for it I hope it helps! CYCLOPS:launcher(down forward HK) LP LK MP, LK MP, LK MP MK, relaunch(same move) LP MP, LK MP, LK MP MK, keep repeating (relaunch LP MP, LK MP, LK MP MK) That's the easiest version, good against characters like Doom or Colossus, possible against Silver Samurai, Cable, Zangief and a few more. The other version is do it slowly and skip the MK. It works against Strider size characters perfectly and with a few timing adjusts you can do it against teh amjority of the characters. You can combo the initial launcher after a jumping+HK and dash(come close). To connect after a ground combo you must launch with MP(the timing is a little different, but if you get the original combo, you will not have trouble with that). But the relaunch must be always down+forward+HK. Remember to do the initial hits very close, or the opponent can't be relaunched. Here goes the explanation to the basic version: The first down+forward+HK launcher must be done right next to the opponent. After the super jump, start the first 3 hits with normal speed, then wait for a brief moment before press sj.down+LK. The wait is about 1/4 of a second. Same thing for the second wait. The reason for the missing sj.LK for the repeat part of the infinite is because when you relaunch the opponent he is in the air, so he is now higher than the first launch. Therefore you must take out a hit from the combo to prevent him rising too high. There's a difference between the timing on and out of the corner. When you're at center of the screen, you must do the first sj.LP on the top of the opponent. On the corner, works better on the middle of his body. I made the paragraph above after do it against Doom, so try against him, I think it's the easier one. Against Strider, Storm, or even Cable(accepts both versions) and Magneto, you must try to do all the hits slowly, but still comboing of course. This way, at the time of the MK, you will already be close enough to the ground to relaunch right away. Funny thing is that sometimes the repetition can be done using any of the sequences(depending of your previous timing). Try it a little and you will understand better, the timing changes a little for each size of characters so don't do it against a character very different from the ones you're used to catch with it. after some practice youll probably learn to change the timing effectively, so you can use it better. The undizzie is about 50/55 hits, like most other infinites. It takes about 65% of an average character. Before I forget, you can combo it after a tag in, useful in cyclops teams(spiral safe tag and infinite if they try to counter and get hit by a sword, cable's HP, HP, HP, HP, tag in can combo it too if you're out of meters). I think this is all. I hope it helps! See ya! I have some more on my HD, and some guides at So, if you don't mind, I will try to help here from time to time. BTW, great idea for a thread, since people ask for the infinites all the time. See ya! Posted by mastermind on 05:12:2001 08:36 AM: Monkey> Couple of questions: 1) BH's infinite from vid that the same infinite as vid #2? 2) Concerning those same vids, how did you get the dummy Cable to be so high on the screen when you started the infinite? I can only get the opponent that high when I combo in the Cyclops AAA. Posted by LoserBoy on 05:12:2001 12:36 PM: how do you do iron man's infinite i think i know how to do it but the most i ever did was 14 hits. Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 01:24 PM: Mastermind: 1) Thanks for pointing that out. Your right, they are the same. 2) In training mode, you can set the dummy to superjump. LoserBoy: Iron Man j. Jab, j. Jab, j. Short, j. up+Feirce Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 01:41 PM: kdcmarvel: Thanks for explaing a few infinites. Feel free to help out. As long as you know what you are talking about, and give the right information, its all good. AZER: T.Bonne In corner, works great on Roll. Launch, Superjump, sj. Short (should hit 3 times), sj. Jab, sj. Short, sj. Feirce Punch, land, s. Short, s. Roundhouse, (repeat: s. Short, s. Roundhouse) Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 05:12:2001 04:58 PM: How about the Cammy inifi? Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 05:13 PM: Cammy In corner. c. Jab, c. Jab, Back+Roundhouse, Superjump, qcf+roundhouse (use tiger knee motion), c. Jab, Back+Roundhouse, Superjump, tiger knee+Roundhouse, c. Jab, c. Jab, Back+Roundhouse, tiger knee+roundhouse, (REPEAT c. Jab, c. Jab, Back+Roundhouse, tiger knee+roundhouse) Posted by on 05:12:2001 05:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by LoserBoy how do you do iron man's infinite i think i know how to do it but the most i ever did was 14 hits. I have an article on the on these boards, look back a few pages, it's called "The Iron Man Infinite: EXPLAINED!" Posted by Eric_Magnus on 05:12:2001 06:00 PM: does any of these infinites work on the arcade versions? Posted by JsTyLe on 05:12:2001 06:42 PM: how do u do amingo's infinite? #1 Posted by Monkey on 05:12:2001 08:50 PM: Eric Magnus: Yes, all of them except for the one team infinite that says beside it (Dreamcast only) will work in the arcade. Jstyle: c. roundhouse, s. Short, qcf+Jab (Ball) (repeat s. Short, qcf+Jab (Ball)) Posted by Arma^ on 05:13:2001 01:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Hayato Holding Back + Jab, Jab, Feirce, Roundhouse, Jab, repeat. Seem to be having a few probs doing this - once they're in the air my fierce seems to go under the opponent - I guess my timing is out somewhere - any tips? Posted by Monkey on 05:13:2001 02:00 AM: I had the same problem at first. Its all about timing. Once they are in the air, you have to do it slower than normal, but make sure it combos. Posted by gutabo on 05:13:2001 05:22 AM: can you help me with the timing for the Magnus rejump infinite?(lp, d+lk, mp) Have a hard time tryin' it! Posted by gutabo on 05:13:2001 05:34 AM: oops... just looked at your rules...forget about it, i'll just practice it to death, but, is it worth it? ok, new Q: wich one do you prefer overall(on magnus), easiest, hardest, more damaging, less damaging... Posted by o0ninja0o on 05:13:2001 06:04 AM: that megaman infinte were he charges his fireball is weird how did u do that? is that one of does fake glitch infinites???? Posted by ytwojay on 05:13:2001 06:47 AM: how is the psylocke infinite performed? and is it universal (works on all characters)? Posted by Monkey on 05:13:2001 05:07 PM: Gutabo: Thanks for looking again. I didnt make that rule to be mean or nothing, but its hella hard to explain timing. As for the Magneto infinites, I would have to say the one on Sentinel, superjump, sj. short, sj. short, dash down, sj. short, sj. short, land, repeat is the easiest infinite he has. In my opinion. oOninjaOo: I believe it is a glitch. If you notice, Megaman's life is down to one pixel of health. I dont really bother with it. Sorry. Ytwojay: Which Psylocke infinite are you talking about? She has more than one. Posted by Monkey on 05:13:2001 06:59 PM: I'm bored here! Someone give me a infinite to explain. Posted by Arma^ on 05:13:2001 08:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Which Psylocke infinite are you talking about? She has more than one. The juggle across the screen one - kinda like Ironman's! Posted by raver6900 on 05:13:2001 08:03 PM: i can't figure out that s.samurai infinitie w/ f.punch. can u explain how it works. Posted by Monkey on 05:13:2001 08:15 PM: Raver: Its a crouch cancel infinite. Hit, Feirce Punch, cancel it with down, repeat. Arma^: J. Jab, J. Jab, J. Feirce Punch, J. U+Roundhouse (One hit), Land repeat. And I do not know if it works on all characters. Posted by raver6900 on 05:13:2001 08:27 PM: thanx. i was kinda confused. have n-e thing 4 spidey? Posted by raver6900 on 05:13:2001 09:04 PM: monkey, where did u go? Posted by SUSHI X on 05:13:2001 11:58 PM: Monkey can you explain mags infinate where you sweep superjump, dash down, crouch L.k H.k repeat. I keep missing them the second time I dash down. I think it was #4 on the videos but im not sure. Posted by JsTyLe on 05:14:2001 03:56 AM: i forgot which # magneto infinite this is but id bet you would know.. its like launch hk then dash downforward lk lk then i have no idea where to go from there, i need help! Posted by speedballin on 05:14:2001 07:13 AM: MONKEY GREAT VIDEOS!!!! YEAH I THOUGHT THE MEGAMAN INFINITE WAS FAKE TOO BAD CAN U EXPLAIN THE OTHER ONE. AND OH YEAH I NOTICED THAT MOST OF THE INFINITE VIDEOS WERE PERFORMED ON THE CORNER. PLEASE TELL ME THAT IT CAN BE DONE ANYWHERE... SINCE U R BORED PLEASE HOOK IT UP WITH EXPLAINATIONS OF KENS, AKUMAS, AND WHICHEVER IS THE BETTER STORM INFINITE THANKS !! Posted by SUSHI X on 05:14:2001 01:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by JsTyLe i forgot which # magneto infinite this is but id bet you would know.. its like launch hk then dash downforward lk lk then i have no idea where to go from there, i need help! It's not that infinate. Posted by Transparent M. on 05:14:2001 01:11 PM: WTF? Sushi X! I wonder if he's really Sushi X, I remember him from EGM magazine! The mysterious ninja staff member! Posted by silenttiger on 05:14:2001 01:18 PM: Monkey, Please help with Wolverine Infinites. There are two listed on Warganic. Are the infinites specific to bone or metal or can they be done by either Wolverine. It looks like you initiated a combo into a super before you started the infinite on your site. Your site is way cool. You've got a lot of talent. I'd offer one very minor suggestion if you don't mind... Anyway it looks like Capt. America gets or somebody gets cut off in your logo. It might be caused by something else, anyway, I'd love to see thw whole pic. Keep up the good work. Peace. Posted by Monkey on 05:14:2001 01:38 PM: Raver: There is not an infinite for Spiderman. I dont think so anyways. SushiX: I believe that you are talking about the one against Ruby Heart? Anyway, throw the character with kick, dash over c.short, c.roundhouse xx superjump xx dashdown xx hold down feirce punch, c. short, c.roundhouse, superjump xx dashdown xx feirce punch (repeat c.short, c.roundhouse superjump xx dashdown xx feirce punch) The reason why you hold down when you hit feirce punch is you fall quickly to the ground and are able to do the c.short and roundhouse. Oh, by the way, the infinite Jstyle was trying to explain, is an infinite. Jstyle: If it is the one on Servbot, here it is. In the corner, launch, superjump, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. roundhouse, OTG, c. short, c. roundhouse (repeat c.short, c.roundhouse) If this is not the one you were talking about, find what number it was and I'll answer it. Speedballin: I believe the Megaman infinite has to be done in the corner. Heres how to do it: j. short, j. jab, j. feirce punch (fireball) It takes awhile to get the timing down on it, so dont get frustrated. As for the Akuma and Ken infinites, there are a couple for both of them, so if you would tell me which ones you want explained, then I'll do that, but not all of them. In my opinion, Storm's easiest infinite is the one against Sentinel. (j.short, j.short, j.feirce punch, j.roundhouse, repeat) But, it only works on Sentinel. -Monkey Posted by Monkey on 05:14:2001 01:51 PM: Silenttiger: In the logo, Hulk is cut off. Oh well. The first Bonerine infinite is, super, s.short, s.jab, s.jab, down+feirce punch, s.jab, s.jab, s.jab, down+feirce punch (repeat s.jab, s.jab, s.jab, down+feirce punch) The period is changing in school, so I'll get back to you on the other one. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:14:2001 02:33 PM: hi how do you do the magneto infinite1 Monkey. and also that psylocke infinite on small people thanks Posted by Monkey on 05:14:2001 11:41 PM: Archangel: Launch, Superjump, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short, land, jump, j. jab, j. short, j. jab, land, (repeat, jump, j. jab, j. short, j. jab) Please tell me which Psylocke infinite you are talking about. Posted by Sho 2 on 05:15:2001 12:07 AM: Um... this is about the MultiMedia. I couldn't seem to get on to it but first I need to know what you have to have download it because seem to download vids off the net. Can you help me with this? I'm also kinda pissed that Jill doesn't have an infinite. Posted by Monkey on 05:15:2001 12:12 AM: Sho: Once you get to the file you would like to download, right click on the file and goto "Save Target As". Then it will start to download. What you need to have is "Windows Media Player". You can download it at If you can not find it there, download it at or and search for it. After you get this installed, you can download all the movies you like. Posted by Sho 2 on 05:15:2001 01:51 AM: Thanks much for all your help but can you tell which version to download. Here they are: Windows MediaPlayer6% 2E4Security Patch%3A ASX Buffer Overrun Vulnerability Windows Media Player 6.4 Security Patch: ASX Buffer Overrun Vulnerability 2606920 Windows Media Player 7 Security Patch Windows Media Bonus Pack Windows Media Resource Pack Which one is it? I'm sooooooo sorry to pester you like this. Posted by *Magneto* on 05:15:2001 02:30 AM: how long does it usually take you to learn one? Posted by TimeFlip on 05:15:2001 02:51 AM: Explain to me your Anakaris infinite; it looks like: Sk,Jp,Manual Super Jump Cancel into Df+Hk. Pretty nice infinite; I never knew he had one without assists. I was wondering which character height it works best against. It appears to work against medium sized characters, but will it work against big characters like Sent and BH? Do you need adjust the timing after the Super Jump? Posted by Guile2001 on 05:15:2001 03:13 AM: How do you do kens infinit? I havent saw anything about his. Posted by Sho 2 on 05:15:2001 04:50 AM: I really think I'm lost can you help me with what the hell I'm supposed to download. I really sorry to keep pestering you but it would be nice finally see vids. I'm just not sure with downloading things. If you can still bear me by now could you also help me with Felicia's infinite's timing of QCF+HP,HP part of (HK,QCF+HP,HP) Posted by kdcmarvel on 05:15:2001 04:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by gutabo can you help me with the timing for the Magnus rejump infinite?(lp, d+lk, mp) Have a hard time tryin' it! Ok, here it goes another of my old infinite explanation posts. I hope it helps your timing MAGNETO:Magneto Infinite: Against small characters(strider, cyclops and some more): You do launch, HK airdash df, LK MK as the set up. Then you will land and jump forward doing(LP, d.LK, MP or MK, land, jump again). Keep repeating this sequence. Try to do the combo as slow as possible, but if the opponent is coming to close to the floor, it means that you should do it a little faster. If the opponent is going too high, you're not pressing the buttons slow enough. Against big characters you can add another hit on the infinite part.After the setup, Try to do (jump forward, LP, d.LK, MP, MK, rejump) and repeat this. It's easier against the big characters so I think you should try against them first. At the corner, it's easier to jump straight than forward so you can have more control of your timing and the opponents will not go away anyway. I think this combo can be useful because you can do it after a psylocke assist, or even catch a jumping in opponent with it. It's possible to guard break into it too(kinda like IM's infinite). The undizzie it's usually about 45/50 hits, I think, so I recommend that about 35 you do a normal launcher after the MK and tehn go into the combo of your preference( a tempest into hail can be a good idea since you have lots of meters now). I hope it helps a little. Good luck! Posted by silenttiger on 05:15:2001 12:30 PM: Monkey, I've been trying to do the Silver Samurai Infinite. First of all, does it work outside the corner? Secondly, I can replicate the moves in your vid but I don't get the cumulative count for an infinite. It looks like I'm doing his fp but I know I'm doing something right because I'm eliminating the second hit in the fierce punch. Help? Thanks. Posted by Monkey on 05:15:2001 01:51 PM: Silenttiger: It doesnt work outside of the corner. It is a crouch canceling infinite, so what you have to do is hit feirce punch, then cancel it by crouching, and do it again. Its not that hard. kdcmarvel: Thanks d00d. Sho2: Download Windows Media 7. Its cool. I just was not home last night that much. I had to goto a dinner for my grandfathers birthday. Once I got home, I came on here for a few seconds, and went to bed. I was mad tired. Also, I cant teach timing. Guile: Which Ken infinite? TimeFlip: I believe it is s. short, s. jab xx superjump, dash down (I think), down+roundhouse. I dont really know about Anakaris that much, so once I get home tonight, if what I just gave you is wrong, I'll test it out and get you back. *Magneto*: Usually, not that long. -Monkey Posted by Archangel21 on 05:15:2001 01:52 PM: hey monkey thanks for the reply about mags the infinite with psylocke is the one with cable in the corner and the juggernaut in the corner. also i don't mind but everytime i do the infinite with psylocke with this : j.lp, j.lp, j.hp, up hk repeat, i managed to get off the ground and go straight up. can you help me with this thanks Posted by Monkey on 05:15:2001 04:01 PM: Archangel: The rejump one.. To start it, jump in with feirce punch, and up+roundhouse, after that, it should be easy. The one with Cable is, Launch, psy-blast, j. jab, psy-blast, psy-blast, j. jab, psyblast, psyblast, jab, relaunch, (repeat psy-blast, j. jab, psy-blast, psy-blast, j. jab, psyblast, psyblast, jab, relaunch). Posted by Monkey on 05:15:2001 08:09 PM: Any more?! Posted by Arma^ on 05:15:2001 10:27 PM: Doom please! Posted by Monkey on 05:15:2001 10:34 PM: Doom Launch, superjump, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. roundhouse, fly, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. roundhouse, fly, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. roundhouse, fly, sj. short, sj. roundhouse, fly. (repeat sj. short, sj. roundhouse, fly) This one is not too hard, but I would rate it a 7.5 (1-10) Good luck. Posted by Arma^ on 05:15:2001 10:53 PM: Probably harder for me as I've only been playing MVC2 for 2 weeks I've got a few of the infinites down though and some nice AC's. Just trying to establish at team at the mo. It stands at: * Ironman - A * Psylocke - A * Doom - B Dunno how good or bad this is really - but Dooms Beta assist sure is handy but I'm not so hot with him when he's in battle. Cheers *powers DC up* Do you mean Air Dash when you say fly btw? It looks like he's airdashing up. Posted by Monkey on 05:15:2001 11:01 PM: First off, no I ment fly. Also, it is a solid team. When you end up with Doom, if you are winning, superjump, and quote: Thow the pink shit He is a good runaway character. If you are loosing, try and rush them down, and do his "pink" super, in the air, when your oppoent is right underneath you, it takes hella block damage. Get this combo down too. launch, jab short jab short dash up+forward, hcb+punch. Its a great combo, plus you can link it into any ground super (beamers) Cable, IronMan, any super of their type. Hope it helped alittle. Posted by Supergeek on 05:15:2001 11:37 PM: Hey Monkey, can you explain Magneto infinite #6 (the one on servbot), does it only work on him? Does it only work when you do it off the corner? And what're the buttons? Posted by Voodoo on 05:15:2001 11:49 PM: Good stuff Monkey, good stuff. Posted by Arma^ on 05:15:2001 11:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey First off, no I ment fly. Also, it is a solid team. When you end up with Doom, if you are winning, superjump, and He is a good runaway character. If you are loosing, try and rush them down, and do his "pink" super, in the air, when your oppoent is right underneath you, it takes hella block damage. Get this combo down too. launch, jab short jab short dash up+forward, hcb+punch. Its a great combo, plus you can link it into any ground super (beamers) Cable, IronMan, any super of their type. Hope it helped alittle. I'm sure this will help - I've got the Air Combo down - gonna work on the infinite now. *gulp* Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 12:04 AM: Supergeek: This is one of the first infinites I worked on. Just because it looked easy. Anyway, it only works in the corner, and its hella hard on other people, but I believe it would work. I would suggest doing it on Servbot. Launch, superjump, sj. roundhouse, dash down forward, sj. short, sj. roundhouse, OTG (On the ground), c. short, c. roundhouse (repeat c.short, c.roundhouse) After you get the first part, the infinite involves alot of timing. It takes awhile to get it right. But dont ask me. Voodoo: Thanks d00d. I try. Arma^: I wouldnt go from learning a combo, to a difficult infinite. Take your game one step at a time. What I think you are doing is jumping up a few instead. You dont have to do this, I'm just trying to help out. I see you have a Dreamcast close by, and it is good to practice. I just think you are moving too fast. Posted by Azazel973 on 05:16:2001 12:16 AM: does captain america have one? Posted by Supergeek on 05:16:2001 12:20 AM: Can you add a Tempest combo at the of it (Magneto infinite #6) Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 12:22 AM: Azazel937: I dont think so. Supergeek: Yes. You know how you can c. short, c.roundhouse xx hypergrav off of the Psylocke AAA assist. Same thing here, just no assist. Posted by Arma^ on 05:16:2001 12:22 AM: Yeah I think you're right - Although I've worked out the timing from the sj.roundhouse to the fly - the stick control is a little tricky... Where you you sugguest I start? What I do lack is the knowledge of exactly when it's safe to use assists and just call them in at random times - the only useful place I used an Assist is in one of my Psylocke combos following the butterfly super - Call doom - then you can rejuggle them. As far as strategy goes I suck however Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 12:32 AM: Arma: Well, you just started the game, so I would say that you have progressed far since you started. Strategy will come as you play other good players. Give it time. Where you are starting now is good. As for the assists, call them out whenever you like, just if Cable is out, make sure that you protect them! I would also suggest, downloading match videos off of here and analize them. Dont just see something and think, hey, thats an 0ssum combo, I'll get that down! That is not what makes a good player. They have to know the situation, react to it, and if there is a opening, make sure they bust out the combo. Thats where I made the mistake when I first started. I would see a great combo, learn the combo, then wonder why I kept losing in the arcade. Doing a combo is one thing, doing it in a match is another. Also, get used to pressure situations. In the arcade, it may be hard, but just think of something in your head. Here is what I tend to do. If I'm playing someone I know is good, one of the best where I live in a certin game, I think to myself, we are playing in the finals at a tourney. It sounds dumb, but it really helps. I also dont pay attention to anything around me when I play. If my cell phone starts ringing, I tell one of my friends to get it out of my pocket and answer it, or sometimes I leave it so my answering machine picks up. When you play against "not so great" people, aka scrubs, just mess with their head. Make sure you win, but do it with style. Try not to play the computer that much either. The computer can only do so much, unlike us, it will only make you get worse. Posted by Arma^ on 05:16:2001 12:40 AM: Yeah I've been watching the vid's alot - trying to suss some tactics. Like where ppl are using char's as batteries / traps / etc. Yeah that's the thing - I can do IM's inf - but I've yet to land it in the a game due to not actually being able to get into a position to do it. The UK kinda sucks for VS comp as well Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 12:49 AM: Get more people to play then! As for getting position on the Iron Man infinte off of the Psylocke assist. What I tend to do, when I am right next to the guy, I call out the assist, ALL the time. I make sure that I am ready to react to it also. Posted by Arma^ on 05:16:2001 01:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey As for getting position on the Iron Man infinte off of the Psylocke assist. What I tend to do, when I am right next to the guy, I call out the assist, ALL the time Yeah this is what I try and do - sometimes jab, Call Psylocke, jab - which combos.. I'll get there - I need to work on my strategy really more than anything. I'm not in London in England either which is where gaming scene for the UK pretty much starts and finishes - *sighs* *looks at clock* 2am - exams soon - better sleep Posted by Guile2001 on 05:16:2001 01:03 AM: All of kens infinits, i'm a big ken fan.Thanx Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 01:14 AM: Arma: Well, are you not to far from London? If not, go there as much as you can to play the people there. See ya. Guile2001: Ken #1 (On littler characters) When both of you are in the air: j. jab, j. jab, j. spin kick (with short) Ken on Sentinel: Jump, J. jab, J. short, J. fierce punch, J. roundhouse, Spin Kick (QCB+Roundhouse(HK)) Land (Repeat). Posted by kdcmarvel on 05:16:2001 07:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by Arma^ Doom please! Monkey already wrote it for you, but if you have any problems, I posted a kind of long explanation about the combo early in this thread, so mybe it will helps you. Monkey Your thread is becoming a great guide, man. I hope it keeps growing. Wonderful job! See ya! Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 01:18 PM: kdcmarvel: I was hoping that it would become a sticky. Alot of people check this out, and I am willing to tell the infinites for those that are trying to get better at the game. I also have been answering other advice like I did for Arma. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:16:2001 02:16 PM: Monkey explain the rogue infinite on the ground. the one with the dash. thanks Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 04:04 PM: I cant do it right now, I am at school. Check back later tonight, and it will be answered. (Sorry) Posted by Monkey on 05:16:2001 11:39 PM: Holy shit, this dropped alot since I was gone. Anyway, here is that Rouge infinite. j. short, j. jab, j. down+roundhouse, land, repeat. Posted by Monkey on 05:17:2001 01:15 AM: Somebody has to have a question! Posted by Monkey on 05:17:2001 01:17 PM: I guess not. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:17:2001 02:14 PM: thanks but im not sure if that's the one that i want. well i'll try it though. do you have an infinite for ice man or marrow? how bout infinite assists that can be done in the corner? thanks this should get you thinking. Posted by silenttiger on 05:17:2001 02:36 PM: Monkey, How do you do the two infinites from your site, Magneto #2 and Magneto #4. Are there any restrictions for either of these? Thanks. Posted by Monkey on 05:17:2001 04:11 PM: Archangel: I believe that there is a Anakaris infinite with Cyclops' AAA assist. I dont think it has to be in the corner either. I think this is it, but if it isnt, I'll find out when I get home tonight. launch+call assist, superjump, sj. short, sj. short, qcf+kick (mummy thing) Its not real hard, but I am just not sure if that is correct or not. If so, a really usefull infinite. You must have the assist for it to work though. Silenttiger: Magneto #2: j. jab, j. short, slight pause, j. jab, j. short, repeat I dont know how you would get into this unless you just get them by luck, but that is how you do it. Magneto #4: Throw with kick, dash, c.short, c.roundhouse xx superjump xx dashdown, hold down+jab, (repeat c.short, c.roundhouse xx superjump xx dashdown, hold down+jab) You must hold down+jab so you land quickly. That is why you barely see the jab in the movie. Posted by TimeFlip on 05:17:2001 04:40 PM: You never did get back to me about Anakaris' solo infinite Oh well that's okay Posted by Monkey on 05:17:2001 10:37 PM: Damn, my bad! Here it is: s. short, s. jab xx superjump, sj. d+kick, land repeat Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 12:33 AM: Bumper sticker? Posted by silenttiger on 05:18:2001 01:50 AM: Monkey, what's the easiest and/or least restrictive infinite with Magneto? I've been really trying to improve my Mags. I got a cool time with Iceman/Mags/SS. The DHC goes over 100. The THC does like 90+ hits from a hypergrav. I need to get better with Magneto though. Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 01:58 AM: Well, infinites wont make you better. I would say, the sj. short, sj.short, dash down, sj. short, sj. short is the easiest, but it only works on Sentinel. There are others that are harder, and work on smaller characters, such as, sj. roundhouse, dash down, sj. roundhouse but they get the dizzys quickly. Another is, sj. short, dash down, sj. short, sj. short, it takes like 40-something hits before they get the dizzys. I have been playing Magneto almost the whole time I been playing the game. He doesnt really need to pull out a infinite to be deadly. A team I would suggest is: Mag/SS/Psylocke. I threw SS in there because you seem to like him alot. Magneto and Psylocke go well together. The AAA of Psylocke is great for Magneto. Those few more hits for the combo, (after aaa hits, c.short, c.roundhouse xx hypergrav) makes a difference. Plus, her assist comes out quick. I guess thats it. Dont worry so much about infinites. Yes, they help the match, but alot of the times you think about setting up for the infinite too much, and end up loosing because you were not thinking on what was happening. Good Luck. Posted by Raz0r on 05:18:2001 11:12 AM: I have no idea if this question was asked but I'm in a rush to head to school. How is the Morrigan infinite done? I can't seem to pull of those hits in the air into the qcb+HK. Help is appreciated. Posted by silenttiger on 05:18:2001 11:58 AM: Thanks Monkey. I played with that team for a while. Right now I'm overdashing with Mags when I call Psylocke out. I'll have to work on it some. Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 01:44 PM: Raz0r: It would be nice if you told me which Morrigan infinite you were talking about. Silenttiger: No problem. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:18:2001 02:12 PM: no matter what you do monkey don't delete this thread because i have everything i need in this thread thanks a lot Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 03:55 PM: How could I do that? Posted by Godoffight on 05:18:2001 04:07 PM: Hey Monkey, whats the easiest infinite to do on a VS opponent and whats the hardest? Is IM the easiest? I still haven't got the timing on the fat characters yet...... Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 04:11 PM: Yeah, the Iron Man infinite is the easiest. I dont know what the hardest could be, because I practice these infinites alot, and think alot of them are easy. Maybe one of Magnetos where he cancels c.short with a superjump. I dont remember which one it was though. Posted by Godoffight on 05:18:2001 04:27 PM: Monkey, can u plz explain the silver smaurai infinite, HP, HP,??? huh? Do u have to power up into the ice, lightning, or fire stances? Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 04:29 PM: I explained it before, but I will again. It is a crouch canceling infinite. As you press fierce punch, cancel it by crounching, then fierce punch again. Posted by Godoffight on 05:18:2001 04:34 PM: I guess I'm doing it a little too slow then...or either's not workin.... Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 04:36 PM: You are doing it too slow then, because I know it works. Posted by Godoffight on 05:18:2001 04:47 PM: hey it workz, thankz Monkey.....but I only managed to get 2 hits o well more practice needed... Posted by Godoffight on 05:18:2001 04:48 PM: can I ask u anything else besides infinites? Posted by Supergeek on 05:18:2001 05:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Godoffight Hey Monkey, whats the easiest infinite to do on a VS opponent and whats the hardest? Is IM the easiest? I still haven't got the timing on the fat characters yet...... Timing on big guys isn't hard, but you can use a different set of buttons that still work for the infinite: LK, LP, LK, UF HP, the first LK knocks them higher up and then it just goes back to the regular set. Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 06:18 PM: Yes, you can ask me other things besides infinites also. I should of thought about it before I made this topic. It should have been something like, Monkey helps out with Infinites and Strats for MvC2 or something, oh well. This goes for everyone, so be sure you read this. Ask me anything! See ya. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 05:18:2001 07:00 PM: Hey Monkey I'm trying to do the IM infi off the ground but I can't get it right can you tell me the set up, oh one more this is dumb but I can't connect his super at the end of the inif in the cornor any suggestions Posted by Godoffight on 05:19:2001 02:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Yes, you can ask me other things besides infinites also. I should of thought about it before I made this topic. It should have been something like, Monkey helps out with Infinites and Strats for MvC2 or something, oh well. This goes for everyone, so be sure you read this. Ask me anything! See ya. ok do u know how to get 8 hits from Juggys super headcrush? mashing the buttons wont work....And computer seems to get 8 hits all the time.. Posted by kdcmarvel on 05:19:2001 04:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey kdcmarvel: I was hoping that it would become a sticky. Alot of people check this out, and I am willing to tell the infinites for those that are trying to get better at the game. I also have been answering other advice like I did for Arma. I think that if you keep providing nice info and the questons keep coming it will always be like a sticky Just a little thing: That anakaris/cyclops infinite works differently on the DC. You just need to repeat Cyclops, mummify move. Ité even easier this way. About the arcade version, I'm pretty sure that the way you wrote it works well, but I think that the most used is c.LK+clops, c.MK(clops hits), sj. LK, MK, mumify, repeat. I may be wrong, but I think that both versions works as well. See you later! Posted by KKCapcom2 on 05:19:2001 04:19 AM: Is it me, or is your web site is not found when i clicked the like? Posted by gutabo on 05:19:2001 04:35 AM: Hey monkey!!!been practicing with magnus infinite(the one lp, d+lk, mp, rejump) and almost get the timing, but it seems that some people kinda go higher in mid combo and I cross-up em in the middle of the jump! Are there any restrictions to this infinite(you know, somebody that can't be "infinitted")? Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 05:16 AM: Gutabo: I dont believe that there are any restrictions on this infinite. I dont really use this that often, unless I am messing around in training mode at home. I'll have to check this out more at a later time. KKCapcom: You are right. I did not have my computer on today. Thus, the site has been down all day. I'll have it up sometime tomorrow. Kdcmarvel: I did not know about that one. I got the one I posted from Vincint, so I went with his. Somehow, I remembered it from a few months ago. Godoffight: You must mash alot! There is no special way to get 8 hits other than mashing extreamly fast, along with the joystick. Big Pete Roasa: I hope you are talking about the way in the Japanese videos. Anyway, it takes some practice, but this is how you do it. c. jab, c. jab xx superjump, sj. jab, dash forward, sj. jab, sj. up+fierce punch, land, infinite. As soon as you see yourself leave the ground, or hear the superjump sound, hit jab. You need to be as close to the ground as possible. Also, dont get frustrated when you mess up, its hard at first. Posted by o0ninja0o on 05:19:2001 05:27 AM: is ur site workin right now? Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 05:30 AM: No. Posted by speedballin on 05:19:2001 08:22 AM: HEY MONKEY GREAT THREAD ITS BEEN VERY HELPFUL ON THE INFINITES. I HEARD U ANSWERIN REGULAR QUESTION SO HERE'S ONE: I JUST CAME BACK FROM PLAYING I DID PRETTY GOOD WITH CABLE/DOOM/CYCLOPS. HERE'S THE QUESTION I KNOW THIS IS OLD BUT I NEED SOME HELP ON HOW TO MASH OUT OF THAT MAGNETO COMBO. GOOD LOOKING OUT MONKEY, OR ANYONE THAT CAN HELP Posted by Raz0r on 05:19:2001 12:40 PM: Monkey, it's from the Morrigan1 video. Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 02:41 PM: Speedballin: Well, its not all that hard. Here is what I do. Once they get into the combo, wait until you either see the the Hyper Grav balls, or hear Magneto say, "Hyper Grav". Once you hear this, mash the buttons alot and you must move the joystick also. After you get loose, be sure you are blocking! I was at a tourney once, and the guy mashed out of my combo, and he didnt block, I noticed this, and got a EM Disruptor in. Hope this one helps. Raz0r: Okay. I'll have to check it out when I get home. My site isnt up, and I am at a friends house that doesnt have any of these movies. Sorry its taking so long before I answer this question. Posted by Penguin on 05:19:2001 04:06 PM: what deos sj mean Posted by Penguin on 05:19:2001 04:21 PM: can you tell me cammys,akumas and hayatos against normal sized people. Posted by idk on 05:19:2001 04:32 PM: How do u do storm's long air combo with the air dash in it? Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 04:54 PM: Idk: Launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, dash up, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, lightning attack xx lightning super. Penguin: Sj means Superjump. I believe I explained all these infinites before. Read the other pages. Posted by Godoffight on 05:19:2001 05:04 PM: Can u tell me plz how do do some really good air combos for Anakaris (like the one showed from the B5 tournament movie). Besides his infinite, looks too hard.... thankz monkey Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 05:20 PM: Holy shit. Uhh, I dont use Anakaris at all, so I dont know any great combos with him, but here is the one in the B5 teaser, I think. launch, superjump, sj. short, sj. short, sj. back forward+jab, sj. short, sj. back forward+feirce punch. I'll test it when I get home later today, so if it is wrong, then I'll post the right one. I believe this is correct though. Posted by Godoffight on 05:19:2001 05:28 PM: So what else characters u can't use Besides Anakaris? U know any good air combos for Dhalsim? thanz man.... Posted by Godoffight on 05:19:2001 05:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Holy shit. Uhh, I dont use Anakaris at all, so I dont know any great combos with him, but here is the one in the B5 teaser, I think. launch, superjump, sj. short, sj. short, sj. back forward+jab, sj. short, sj. back forward+feirce punch. I'll test it when I get home later today, so if it is wrong, then I'll post the right one. I believe this is correct though. that air combo doesn't work...... 2 shorts then the back foward+ jab doesn't connect makes them fall down fast, but jab, medium, then back foward jab connects, but what do u do after that? Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 05:37 PM: I know the characters, but I dont do incredible combos for every character in the game. Sim combo: Launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, dash up, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, roundhouse. Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 05:39 PM: Are you sure you are just not doing it correctly? Thats what it looks like to me in the video. Like I said, I'll work on it when I get hom later. If the sj. jab, sj. jab, sj. back fwd+jab works, after that, try jab, then back fwd+fierce. Posted by Penguin on 05:19:2001 09:36 PM: yyy hey monkey are there any good jill infinite Posted by Monkey on 05:19:2001 09:40 PM: Negitive. Jill does not have any infinites. Posted by Monkey on 05:20:2001 02:21 AM: Okay, heres whats going down. Now, this is a Infinite AND Strategy topic. You can post how-to's for infinites, and ask about how to play characters, combos, etc. Posted by Godoffight on 05:20:2001 04:14 AM: Have tryed out the Anakaris combo yet? Posted by Monkey on 05:20:2001 09:46 PM: I havent been home. I will now though. Posted by Monkey on 05:20:2001 11:52 PM: Okay. I think this works now. It is a hard combo, but here it is. Launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. jab, back-fwd+jab, roundhouse, back-fwd+fierce Posted by Archangel21 on 05:21:2001 02:00 PM: below the post reply its says the delete thing and you are the starter. well anyways do u have an infinite for Jill or sentinel? thanks Posted by zeiram on 05:21:2001 02:07 PM: whats the storm infinite i heard about. they were doing it on sentinel but can it work on other people. i saw the one where she superjump then dashes down the hits em with a couple hits then repeats, that ones too hard. or is that the one they are talking about? anyway, Zeiram out. Posted by dRu84532 on 05:21:2001 03:40 PM: Hey man if you could tell me (if any) Spiral infinites. If there is more than one please list them all. It will be much appreciated. Since I am still having problems with the AHVBx3 I will ask for help. Please any tips? I can't get the second tiger knee motion a majority of the time. I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! Posted by silenttiger on 05:21:2001 06:55 PM: Monkey, I'm still struggling with Magneto infinites. How do you set htis one up, again? "I would say, the sj. short, sj.short, dash down, sj. short, sj. short is the easiest..." Posted by silenttiger on 05:21:2001 07:39 PM: Monkey, Do you know if there are any infinites for Capt. America or Colossus? I tried this psuedo-infinite with SS. I've done on the computer a couple of times but I don't think it's an infinite though. It works really well in practice mode, Launch, wp, wp, wk, wk,; repeat whole sequence. It works about as good as his fp infinite when it works. I've had people block or punch out of the fp infinite too, I must be doing something wrong. Posted by gutabo on 05:21:2001 08:08 PM: hey monkey!!Thanx alot. Almost mastered it(ALMOST, 75%of the time I can do it consistently)... Do you have any magnus reset combos and long combos you wish to share with us(me)? Posted by epionevangilon on 05:21:2001 08:24 PM: hi my name is justin new to the scene. need help with iron man's infinite and also some tactics for him also. Try this combo when you have a beam super paired with juggernaught. Power up and tag out, the do his assist dash as he rushes out do a super it takes away a shitload of damage Posted by Monkey on 05:21:2001 08:26 PM: I dont have time to answer all these questions right now. I will answer them when I get home at 9 or so (east coast) Sorry for the inconvience. Posted by epionevangilon on 05:21:2001 08:34 PM: thanks for the help Posted by S3nTiN3L on 05:22:2001 12:47 AM: hay whats your web site name i tryed the web site thing on the bottom but it said it couldent find it ohh and dose Sent. have any infinits? Posted by Monkey on 05:22:2001 01:52 AM: S3ntin3l: It is going through major changes. I am trying to get it finnished quickly, but it is alot of work. It will be back up as soon as possible. Sentinel does not have any infinites. Epionevangilon: No problem. Anyway, the Iron Man infinite is all about timing. At first, I know, it was alittle hard to get. The more you try it, the easier it goes. Here it is, j. jab, j. jab, j. short, j. fierce. Iron Man has alot of range. He lacks the speed, but his infinite balances it out. What you want to do is use alot of Smart Bombs while in a superjump. Before you jump, call an assist. It tends to confuse your oppoent. If they are low on life, be sure to use the Proton Cannon, it takes alot of chip damage. Learn the set-ups for the infinite also. The more you know, the easier you can get them into it. Here are a couple. Hardest one: c. jab, c. jab xx superjump, sj. jab, dash forward, sj. jab, sj. u+fierce punch, land, infinite. Another, in corner, c. jab, c. jab, c. roundhouse xx unibeam (jab) infinite. Alot of assists combo into it also. I use Psylocke alot. The combo with the Unibeam at the end is: launch, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. U+fierce, dash up, sj. short, sj. short, sj. u+fierce, fly, sj. jab, sj. jab, sj. u+fierce, unibeam. Gutabo: Well, there are alot. Here is a few: launch, jab, short, jab, pause, jab, short, jab, short, dash up, jab, short, jab, short, hypergrav xx tempest. Another: corner: launch, roundhouse, dash down, short, roundhouse, on the ground, c. short, c. roundhosue, hypergrav, launch, whatever after. For these, just use your imagination and you'll find something. Silenttiger: I dont think that there are any for them. And the infinite is not wrong. It works for me when I do it. You have to have perfiect timing on it. Other post: A easy way to set this one up is, launch delay on superjump, throw with hp in the air, get down quickly and start it. You also can triangle jump and start it, sometimes you get too far away though. Dru845322: I dont believe that there are any Spiral infinites. And for the AHVB, as soon as you land, do the second tiger knee. I cant really help you with it because you are not doing the motion correctly. Zeiram: Storm infinite on Sentintel: j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse. You CANNOT hold up, cause she flots down, and its way too slow. Archangel: There are no infinites for Jill or Sentinel. Posted by S3nTiN3L on 05:22:2001 05:09 AM: hay how do you do thanos infinit.any spiral?what about charlie or guile(im guessing thay are the same)THANX! Posted by jchensor on 05:22:2001 07:34 AM: Because of the HUGE HUGE HUGE amounts of "How do you do Ironman's Infinite?!?" posts and other such similar posts, I've temporarily made this a sticky post so people might see it before posting their question. - James Posted by Monkey on 05:22:2001 01:19 PM: jchensor: You did? S3ntin3l: I answered the Spiral one, but no, there are none. Neither Guile or Charlie has one, and I'm almost sure that Thanos doesnt either. Posted by silenttiger on 05:22:2001 02:27 PM: Monkey, I know I've missed this one as it was probably discussed many times, but how do you air combo into Iron Man's Infinite? Posted by Monkey on 05:22:2001 04:04 PM: In corner: launch, superjump, sj. short, sj. short, fierce (netural), down+roundhouse, jump infinite. I have never used this. I always just do the c.jabx2 xx superjump one, or the one Chen did in his videos (c.jabx2, c.roundhouse xx unibeam) Posted by Monkey on 05:22:2001 08:07 PM: Bump back to first page. Posted by TimeFlip on 05:22:2001 08:24 PM: Why'd you change your avatar? I liked Nakoruru I'll be back to ask you about the Rogue infinite as soon as I get the video. I've been trying it, but I don't think I'm doing it fast enough. I'll be back with questions Posted by TimeFlip on 05:22:2001 08:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey jchensor: You did? S3ntin3l: I answered the Spiral one, but no, there are none. Neither Guile or Charlie has one, and I'm almost sure that Thanos doesnt either. About Thanos; he has a hard one . Must practice the timing though. And worse enough, it's mashable Dash-in B+Rk, Sk Bubble Trap...repeat Posted by Monkey on 05:22:2001 08:49 PM: TimeFlip: I am guessing that you didnt think of your questions yet. And if they can mash out of it, its not a infinite. IMO. Just like that Tron one, you can mash out of it, so I dont call them infinites. Posted by The Iceman on 05:22:2001 11:14 PM: Infinites Ironman: Jump over opponent,up HK,rejump,LP,LP,pause for a second,LK,up HP,rejump,repeat. Anakaris and cyclops: Have cyclops in anti-air assist, right when u launch your opponent, press the assist button too, then LK,LK,Royal Curse.(If u r in the middle when u jump, jump foward, If u r in the corner, jump back.) Posted by TimeFlip on 05:22:2001 11:48 PM: First off you have a broken link on your site I tried to download MikeZ #11 but it doesn't work And I tried doing Rogue's infinite; does it only work against characters taller than Doom? Thanx man. Posted by Monkey on 05:23:2001 01:16 AM: TimeFlip: OOPS! I forgot to put the i in movies. Haha, I feel retarded now. Anyway, if you wana download it, its works now. I have not tried to do the Rogue infinite on others. I just tried it on Doom. I would amagine that it would work, but you'll have to try it out. Posted by Akira Llamo on 05:23:2001 02:57 AM: Hey, Could you explain Sonson's infinite on Sentinel? Does she also have a normal infinite? Please let me know. GOuken Posted by TimeFlip on 05:23:2001 03:21 AM: When do you plan to put the forums on your site? Posted by Razor on 05:23:2001 05:59 AM: I like the idea of all this multimedia, its kinda like Infinite World - except your videos actually work Posted by oORYUOo on 05:23:2001 06:07 AM: hey monkey, are there any restrictions to doom's infinite??? and could i have the address to your website?? TIA! Posted by silenttiger on 05:23:2001 12:54 PM: Monkey, I'm trying to learn Psylocke's Infinite from your site. The first one. Does it have to be done in the corner and what are the commands? Thanks. Where can I find Chen's Vid? The setup that you use the most the jab x's 2 for IM Infinte, Elaborate on that when you get some time. Thanks. I've got a way to do it but it involves guard break and is risky. It connects mabe 2/5 of the the time. Posted by Monkey on 05:23:2001 06:27 PM: Akira Llamo: The explaination is already on my site. Click on the link that says: HowTo. You'll find it there. TimeFlip: Not for awhile. I dont think that I'll have them up when I am running it through my cable modem. After I get a web host, I'll do it. Razor: Thanks d00d. I really wanted to make a web site, that works, that people can get informaion off of. East Coast Gamers is it. Plus, I love playing the games. oORYUOo: The web site link is And the Doom infinite can only work in the corner, and maybe doesnt work on Kobun. I'll explain the Psylocke infinite after I get to my next class, the periods are changing. Posted by Monkey on 05:23:2001 10:53 PM: Silenttiger: I couldnt get on the computer for the last period, sorry this took so long. But here it is. c. short, c. short, c. fierce (Launch), superjump, sj. jab, sj. psyblast, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. psyblast, sj. jab, sj. jab, sj. psyblast, sj. jab, sj. jab, land, relaunch, superjump, repeat Posted by angelassassin on 05:23:2001 11:46 PM: forgive me if ya answered this question already but i wanna know some of anakaris's infinites. thats all i ask Posted by Monkey on 05:24:2001 12:55 AM: Here is one: With Cyclops anti air assist. launch + assist, superjump, sj. short, sj. short, qcf+punch (mummy's curse) repeat. (Make sure you have the assist each time!) The other (the one on my site): s. short, s. jab xx superjump, down+roundhouse, repeat Posted by S3nTiN3L on 05:24:2001 01:23 AM: hay i went on your site and that venom infinit isint a infinit olmost enyone with a launch that sends them stright up can do that or did i mis something??? Posted by Monkey on 05:24:2001 01:00 PM: S3ntin3l: I dont understand the question. If anyone else knows, repost it for him, or S3ntin3l can do that. Anyway, it would help if you spelled everything correctly too. Once in the question is in english, I'll answer it. I just didnt understand what you were asking. Posted by Galford on 05:24:2001 02:00 PM: Hey monkey, I think that it's cool that you're on here explaining infinites. I have 2 questions for you. How do you do Rogue's infinite that starts off with an air combo, and finishes with her pressing jab and short repeatedely in the corner? My second question is how do you do Jin's infinite? I'm not talking about the taunt infinite, but his corner infinite. Your knowledge is appreciated...thanx... Posted by Akira Llamo on 05:24:2001 07:30 PM: Hey Mokey, Was wondering if you had a due date when you would be finished with the "How to" on your web page for the infinite parts. Just curious, your site is the best I seen for Street fighter games ever. I'm glad I'm not the only fanatic Gouken Posted by JsTyLe on 05:24:2001 07:35 PM: When you play agaisnt your friends, do you usually land at least one infinite per game? Posted by Raz0r on 05:24:2001 08:17 PM: Monkey, have you found out that Morrigan1 infinite yet? It's the very first video. I would greatly appreciate it if you told me how to pull it off. Posted by Monkey on 05:24:2001 08:58 PM: Galford: I dont know about that Rogue infinite. Its not on my site. But the Jin infinite is: s. fierce, s. jab, s. fierce, repeat. Akira Llamo: I dont have a final date to when they will be done. I havent even thought about doing them in awhile. I'll let everyone know though. Jstyle: I used to, until the one made the rule, "No Infinites" so I cant now, I do every-once-in-awhile. I only really apply that against him, but when other people play, I do. Raz0r: I thought that I answered that question already, but if not, sorry for taking so long, and here it is: j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. short, j. fierce, j. qcb+short, land, repeat Posted by Galford on 05:25:2001 01:12 AM: Monkey, are you sure that the Jin infinite is all standing? I've read that it was a d. short, then a s. fierce, dash back in and repeat...I've also heard that it only works in the corner. Can you please confirm this? Thanx... Posted by hangookstrider on 05:25:2001 03:56 AM: hey monkey, can u tell me any ken and akuma infinites? keep up the good work Posted by Monkey on 05:25:2001 04:04 PM: Galford: I analized the movie again, and it is c. jab. I dont know what I was thinking.. Sorry about that. Hangookstrider: Akuma#2: Kick super (qcf+2kick), land, s. jab, s. jab, s. roundhouse Akuma#1: j. jab, j. jab, j. spin kick (roundhouse) both characters must be in air Ken#1: j. jab, j. jab, j. spin kick (roundhouse) both characters must be in air. Posted by Powercharger on 05:25:2001 04:59 PM: Van you guys give me an infinite for morrigan. I recall one somewhere and I tried to do it but had no success in doing it. I think it's Launch d+lk,d+hk, drill, then ground lp,d+hp (repeat). I think it's like this but please explain. And any other infinites you guys can add. -------------- Simpson Quotes: Moe: "You're a pig. Barney's a pig. Larry's a pig. we're all pigs... once in a while, we can crawl out of the slop, hose ourselves off, and act like human beings." -------------- I'm neither a Newbie or a Tekmaster, I'm POWERCHARGER Posted by Monkey on 05:25:2001 05:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Raz0r: I thought that I answered that question already, but if not, sorry for taking so long, and here it is: j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. short, j. fierce, j. qcb+short, land, repeat Here is one of the Morrigan infinites. Posted by epionevangilon on 05:25:2001 06:14 PM: can you tell me any megaman infinites Posted by epionevangilon on 05:25:2001 06:24 PM: Monkey try this. Pick Juggerbaught and dash assist and then pick a person with a good beam attack or super hence iron man. Then do his glitch power-up then tag out. The when your beam super person comes out do an assist during the match and then right as juggernaught comes out do a super the glitch take about 2/5 to 3/5 on a full bar, depends on armor, the as the beam super goes of take anot 2/5 always it will leave the with next to nill energy and a blocked super will finish them easily Posted by Monkey on 05:26:2001 12:19 AM: Not to bust your bubble or nothing, but I knew this. I used to use Cable/Juggy/Whoever, and I would do the power-up glitch, and with Cable, c. short, c. short, s. roundhouse (Juggy) ahvb, life went DOWN real quick. Posted by Monkey on 05:26:2001 02:43 AM: Magneto's Infinites, all of them! Here, I am going to post all of Magneto's infinites. (They are all on my site, if you need help with timing.) Magneto 1: j. jab, j. short, j. jab repeat. The easiest way to get into this is launch, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. down+short, sj. down+short, land, start infinite. The reason for holding down and short is so Magneto will land quicker than normal. (Good thing to keep in mind. ) Magneto 2: j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. short repeat. Same as Magneto 1, that is the easiest way to get into it. There is a slight delay between the first j. short, and the next hit (j. jab). The movie will help. Magneto 3: superjump, sj. short xx dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short repeat. This one is fast, not to hard. The hardest part is comboing the first short, into the second after you dash down. Other than that, its not that difficult. Magneto 4: Throw with roundhouse, c. short, c. roundhouse xx superjump, dashdown, sj. down+jab. Repeat Again, it is important to hold down after you dash down from the superjump so Magneto will land quickly. Magneto 5: c. short xx superjump, sj. short, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short repeat. The oppoent gets the dizzy's quickly in this infinite. Not too good of one if you ask me. Magneto 6: In corner, launch, superjump, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. roundhouse, land, c. short, c. roundhouse, (repeat c. short, c. roundhouse) I believe that it works on normal sized characters, but its alot more difficult than it would be on Kobun or Roll. Timing is hell on this one. If you are going to learn this, dont get angry with the timing, it takes practice. Magneto 7: While dashing, s. fierce, Hyper Grav (with roundhouse) repeat I guess this isnt a true infinite since the Shoryuken staff found mashing out of the hypergrav, but it works.. uh if they dont. I dont know if it works on anyone else besides Blackheart, but try it out. Magneto 8: sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. roundhouse repeat. This works well on Sentinel, Juggernaut, and bigger sized characters. Magneto 9: jump, dash down-forward, j. short, j. roundhouse REPEAT 3 TIMES, superjump, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. roundhouse REPEAT 3 TIMES, repeat entire thing. Not too hard, but get used to switching. Magneto Sentinel Only #1: jump, j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse repeat. Magneto Sentinel Only #2: superjump, sj. short, sj. short, dash forward, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. fierce, sj. roundhouse, repeat This one is not hard. You have to do it quickly though. Not on my site, soon though. Magneto Sentinel Only #?: Superjump, sj. short, sj. short, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short repeat. This is in my opinion his easiest one. There is not that much timing at all. The easiest way to get into this one is either throw with punch, or triangle jump. There they are. ENJOY! Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 05:26:2001 03:46 AM: monkey list me like 3 good combos to practice and learn for IM, and tell me what each of these mean : short,jab,fierce, roundhouse.....on a dreamcast analog pad.. thanks :P Posted by mixup on 05:26:2001 03:52 AM: many thanks thank you, now i can REALLY stick it to all of the cable players..... Posted by Monkey on 05:26:2001 02:28 PM: Mixup: No problem. Thebestmvc2man: short=light kick jab=light punch fierce=hard punch roundhouse=hard kick Launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj u+fierce, sj. u+roundhouse, dash up, u+fierce, u+roundhouse, fly, u+fierce, unibeam launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. u+fierce, dash up, sj. jab, sj. u+fierce, fly, sj. jab, sj. jab, sj. u+fierce, unibeam The intinie. Posted by Monkey on 05:26:2001 08:41 PM: I'm bored. Ask a question Posted by Razor on 05:26:2001 09:07 PM: If your opponent doesn't know how to roll, are infinites like Guile's still good or after like 55 hits he will automatically roll away? (I would try it on a DC if I had one) Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 05:26:2001 09:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by epionevangilon can you tell me any megaman infinites Yeah tell them monkey. Posted by Monkey on 05:27:2001 03:00 AM: Razor: So, if they cant roll, is it good to do Guiles combo? Hell yes. But if they now how to tech hit throws, then there is another problem. Why would they roll automatically after 55 hits? It wont go up to 55 hits anyway because of the throw. I never heard of this before. Tiger Genocide: Megaman: j. jab, j. jab, j. fierce repeat. The other one is some kind of glitch. If you will notice in the movie I have up, Megaman has one pixel of life left. Posted by Kobun_12 on 05:27:2001 06:36 AM: Hey, I'm kinda new around here. I read a lot of replies seeing many infinites and stuff. I was wondering if there are any corner combos and infinites for Servbot/Kobun. Posted by Monkey on 05:27:2001 01:27 PM: There are probably combos, but no infinites for Kobun. Posted by kdcmarvel on 05:27:2001 06:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Razor: Why would they roll automatically after 55 hits? It wont go up to 55 hits anyway because of the throw. I never heard of this before. I think he's talking about the undizzy, since lots of infinites undizzy after about 55 hits(tehy don't roll, they fly out of the screen). Like you said, this doesn't affect throw combos, so it really will not affect this situation. I hope it gives a little help. See ya! Posted by Monkey on 05:27:2001 06:19 PM: Oh I see now. I just didnt understand why it would "automatically roll". Posted by Monkey on 05:27:2001 10:13 PM: Bored again, someone ask a question. Posted by Kobun_12 on 05:27:2001 10:18 PM: infinites? Oh well. Then, can anyone tell me some good combo's? It would be funny if I'd beat 2 of the opponents' characters with just Servbot hehe. PS: How do I put up that pic on the left of my messages? Posted by Monkey on 05:27:2001 10:32 PM: To get the avatar (picture) you must have 50 posts, then you are able to do that. I would suggest not to spam, then you will only get either warned, or banned at by a moderator. I dont know of any good combos with Kobun. Just do a basic air combo. That would probably be your best bet. The way I think of it, why even use him? He is tiny, not powerful at all, the only thing, his one super does more block damage than it does if you hit them. Posted by Kobun_12 on 05:27:2001 10:48 PM: Oh well ok. I just use him 'cuz he's fun to play! I mostly do my keep-away strat. against other players. Works very good...well, against big guys it doesn't very much, especially Blackheart. Urgh! Kobun can just be so annoying to other people, and that's hella fun. [^_^] Anyway, does S-G have any corner-combos and infinites? If it does, pleasy say! Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 12:08 AM: I guess you mean Shuma Gorath. Anyway, I'm sure that he/it has tons of combos, but what I dont is if he/it has any other infinites besides the one on my site. If you dont know how to do that one, I'll post again on how to do it. (after you post if you can or not..) Posted by Kobun_12 on 05:28:2001 01:20 AM: Yeah, I did mean him/it. I saw the infinite on your site but...I can't seem to get the hits right...ahhh...what's the order in which you do it? I get messed up. Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 04:43 AM: Here it is: j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. up+fierce I doesnt seem to hard. Good luck. Posted by Galford on 05:28:2001 06:09 AM: Hey Monkey, does Iceman have an infinite? Posted by mastermind on 05:28:2001 09:00 AM: Monkey> Magneto's Triangle Jump Infinite. You know it? Because I am really trying to learn that sucker but I can't do it. Posted by oORYUOo on 05:28:2001 03:50 PM: hey monkey, i wanted to know if dahlsim had an infinite. thanks for your help Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 03:57 PM: Yes, a sticky!! Anyway, oORyuOo: Yes he does, superjump, sj. short, dash down-forward, sj short repeat It is really hard! Mastermind: I just explained all the Magneto infinites, if you will look on the last page, you'll find it there. Galford: No, Iceman doesnt. Posted by raver6900 on 05:28:2001 06:13 PM: monkey...wouldn't be easier to tell them 2 go 2 just trying 2 help. Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 06:20 PM: GameFAQ's are horrible! Bla. I rather help people than tell them to goto a shitty site. Posted by raver6900 on 05:28:2001 06:26 PM: u do have a point there. hey what the hell's a "snapback" because i always try to do glitches and some u have 2 perform a "snapback" Posted by raver6900 on 05:28:2001 06:30 PM: oh yeah. i still can't do siver sam's infinite. can u please explain. theres a yummy cookie 4u. Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 06:33 PM: Snapback is switching characters. I am not sure why whoever came up with that name, but thats what it is. Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 06:36 PM: Once you hit fierce punch, you have to cancel the move by hitting down, then hit fierce punch again. This takes practice to get the timing down. There isnt that much more to explain about it, you just got to do it. Posted by raver6900 on 05:28:2001 06:37 PM: were they trying to be creative or something? oh well. Posted by raver6900 on 05:28:2001 06:54 PM: ok....i got it. [hands cookie 2 monkey] by the way...u have n-e thing 4 Cap. Com. i'll give another cookie. Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 07:09 PM: Captain Commando does not have a infinite. I wanted another cookie. Posted by raver6900 on 05:28:2001 07:17 PM: he doesn't have any.:{ [gives monkey half a cookie since Cap. Com. doesn't have any] hey check out my topic in General Disscussion. 3 cookies are in it 4u Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 07:24 PM: w00t. I'm full now, but I'll save them for later. Posted by raver6900 on 05:28:2001 07:28 PM: one asking 4 n-e more infinities. their probably practicing. know n-e kool glitches? Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 07:38 PM: Yes, I know alot of them. Check out and get all theirs. Posted by oORYUOo on 05:28:2001 08:17 PM: does dahlsim have a different infinite besides that one? Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 08:58 PM: Yes. s. jab, c. short (c. short must be his slide) Posted by Rollin772 on 05:28:2001 09:00 PM: Monkey, I can only imagine how many people you have helped you seem to have all the answers. Well anyway's I'm new, I've been to your site and watched just about all the infinites, and I've read a good portion of this thread. I guess my first question is going to be... 1. Could you please give me some sort of key as to the meaning behind the letter's in your infinite "explanations" i.e. j. sj.--I assume j. stands for just jump, but at some time's you'll type jump out and other time's you'll type out super jump, so I get lost 2. Also this isn't really for help, just more out of curiosity... how the hell did you figure all these out? Me and my friend both work at an arcade that is usually not busy at all, so we will spend about 3-4 hour's+ about 4 day's a week just trying to learn better and better combo's..... sometime's I'd swear I saw the possibility of something but never actually figured anything out. 3. Oh, one more any suggestion's on site's or thread's that give advice on how to get high hit number air combo's? I've seen some player's that managed to keep me in the air for an ungodly amount of time just draining me of health while I on the other hand avg about 6-8 hit's only =( Well thank's in adavance, and sorry I wrote so much Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 09:14 PM: Here is the key. J means Jump, SJ means Super Jump, XX means cancel the move, OTG means on the ground, C means crouching, S means standing, jab=light punch, fierce=strong punch, short=light kick, roundhouse=strong kick. I just watched the movies, then looked closely at what move is happening and wrote it down. Some of them are hard, and takes alot of practice, but once you get them down, you never forget them. High hit air combos all depends on the character you are using. Say Magneto for example. His main thing in the air is a hypergrav xx tempest, after that you can hit them more, dash up, do it again, and again. There are endless possibilities on what you can do in the air. I dont know all of them, and I'm sure nobody else does either. Its good that you wrote more than anyone else I like responding to a long post. Posted by Rollin772 on 05:28:2001 09:45 PM: Wow! Thank you for your super fast response. One last question before I head off to work to practice all this new info...geez I feel like a dumass ^^ anyway's what do you mean by cancel? I see it alot on this thread. I have an idea of what it is, but I'm not sure. The idea I have come's from when I use Jill.... just to get a couple of extra number's on my air combo I'll c. roundhouse,(her slide) c. short, c. fierce, and do my combo in the air. My supposed thought on the cance come's with the "c. short" cause as you probably know if you hit them with the slide you can't follow up with a regular hit to continue in the combo... lot's of timing in it, and doesn't work if the opponent manages to roll away. Well anyway's enough of that, is that what you meant by "Cancel"? Thank's again. Posted by drunkenrage on 05:28:2001 10:29 PM: Monkey, what's the easiest inf for mag and the how to. One that works on most people to. Thanxs drunkenrage Posted by Monkey on 05:28:2001 10:37 PM: Rollin772: No, here is what I mean by canceling. Take Cable for example, if you do his viper beam, then quickly after do the hyper viper beam. You get two hits with the viper beam, then it goes into the super. Canceling a move is making it stop to do another move. Miketorres: One that works on everyone, or almost everyone that is easy would be sj. short, dash down, sj. short, sj. short repeat. Posted by drunkenrage on 05:29:2001 01:46 AM: monkey. Do u got something that could be done in a real right. That seems a little hard to get in a real match. I might be wrong tho. Any off a launch or something similar? Same requirements too. drunkenrage Posted by Rollin772 on 05:29:2001 06:16 AM: Thank's alot again Monkey, your very kind for taking the time to help me out and explain what usually should be simple item's. I went to work and tried to get Akuma's infinite: j. jab, j. jab, spinning kick (roundhouse)(qcb) repeat.... Unfortunately I couldn't get it down very well, but I did a little better against large char's especially Sent. =) most I ever got was 7 hit's and that was against Sent. I need to work on my timing, I think I need to wait till we're both closer to the ground, but when I try that he hit's the ground and doesn't stay in the air *sigh* I'll watch the vid again and keep trying. But on a better note, I started to practice with Mag some more, I got his air combo up to 8 hit's with: c. fierce, j. jab,short,short, air dash up and fowards, jab,short,short (all that is still in the air, should it be j. jab, j. short)? oops continuing.... then I wind up with another fierce in the end knocking them down totaling 8 hit's =) I even once landed that little magneto ball thingie on him after the air dash, I know I could probably follow up with a "tempest" hyper combo... but could I keep doing the combo thing? j. jab,short,short air dash, jab,short,short etc. etc. ? or should I just try to do the ball's and a tempest after the first dash? Good Lord I have way too much to say, sorry bout that. Posted by Monkey on 05:29:2001 01:20 PM: Rillin772: The Magneto combo is this. launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, hypergrav xx tempest, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, dash up, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj short, hypergrav xx tempest. It works really well on Doom. miketorres: Check out a page or two ago in here. EVERY Magneto infinite. Look there. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:29:2001 02:01 PM: hey monkey explain again the infinite no 1 and 2. i can't find it. thanks see yah Posted by Monkey on 05:29:2001 04:06 PM: Whos? Posted by raver6900 on 05:29:2001 04:40 PM: Hey Monkey, you n-e other websites where they show infinite and glitch movies cuz gamingmatrix won't let me download them. I'll give u another cookie. Posted by DarkCharlie2002 on 05:29:2001 07:32 PM: Dont work Monkey Yo site doesnt work Posted by Rollin772 on 05:29:2001 09:32 PM: Monkey, thank's again for your reply, I'm heading to work to practice some more =) I'll be back with some more stupid question's soon Posted by Kobun_12 on 05:29:2001 11:16 PM: Can someone help me with the Shuma Gorath infinite? I think I'm doing it too slow... Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 01:05 AM: Hey can you post up infinites which are actually easy to do or r good 2 do in a match like Iron Man's instead of bullshit impossible 1s Posted by raver6900 on 05:30:2001 03:23 AM: macgyver....which ones do you need. i'll see if i can help.:] Posted by hn2682 on 05:30:2001 03:34 AM: Megaman infinite??? Hey Monkey, that megaman infinite with the big fireball, that's some crazy shit!!! How the hell do you do that one anyway?? I saw that you didn't even have to charge up. Posted by raver6900 on 05:30:2001 04:23 AM: Re: Megaman infinite??? quote: Originally posted by hn2682 Hey Monkey, that megaman infinite with the big fireball, that's some crazy shit!!! How the hell do you do that one anyway?? I saw that you didn't even have to charge up. it's actually a glitch. Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 05:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by raver6900 macgyver....which ones do you need. i'll see if i can help.:] Hey my internet is'nt working 4 me right now so i'm using this in class right now But can u tell me infinites that are actually easy to do instead of bullshit 1's which involve being in the coner like all the 1s i've downloaded i just want to know Infinites which are done by top tier characters and don't require to be in the corner like IM's So i use IM,Sim,Cable or Cyc,IM,Cable so there r my teams i read the cyc infitie, is it possible to do in an actual match or is it bullshit impossible because againt hard ppl i normally will be lucky if i hit IM's infinite once that just pisses me off so much fuckin cammy Also i hate Cammy so who would be best to fight her with i like my team at the moment but i'll change if it'll help me kill cammy Posted by Rollin772 on 05:30:2001 07:44 AM: Monkey, I spent somewhere around 8 hour's at the arcade today praciticing, and didn't make much progress. Some guy showed up after a couple of hour's and interrupted me, so instead of using my regular team I kept using Mag so I could learn how to use him better. I found that right after my practice session's I did very well against him, keeping in mind I figured he'd wipe me out with out losing half health on even one of his char's (I've seen him play before). But as the hour's wore on I kept doing worse and worse. Either he figured out pattern's in my tactic's or I was getting frustrated and bored. Anywho, I'm having a problem with Mag's "big" air combo, the one with the hyper gravitation thingie and the tempest. I wrote it down as you gave it to me: launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, gravitation tempest, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, dash up, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, gravitation tempest. ....Well my problem is in the beginning after the first jab, short, jab, short... I can't get the gravitation to hit hardly ever. I will rarely hit it and usually when it does, we're both pretty close to the ground, and other time's it'll hit em' when they are already on the ground =(.... what am I doing wrong? am I doing it too slow? too fast? The guy who I was playing was pretty good with Mag, he said I needed psylocke to do her anti air assist, then do a c. short, c. fierce, in order to get my opponent higher than me in order for it to work. Another question, he kept pulling a move on me that worked well... sometime's when the first part landed, but when I tried to reproduce it I didn't even come close. It looked like he was doing s. hyper gravitation xx tempest.... but when I did it, if I landed the grav when I tried to follow with the tempest, it wouldn't pull them to me it would just force the blob's off of my opponent causing me to miss....have any idea what I'm talking about? Last question for this post, I'm more looking for advice.... currently my main team consists of usually Guile-anti air, Akuma-expansion, and either jill-dash (she has crappy assists) or iron man-projectile..... So now I'm practicing with Magneto, and I really like him, he dashes pretty fast and I like the feel of his air combo's... it feel's like I got soo much more to do in it. So any suggestion's on good supporting char's I should start trying and practicing with to accompany Mag's? Thank's again Posted by Monkey on 05:30:2001 02:05 PM: Kobun_12: If you are doing it too slow, then try faster. DarkCharlie2002: I know, my father took my cable modem from me yesterday. It will remain down until tonight. Sorry. Macgyver: If they are too hard, then you shouldnt rely on them to win. You cold practice more, and get them down, but it seems that you dont have the skill? The team that you use doesnt even have that many infinites. Cable doesnt have one, and Dhalsim's are hard. If you would pick another team, maybe you could use "easier" ones in a match. hn2682: It is a glitch, I believe. If you notice in the movie, Megaman has 1 pixel of life left. (posted this 1982374 times.) Rollin: That was along post, and I'll explain everything after I get back later today. Sorry this post took so long for me to answer, like I said before, my father took my cable modem so I couldnt get here. Posted by Monkey on 05:30:2001 02:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rollin772 Monkey, I spent somewhere around 8 hour's at the arcade today praciticing, and didn't make much progress. Some guy showed up after a couple of hour's and interrupted me, so instead of using my regular team I kept using Mag so I could learn how to use him better. I would just like to say that staying with Magneto and your "new" team was a good idea. The more practice you can have with them while playing against people, the better. quote: I found that right after my practice session's I did very well against him, keeping in mind I figured he'd wipe me out with out losing half health on even one of his char's (I've seen him play before). But as the hour's wore on I kept doing worse and worse. Either he figured out pattern's in my tactic's or I was getting frustrated and bored. Well, after that long of practicing, its not that hard to get bored and frustrated when you are not doing well. Just take it one day/game at a time, you'll get better. When I first started using Magneto, back when I first started playing the game, all I did was work on the Hypergrav xx Tempest. I worked on it forever! I wasnt that great back then, so it took me awhile to get used to the motion. After I did, I cant forget it, and havent. quote: Anywho, I'm having a problem with Mag's "big" air combo, the one with the hyper gravitation thingie and the tempest. I wrote it down as you gave it to me: launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, gravitation tempest, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, dash up, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, gravitation tempest. ....Well my problem is in the beginning after the first jab, short, jab, short... I can't get the gravitation to hit hardly ever. I will rarely hit it and usually when it does, we're both pretty close to the ground, and other time's it'll hit em' when they are already on the ground =(.... what am I doing wrong? am I doing it too slow? too fast? The guy who I was playing was pretty good with Mag, he said I needed psylocke to do her anti air assist, then do a c. short, c. fierce, in order to get my opponent higher than me in order for it to work. Instead of trying the entire combo, just start with the basics. First try, launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. hypergrav XX tempest. I think the reason why your hypergrav is not connecting is because you dont get the tempest going. The correct way of doing this combo is this. If you hear Magneto say: "Hypergrav" then do the magnetic tempest. OR If you see the balls of the hypergrav, then do the tempest. (You must do the tempest quckly for it to combo, if you just do the hypergrav, it wont connect.) Also, you must understand that people can get out of the hypergrav. All they have to do it mash. Oh well though. quote: Another question, he kept pulling a move on me that worked well... sometime's when the first part landed, but when I tried to reproduce it I didn't even come close. It looked like he was doing s. hyper gravitation xx tempest.... but when I did it, if I landed the grav when I tried to follow with the tempest, it wouldn't pull them to me it would just force the blob's off of my opponent causing me to miss....have any idea what I'm talking about? I am not sure what he was doing. If he was doing a standing hypergrav xx tempest, then you just got cought in it or something. If you know exactly what he did, post again with the explaination, and I'll try to decifer it. quote: Last question for this post, I'm more looking for advice.... currently my main team consists of usually Guile-anti air, Akuma-expansion, and either jill-dash (she has crappy assists) or iron man-projectile..... So now I'm practicing with Magneto, and I really like him, he dashes pretty fast and I like the feel of his air combo's... it feel's like I got soo much more to do in it. So any suggestion's on good supporting char's I should start trying and practicing with to accompany Mag's? Thank's again If you would like to get better (I'm not saying that guile/akuma/jill is a horrible team or nothing, but its close) I would suggest going with Magneto/whoever/anti air assist (Psylocke, Cammy) Magneto goes well with a anti air assist. Keep practicing, and post back and tell me how your doin with the team. Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 03:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Macgyver: If they are too hard, then you shouldnt rely on them to win. You cold practice more, and get them down, but it seems that you dont have the skill? The team that you use doesnt even have that many infinites. Cable doesnt have one, and Dhalsim's are hard. If you would pick another team, maybe you could use "easier" ones in a match. Listen i'll practice But 1st just tell me what u have to do i'm pretty good @ the game but i would like to learn combos and infinites which can actually be done in a match not just in training How do you start the infinite wiv out assist wiv IM How do you do Dalsims Infinite Posted by Monkey on 05:30:2001 04:04 PM: Without a assist for the Iron Man infinite. Here is one for the corner: dash in, c. short, c. jab, c. roundhouse, unibeam (jab), jump, infinite. This one is not extreamly hard, but hard enough. c. short, c. jab xx superjump, sj. jab, sj. dash fwd, sj. jab, sj. u+fierce punch, land, infinite. Here is the Dhalsim infinite: s. jab, c. short (c. short must be his slide) Posted by elffzero on 05:30:2001 04:06 PM: Hey monkey i'm having some trouble getting the hang of the BH infinite. I'm not a big fan of cyc so i don't like using his AAA to set it up, so far son-son helps me out the most but my 'infinite' doesn't usually go past 1,1/2 reps.. i'm a decent player but i for some reason i haven't found my rythm for it yet. i know as soon as i can get a steady patern for the first couple reps i'll be able to get a feel for it and work it out on my own but for now... well for now i'm stuck. also which assist would you recommend for his infinite? i don't really play any top tier characters besides BH and sent. not that i can't it's just a matter of personal preference. but theres alot out there that hasn't been seen y'know. uhhh... what was i saying? oh yeah, condensed version as follows: Monkey, BH inf? need first few reps mapped out. good setups? Posted by Kobun_12 on 05:30:2001 04:14 PM: About the Shuma-Gorath infinite, how do you start it? With an air combo? And do I have to do it really fast? Posted by Megaman187 on 05:30:2001 04:41 PM: Monkey can you explain what the best team is? Monkey or anyone else plz tell me what you think the best charcters are. Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 05:37 PM: Re: Monkey can you explain what the best team is? quote: Originally posted by Megaman187 Monkey or anyone else plz tell me what you think the best charcters are. top tier are the best characters these char include Cable Spiral Magneto Cyc Psy BlackHeart Dr Doom IronMan IceMan Sentinel Strider all these char are top tier since u don't know jack u should use the easiest of the top tier like my brother does Use Ice Man and keep doing icebeams,Cable and learn the tiger knree motion and Blackheart and always use his AAA assist This team would b easy to use and you would beat mashers easily Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 05:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Without a assist for the Iron Man infinite. Here is one for the corner: dash in, c. short, c. jab, c. roundhouse, unibeam (jab), jump, infinite. This one is not extreamly hard, but hard enough. c. short, c. jab xx superjump, sj. jab, sj. dash fwd, sj. jab, sj. u+fierce punch, land, infinite. Here is the Dhalsim infinite: s. jab, c. short (c. short must be his slide) Moneky Conrner is bullshit I want to learn moves u can do there and then i dont want stipulations to moves Posted by Monkey on 05:30:2001 06:56 PM: Macgyver: The corner combo is not bullshit. The information I am giving you is correct. Megaman187: It is all based on a persons opinion I think. Here are my picks though. (No special order) Magneto Cable Storm Spiral Sentinel Iron Man Blackheart Doom Psylocke Cammy Cyclops Strider Thats what I think. There are probably more people that think there are also more, but thats what I think. Kobun12: Try the Psylocke anti-air assist. I used it, and it worked well enough. It is a semi-hard infinite. elffzero: I hope you mean the one where he keeps superjumping and throwing the demons. Anyway, I find this infinite quite simple. I know you dont like Cyclops, but he would be the best anti-air to set this infinite up. After they are in the air, superjump straight up, then throw a demon, dash BACK and throw them again. This is what I do, I just keep superjumping straight up, then dash backwards. If you dash to quickly, you will cancel the demons, which stops the infinite. You want to make sure you have the timing down perfiect. Posted by Rollin772 on 05:30:2001 07:01 PM: Thank's again Monkey for taking time to address my problem's and questions. I'll be spending some more time practicing again today, I think I'm going to use Storm with her hurricane assist, and probably Ironman with either anti air or projectile. The reasoning behind Storm is that I think her hurricane could hold them still long enough for me to land a hyper combo easier, and as a fighter she's very fast too and seem's pretty good all around, only problem I had with her is that she take's a while getting to the ground after jumping. Ironman I use basically cause that proton cannon is my saving grace lord know's I suck fighting with him, but as you said practice make's perfect... first I'll practice taking them up into the air with him more quickly and consistently then I'll work on perfecting him. With Mag I'm thinking I have to work on my cancelling or something. I'm not going to knock myself out over his hyper grav tempest combo completely, I got other thing's I can work on with him before that is a must. Seem's to me that I just need to work on basic fighting skill's against good player's before I work on super hit combo's.... IMO you won't land nearly as many of those combo's as you would like, so your fighting skill's need to be up to par to compete. One last thing, any advice on storm? Posted by Monkey on 05:30:2001 07:06 PM: Rollin: You are right. The things you are doing are great for what you are tryin to do. Keep working on the timing of the canceling for the hypergrav xx tempest. Once you get that down, remember it. Storm is a great character, here is the main combo for her. launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, lightning attack(short+fierce) xx lightning attack (qcf+2punch). Rush them down with Magneto and Storm. Its a solid team. Posted by DarkCharlie2002 on 05:30:2001 07:16 PM: I have a question How come you page doesnt work???? Posted by DarkCharlie2002 on 05:30:2001 07:25 PM: Monkey how old are you? Oh yeah some of these so called infinites are bull. I tryed that doom infinite didnt work only one that worked was that iron man one whoever made that up get there props thats my new charater.... Posted by =:YURI:= on 05:30:2001 11:18 PM: who has seen justin wong vids?....if u have do u do triangle jump with magneto and the kick Posted by Monkey on 05:30:2001 11:49 PM: DarkCharlie2002: My site is back up. It was down because my father took my cable modem. He gave it back and it is up again. I am 17 years old. And none of these infinites are "bull". If you do them correctly, they all work. I have watched all the movies, and tried them all. They work fine for me. =:YURI:=: I have. That is how you do it. Triangle jump, instead of shortx2, roundhouse. Posted by aNtHoNy3 on 05:31:2001 01:06 AM: wuts the site?? Posted by Monkey on 05:31:2001 01:11 AM: Click on East Coast Gamers in my signature. Posted by ThunderForceGod on 05:31:2001 05:04 AM: What is Striders' Infinite.give the notations. Posted by Guile2001 on 05:31:2001 06:13 AM: Just wanted to complement you on your great site And your only 17 (so am I). Posted by Kuroi Kaze on 05:31:2001 06:44 AM: how about the explanation of the chun re-jump infinite Posted by Macgyver on 05:31:2001 10:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Macgyver: The corner combo is not bullshit. The information I am giving you is correct. Megaman187: It is all based on a persons opinion I think. Here are my picks though. (No special order) Magneto Cable Storm Spiral Sentinel Iron Man Blackheart Doom Psylocke Cammy Cyclops Strider Thats what I think. There are probably more people that think there are also more, but thats what I think. Kobun12: Try the Psylocke anti-air assist. I used it, and it worked well enough. It is a semi-hard infinite. elffzero: I hope you mean the one where he keeps superjumping and throwing the demons. Anyway, I find this infinite quite simple. I know you dont like Cyclops, but he would be the best anti-air to set this infinite up. After they are in the air, superjump straight up, then throw a demon, dash BACK and throw them again. This is what I do, I just keep superjumping straight up, then dash backwards. If you dash to quickly, you will cancel the demons, which stops the infinite. You want to make sure you have the timing down perfiect. Monkey i'm sayin Combos which require being done in the corner are bullshit i'm not sayin they can't b done but i hate them because once they escape the corner u cant do the ThaT COMBo i prefer combos which can be done from just a light punch and can be done any where also Cammy isn't top tier 4 some reason i think she is but she isn't Posted by Monkey on 05:31:2001 01:38 PM: Mycgyver: Okay, I missunderstood you. Sorry. Corner combos are very useful though. If you are ever in the corner, you should still try that combo for the hell of it and hope that you get them in it. If so, theres a tight combo you pulled off. Kuroi Kaze: I'll have to explain that later. I cant get to my web site for some reason, and I dont have it memorized. Guile2001: Thanks alot. ThunderForceGod: The one on Sentinel? j. jab, j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse land repeat. Posted by Macgyver on 05:31:2001 02:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Mycgyver: Okay, I missunderstood you. Sorry. Corner combos are very useful though. If you are ever in the corner, you should still try that combo for the hell of it and hope that you get them in it. If so, theres a tight combo you pulled off. well monkey i use this Team Sim,IM,Cable i have trouble grabing them with IM 2 set up the infite so ur a PRo Right? so what are the best ways to grab em With Sim i do the basic punch puch puch from mid screen with IM assist and apart from doing that i can't use Sim to well With Cable i rule But i need help Plz help me out how should i play Sim just tell me what i do when i jump and shit Posted by Monkey on 05:31:2001 03:59 PM: Can I ask a question myself? If your not that great with Dhalsim, then why do you use him? Go like you are attacking them, when they block the attack, then walk up and grab them. Use your imagination oh the number of ways to do so. Remember that you dont have to grab them to set up with the Dhalsim assist. It works without grabbing. Posted by Macgyver on 05:31:2001 04:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Can I ask a question myself? If your not that great with Dhalsim, then why do you use him? Go like you are attacking them, when they block the attack, then walk up and grab them. Use your imagination oh the number of ways to do so. Remember that you dont have to grab them to set up with the Dhalsim assist. It works without grabbing. Well y should newbies play then? I want to become better with Dalsim and i prefer him over Psy and Sent 2 Become better i need pros like you to give me tips and good combos 1 Combo made me use IM now i need to learn more combos which don't require an assist so tell me how to start the infinite wiv out an assist tell me how to play Sim PLZ i've watched the clips and there 2 fast but he seriously kicks ass in the right hands All i want to learn is how to use IM and Sim I've seen IM land and the person would be blocking the wrong way how the fuck is IM that quick? Cammy is the only person who has done this 2 me! Just help me out Monkey plz Com on man plz Posted by PuReELiTE on 05:31:2001 06:25 PM: I hear so much about a serbot infinite. Please explain how to do it. Thank you Posted by Megaman187 on 05:31:2001 06:38 PM: Hey monkey thnx for the help but.... I had a question about Hayato and Gambit are they a good team and if so who else is good with Hayato if not Gambit because I am very good with Hayato and I feel they are compatible.(Hre are some of my Teams plz help!!!) 1.Hayato Gambit Captain Commando 2.Morrigan Ruby Heart Roll 3.Iron Man Captain Commando Strider (Anybody else who could reply would be appreciated) Posted by DarkCharlie2002 on 05:31:2001 07:15 PM: Monkey I wanna see these so called infinites BUT.... This keeps coming up... While trying to retrieve the URL: The following error was encountered: Connection Failed The system returned: (0) Success This means that: The remote site or server may be busy or down. Please try again later. Get me Posted by Megaman187 on 05:31:2001 07:30 PM: Someone PLz Help Can anyone reply to my comment 1 spot abive PLZ help Posted by AMX on 05:31:2001 07:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by DarkCharlie2002 Monkey I wanna see these so called infinites BUT.... This keeps coming up... While trying to retrieve the URL: The following error was encountered: Connection Failed The system returned: (0) Success This means that: The remote site or server may be busy or down. Please try again later. Get me YEAH 4 REAL Posted by AMX on 05:31:2001 07:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by PuReELiTE I hear so much about a serbot infinite. Please explain how to do it. Thank you WTF servbot has an infinite! lol. I have 2 see this! Posted by Monkey on 05:31:2001 09:13 PM: Okay, first off, my father has been turning off my computer when I am not home. That is why the site hasnt been working. It is back up now, and remember this one thing: If it is not working, the computer is NOT on So dont come to me and tell me why is it not working, I just gave you the answer to that. I cant control what my father does when I am not around. PureElite: Servbot does not have a infinite to my knowladge. Macgyver: I have used Dhalsim one time, so I dont know any good strats for him. I would amagine to use his long limbs as much as possible, and watch for helpers. You might want to ask another about Dhalsim, sorry. To get into Iron Man's infinite without a assist, is kind of hard. It was hard for me when I first heard/saw it. Here it is anyway, c. jab, c. jab xx superjump, sj. jab, dash forward, sj. jab, sj. up+fierce punch (start infinite). As soon as you leave the ground after you cancel the second c. jab, hit jab! This is one of the hardest parts, because you have to be as close to the ground as possible. If you download the Japanese match videos in the multimedia section of this site, you can see how they do it. Its fast, you gota have fast reaction, and fingers. Iron Man is not that quick, but a few things about him are really fast. Such as his triangle jump. (superjump, dash down-forward) This is a useful feature that he has. (All air-dash characters have it also). If you notice your oppoent low blocking, throw in a triangle jump with two light kicks after you dash, and you'll hit them most likely, (unless they high block). I believe thats what you were talking about the hitting quickly. Hope this helped. If you still want more, just reply. Megaman187: Hayato and Gambit are good characters. Gambit is fast, and Hayato is close to it. Any top-tier character would go well with this team. Captain Commando is one of them. Use his anti-air assist, and you'll have a well balanced team. (I know this is cheap, but who cares. ) Know how to do Gambits glitch too. It just pisses people off. Hayato/Gambit/Captain Commando I kind of just explained this one alittle. I dont really know what else you want. Morrigan/Ruby Heart/Roll You'll have trouble with this team. Roll isnt that great of a character, and Ruby Heart is alright. Have Morrigan as your main character, get good with her and this team might have success. Once you get down to Ruby Heart, you should get this "trap" down. Dash in, c. short x2, c. roundhouse xx anti air. The anti-air makes it so they cant move if they are cought in it. If you keep doing it, it works well. Call assist out also. Iron Man/Captain Commando/Strider I have always thought that Strider and Iron Man were great characters. I also now think Captain Commando is too. His anti-air assist is KILLER against rush down teams. (Magneto/Storm/Cammy/Psylocke) The assist comes out so quickly, its hard to block it, unless you miss-use it. Iron Man is great, if you know his infinite, thats all you really need. There are so many ways to set it up, its a killer. ^_^ If you notice characters doing triangle jumps alot, thats a great time to start Iron Man's infintie. Strider, be careful with him, because he takes alot of damage. Other than that, get his trap down. Do any attack (jab's, short's) and after you stop, do his orb super. Then start teleporting to confuse your oppoent and hopefully you can start to hit them and end it with a combo. Keep them on the ground, make them block and you will take alot of block damage. Also, his infinite, which only works on Sentinel but it comes in handy. (j. jab (optional), j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse) A hella easy way to get Sentinel into this is with the Orb super. Once the timer gets low, start the infinite and it is a easy way to almost dead Sentinel. Hope this helped too. Damn. There you go. ^_^ Posted by Macgyver on 05:31:2001 11:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Macgyver: I have used Dhalsim one time, so I dont know any good strats for him. I would amagine to use his long limbs as much as possible, and watch for helpers. You might want to ask another about Dhalsim, sorry. To get into Iron Man's infinite without a assist, is kind of hard. It was hard for me when I first heard/saw it. Here it is anyway, c. jab, c. jab xx superjump, sj. jab, dash forward, sj. jab, sj. up+fierce punch (start infinite). As soon as you leave the ground after you cancel the second c. jab, hit jab! This is one of the hardest parts, because you have to be as close to the ground as possible. If you download the Japanese match videos in the multimedia section of this site, you can see how they do it. Its fast, you gota have fast reaction, and fingers. Iron Man is not that quick, but a few things about him are really fast. Such as his triangle jump. (superjump, dash down-forward) This is a useful feature that he has. (All air-dash characters have it also). If you notice your oppoent low blocking, throw in a triangle jump with two light kicks after you dash, and you'll hit them most likely, (unless they high block). I believe thats what you were talking about the hitting quickly. Hope this helped. If you still want more, just reply. helped a bit yea super geek had it all Xplained i read it and tried it but could'nt do it Ok so this is what i'm ment to do cLight puch clightpuch Super Jump xx Dash down Jab Jab Up Stong punch start infinite well there was another 1 aswell something like Launch super jump then hit them again with Down HP then dash down etc.. i found both of these Xtremely hard i tried 4 half an hr and could'nt get em so i've givin up But i the 1st time i tried the infinite wiv IM i gave up wiv him cause i could'nt do it then i learned bout the timing! also since u don't know sim thats ok then But wiv IM i should dash in do 2 clight kicks and if it conects? then what do my basic air combo if i launh em i just do 3hits then finish the combo with HP Also how do i finish the Infinite in2 Proton Cannon? I've done it now and then but i can't do it all the time what i do @ the moment is land while in the corner then repolser blast then proton cannon this normally shoots them over me so i cancel it in2 the next super and it normally hits if they roll i just let them get the chip Remember i live in Australia the land of no DC's Posted by Monkey on 06:01:2001 12:27 AM: Its going to take more than a half hour to get the set-up I told you down. After triagle jumping, do the short x2, and once on the ground dash over and do whatever after that. The Proton Cannon after the infinite, well, the last rep of the infinite has to be slower. Right after you hit u+fierce, you should land a split-second after, then do the super. Posted by Kuroi Kaze on 06:01:2001 12:33 AM: you still need to explain that rouge re-jump infinite, don't forget.. Posted by Monkey on 06:01:2001 01:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kuroi Kaze you still need to explain that rouge re-jump infinite, don't forget.. Sorry about that. Here it is: j. short, j. jab, j. down+roundhouse land repeat. Posted by Kuroi Kaze on 06:01:2001 01:17 AM: you the man man-monkey..but...whatever Posted by Monkey on 06:01:2001 01:29 AM: Ha. Thanks. Posted by Macgyver on 06:01:2001 05:17 AM: Monkey who do u think is better Ken or Cammy IMO Cammy wins but y do ppl like Ken so much? Also how long would it take me to learn Mag are his combos hard or what maybe i'll give him a try whats mags basic combo? Also mag has 9 infinites right so y did i not c y used today on the vis i saw? Posted by Galford on 06:01:2001 05:53 AM: Does Megaman have an infinite? Posted by Monkey on 06:01:2001 01:18 PM: Macgyver: Magneto isnt that hard of a character to use. His main combo is, launch, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, hypergrav xx magnetic tempest. It may take awhile to learn the timing on the hypergrav xx tempest, but after you get it down, it wont be that hard. I have been using him ever since I started, so I know him really well. He is IMO the best rush down character in the game. The first thing you need to do is get that combo down. Then see me. He does have nine or ten infinites, and it is a few pages back from this, so check them out too. Galford: Megaman: j. jab, j. jab, j. fierce (little fireball) Posted by silenttiger on 06:01:2001 02:19 PM: Monkey, what the heck is IMO? Posted by Monkey on 06:01:2001 03:53 PM: IMO=In My Opinion. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:01:2001 04:39 PM: Although Magneto's HyperGravxxMagTempest is his basic air combo, it is mashable. You're better off sticking with: Launch/\Jumping Hk,Dash Df, Sk, Sk, Land and Magnetic Shockwave. Or infinite Posted by Megaman187 on 06:01:2001 05:09 PM: Thnx Monkey I tried what you told me about Stider and It worked really well you've been a big help thnx man and sorry about your dad constantly shuting your computer off that must suck. Posted by Ryu-ism on 06:01:2001 06:13 PM: Monkey: the majority of your infinites comes from I hope you give credit were it is due. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:01:2001 06:21 PM: About Ruby Heart's infinite: What's the best way to set it up? What's the ideal distance for it? And does it only work against Swervebot? Posted by Megaman187 on 06:01:2001 07:25 PM: What the hell Timeflip what the hell is kirby doing to that hampster(nasty) Posted by TimeFlip on 06:01:2001 07:29 PM: Re: What the hell quote: Originally posted by Megaman187 Timeflip what the hell is kirby doing to that hampster(nasty) Same thing the cat is doing to Kirby Posted by Rollin772 on 06:01:2001 09:44 PM: Monkey well I spent some more time working on magneto some more. I did get the hang of the grav-tempest move, it's the same move I said that the other guy did on me while I was on the ground, just I wasn't blocking. I notice the only problem I really have with the combo is that it seem's hard to keep them in the air with me after the tempest, I can land some jab, short's but rarely manage to push them up with the air dash. Another thing is it's one thing to do the combo practicing alone but against another player I get nervous or anxious and push the button's too fast or forget to push one. Magneto and storm are turning out to be more alike than I thought, they can really move fast, pushing the two punches to dash can get you around faster than your opponent is expecting sometime's but you really have to have some seriously fast finger work to keep that up =) Thank's again I'll drop in again with more question's and update's on my progress =) Posted by Ouroborus on 06:02:2001 04:27 AM: Hey Monkey, great job on the thread Anyways I was wondering how did you do the Megaman charged up glitch infinite as shown in your site. Does it only work in the Japanese version of the game? Another question: How do you do dhalsims sliding infinitie? How do i set it up? Yet another question: Is Hyper Grav mashable in MvC1? (Onslaughts Hyper Grav) How about COTA Magneto's? Yet Another question: What is the difference between the Japanese version of MvC2 and the American version? I know that you can't get all of the characters by not going to a japanese arcade but which characters? Does it have any extra features like the usage percent of characters? Posted by Monkey on 06:02:2001 04:57 AM: Damn, this will take awhile. Ouroborus: I dont know how to do the Megaman glitch, infinite. I dont know if it only works on the Japanese version. I believe its s. jab, c. short, (dont know the exact position of the joystick for Dhalsim to slide.) I dont use Dhalsim, so I wouldnt know how to set it up either. Sorry. I dont think that it is mashable, and I highly doubt that its mashable in COTA. Japanese air combo=Arial Rave, American air combo=Air Combo, thats about it for the differences. (I believe) Rollin772: No problem. Its normal to have anxiousness during a match, the good players dont get fast during a combo. Get used to it, and you'll probably be one of those too. Ryu-ism: I didnt download a single video from warganic. Sorry bud. Megaman187: No problem. TimeFlip: I hope you mean Sentinel when you typed Swervbot. I guess, to set it up, if you hit them with J. fierce, or j. roundhouse, just try the infinite, and if it connects, great. You can combo it off of a projectile assist also. Distance? As close as possible. And the Magneto combo you are talking about, its launch, sj.roundhouse, dash down, sj. short, sj. short, s.roundhouse (one hit), shockwave, dont need the roundhouse if doing infinite. Posted by gilkuma on 06:02:2001 07:49 AM: I think I once read a thread that talked about a doc doom combo ending with the photon shot super then going into the infinite. I was wondering if any of you know of such a thing. Posted by Macgyver on 06:02:2001 09:17 AM: Monkey are you as good as Justin or better? that guys MAgneto fuckin killed Ricky in the last match Mag Vs Cable Cable could'nt do shit cause of the jump dash kicks Fuck he was fast Whos better Monkey Psy or Mag cause both set the infinite up 4 IM perfect? and i love to combo up in the air with psy do the butterfly super then do another super then another super Also with Psy once i get em in the air i know u can go crazy doing more and more combo's (its been done to me) but i can't do it what am i doing wrong here? Launch lp,lk,lp,lk UpHk,repeat isn't that how u do it? it never works 4 me so i just do a baisc combo which does 40 damage point then hit a super Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:02:2001 02:13 PM: Macgyver even though I'm not known on the site I still have some advice. You can't say that Psy is better than Magneto, or vice versa, it's all based on your style of play. Personally I like Magneto more, because I can play him very well. Not as good as Justin of course, but still good. Also, when you do the psy combo you are jumping uf. when continuing. I believe that in the corner you can go launch, lp, lk, lp, u hk, hp fire ball, (don't know what it is called), repeat. Posted by Monkey on 06:02:2001 02:41 PM: Gerjay_2001: You do have a point, and the fire ball is called Psyblast. As for assists, Psylocke's assist are better. But over all, I think that Magneto is alot better. Macgyver: I kind of answered a question up there. But here is the big question, whos better, me or Justin... Here is my little story: I was at my first tourney, the NEC in December. He was there. I heard alot about him, he was amazing. Then he told me how old he was and I was even more impressed. Before the tourney started, we played. Back then, I wasnt near as good as I am now, but I believe I got to his Cable, but he whooped my ass. His Magneto is incredible. I wasnt expecting to win, I knew I wouldnt. I just wanted to play him. He ended up winning the tourney. He came back from being 3 down, and won 4 straight against Alex Kao. So, to answer your question, he is better. He has sooo much more expirence than I do, thats a major part. Here is the tripple jump Psylocke combo. Launch, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, u+roundhouse, rejump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, u+roundhouse, rejump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, qcf+kick xx butterfly super. gilkuma: I dont think you can after his super. What I do know is, in the corner, launch, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, air dash down-fwd, punch throw, infinite. Or, you can just start the infinite off of a launch he has, or assist. Posted by Godoffight on 06:02:2001 02:56 PM: check your PM Monkey Posted by Monkey on 06:02:2001 03:02 PM: okeydokey, smokey. Posted by Fusion on 06:02:2001 10:29 PM: Monkey, I'm VERY confused on how the hell you did the Megaman #2 infinite.. #1 can be done but #2 is weird. Is it a glitch? Peace: Posted by Monkey on 06:03:2001 01:30 AM: Yes it is. I am not exactly sure on how to do it though. Look at Megaman's life, only 1 pixel, so maybe that is how. Posted by Fusion on 06:03:2001 01:33 AM: If I was you I'd take it off the sight, first of all it's not proven to be true, and second of all it will never be done in a match.. so there's no point in it. Posted by Monkey on 06:03:2001 02:22 AM: It cant be proved to be done? Are you nuts? Did you not see the movie. And sure it can be done during a match. It would be hard, but it could happen. Posted by Fusion on 06:03:2001 02:38 AM: Well if you can't explain how to do it then it should be under "Glitches", not infinites. Hmm.. maybe it could be under infinites becaues it IS an infinite, but nobody knows how it was done or how to do it again.. soo... Posted by Monkey on 06:03:2001 03:22 AM: Okay well. Take a guess. Figure things out on your own, instead of relying on others to tell you exactly how things are done. I know thats a fucked up thing to say, because I am offering to help people out, but someone found the way to do it, and it can be done again. Posted by Fusion on 06:03:2001 06:07 AM: Whoa. Chill man.. didn't mean any hostility by it. Posted by Monkey on 06:03:2001 02:01 PM: Neither did I. Posted by Player Unknown on 06:03:2001 02:25 PM: hey Monkey! Just want to say that its a real cool thing your doing this....but anyways, Whats your site man? Posted by Monkey on 06:03:2001 05:31 PM: Its in my signature. (East Coast Gamers) Posted by Fusion on 06:03:2001 06:38 PM: Oh ok... You have the best infinite site btw. warganic's vids are all broken you cant see most of them cuz the links are bad. every one works in your site keep it goin bro peace Posted by Monkey on 06:03:2001 09:55 PM: Thanks. Posted by Player Unknown on 06:04:2001 12:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by Fusion Oh ok... You have the best infinite site btw. warganic's vids are all broken you cant see most of them cuz the links are bad. every one works in your site keep it goin bro peace To bad he got half of them from a Japanese site... Posted by Monkey on 06:04:2001 02:15 AM: So what. Posted by Player Unknown on 06:04:2001 03:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey So what. LOL. Posted by Rollin772 on 06:04:2001 05:08 AM: Monkey, Thank you ever so much, with your instruction on how to do Mag's hyper xx tempest combo really gave me confidence in that char. Now Mag is going to be my main char from now on. I still have a lot of work to do with him till I'm sure of my skill's with him but I got time =). I am landed the combo against my first "person" opponent the other day and I wanted to jump up and start laughing cause he got sooo pissed. The thing is he was the "local Mag guru" and he'd get us in that combo and we'd just sigh and hope he missed something and we'd fall to relative safety =). But he couldn't get it to stick and I turned around and shoved one down his throat and beat him! He got mad and hit the game =). Someone even asked me for a tip how to get the grav tempest to land. More Mag thought's.... what are these triangle jump's you alway's refer too? I'm guessing but here are is my thought as to what it is... something like sj. down + short dash, dash down-foward, short, roundhouse.... I'm probably way off. But I'm thinking you jump and dash down on him over and over that way you can throw attack's at him from above, the middle, and then crouching, trying to open him up for something. I also noticed if I just dash down he'll pause for a fraction of a second before landing on the ground, but if I dash down and throw a short kick he'll just land and not pause. That pause can be the link to a bad combo from your opponent. I know that sometime's when I play against "comp mag" he'll do some mini jump and come down on me with a ton of attack's repeatedly and really fast making it hard to do anything but sit and block. Well after some play I've put storm aside for the time being, resorting to my original team of Mag, Akuma, and IM. I need to get better with Mag before I take on another "rush" player. Ooops I almost forgot, do you mean "rush" by taking all initiative and just be aggresive, or should I be slower and sit back and wait for some sort of opening? I think Mag could do both, since he has a helluva fast dash on the ground. Sorry for the long post =) Posted by Monkey on 06:04:2001 05:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rollin772 Monkey, Thank you ever so much, with your instruction on how to do Mag's hyper xx tempest combo really gave me confidence in that char. Now Mag is going to be my main char from now on. I still have a lot of work to do with him till I'm sure of my skill's with him but I got time =). I am landed the combo against my first "person" opponent the other day and I wanted to jump up and start laughing cause he got sooo pissed. The thing is he was the "local Mag guru" and he'd get us in that combo and we'd just sigh and hope he missed something and we'd fall to relative safety =). But he couldn't get it to stick and I turned around and shoved one down his throat and beat him! He got mad and hit the game =). Someone even asked me for a tip how to get the grav tempest to land. w00t!! Its great to have that feeling isnt it! That is the first step to greatness. Once you are able to learn, and pull it off against a better player, you get better yourself. I congratulate you. quote: More Mag thought's.... what are these triangle jump's you alway's refer too? I'm guessing but here are is my thought as to what it is... something like sj. down + short dash, dash down-foward, short, roundhouse.... I'm probably way off. But I'm thinking you jump and dash down on him over and over that way you can throw attack's at him from above, the middle, and then crouching, trying to open him up for something. I also noticed if I just dash down he'll pause for a fraction of a second before landing on the ground, but if I dash down and throw a short kick he'll just land and not pause. That pause can be the link to a bad combo from your opponent. I know that sometime's when I play against "comp mag" he'll do some mini jump and come down on me with a ton of attack's repeatedly and really fast making it hard to do anything but sit and block. Your close to the triangle jump. Superjump, dash down forward, attack. The computer Magneto does that once he gets low on health. That is why its such a good thing to do. It gets your oppoent off guard and able to combo. If you hold down during a dash, while you do a regular attack, you will not have that pause you were talking about. It is key in one of Magneto's infinites. (Dont remember the number..) quote: Well after some play I've put storm aside for the time being, resorting to my original team of Mag, Akuma, and IM. I need to get better with Mag before I take on another "rush" player. Ooops I almost forgot, do you mean "rush" by taking all initiative and just be aggresive, or should I be slower and sit back and wait for some sort of opening? I think Mag could do both, since he has a helluva fast dash on the ground. Your right, he can do both. What I mean by rush is, do triangle jumps, attack as much as you can and as quick as you can until you hit them and start your combo. Magneto, Storm, Iron Man(Kind of), Dhalsim, Sentinel(Fly instead of dash), Dr. Doom(Kind of), and a few others are good for rushdown. (Kind of: I put that in for the few characters because they are not as fast as others.) quote: Sorry for the long post =) Its all good. Posted by battlefield on 06:04:2001 05:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ryu-ism Monkey: the majority of your infinites comes from I hope you give credit were it is due. warganic tok his vids from a japanese site(I think it's dickman's) monkey has more infs then warganic too Posted by Monkey on 06:04:2001 06:30 AM: Do you remember the url for "dickman's" site? Posted by neroiscariot on 06:04:2001 06:52 AM: yo monkey, about the megaman inf. is a glitch and i doubt it can be done in a normal game. there are too many stipulations for it to actually happen. first, player 1 must pick venom, bulleta, and anyone else, then the second play can have any two people with megaman. when megaman is very low on life he must charge his rockbuster for as long as he wants to (the longer the better) and then player 1 must do the venom web super and cancel it into bulleta's beautiful memory while they are still in vemon's web, which will cause megaman to"jump" about in bulleta's hands. after that, megaman will have very little life left, and hit will kill him, but his rockbuster will be automatically charged. this means that the longer you charged the buster before the vemon super, the more powerful your buster will be...all by simply pressing HP and holding it for one little second you get 30+ hits. also, since its not a technical special move you can fire another buster shot b4 the first one ends, chaning the hits into a semi-infinite. however, since the glitch relies on you charging the shot and your opponent having venom and bulleta and cancelin his super at the right second (causing it to do very litttle damamge and giving you a very powerful move...i really dont think it could ever happen in a real battle, but its somethin cool to show off with. i just hoped this helped. Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 07:46 AM: OHH Like that one glitch you use Gief with. Where u turn into metal zangief. (or meca zangief, whatever) I see... hmm.. I'll have to try that on dreamcast someday. Anybody sellin a dreamcast...? Posted by Macgyver on 06:04:2001 01:19 PM: Hey monkey i'm just starting to use Mag fuck hes fast well i'd just like to know some starts 4 him at the moment all i'm doing is rushing in with IM backing me and going 4 the AC then do grab move cancel in2 super it conects now and then Also are the Mag infinites as hard as IM setup 4 his self launcher or like IMs infinite? Understand? Anyway just gimme some good combos and some good starts thx Posted by Archangel21 on 06:04:2001 02:06 PM: hey monkey i recently learned the infinite for IM but the problem is that i can't go on and i always messed up. i use psylocke as an AAA then i start the infinite from there. i can only do it twice and always up to 10 hits and that's it so what am I doing wrong? is it the assist? or should i use cyclops but he's kinda hard though. and how come ur site is down? Posted by Archangel21 on 06:04:2001 02:12 PM: in your site, how do you do the IM infinite? and sorry now it's working about my last post. Posted by Archangel21 on 06:04:2001 02:20 PM: how did you do the glitch in megaman infinite 2? so interesting. Posted by Macgyver on 06:04:2001 03:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Archangel21 hey monkey i recently learned the infinite for IM but the problem is that i can't go on and i always messed up. i use psylocke as an AAA then i start the infinite from there. i can only do it twice and always up to 10 hits and that's it so what am I doing wrong? is it the assist? or should i use cyclops but he's kinda hard though. and how come ur site is down? how many times has this been asked??? well this is how it goes against average size ppl ie Cable etc goes Psy assist Jump up lp,lp, wait a bit lk that will hit them up then wait a bit hp that will hit them higher again then repeat Its very easy once u get the knack of it Against smaller ppl just watch what ur doing and time it out right cause the lk hits them up quicker like against ppl like Sent,Jugg u must put a lk,lp,lk,hp in there every 3 goes or it will fall apart but start it with the lp,lp,lk,hp just always watch what your doing unless its against a average size char, once u get it going turn around and look @ the crowd watching hehaha be a smart ass Once u get them in the corner just keep doing the same thing and it will keep the infinite going I'm just using MAg and hes a really good char to use! Hes fast Got a great AC and has an OK assist (it sets up the infinite o k) My team right now Mag,IM,Cable Posted by Monkey on 06:04:2001 03:15 PM: I dont have time to answer the Magneto strat. I'll do that later. Archangel: You dont have the timing right. Keep practicing. The one on my site is j. short, j. short, j.u+fierce. It has nothing to do with the assist, or how you got into the infinite. It is all your timing. Posted by JWangSDC on 06:04:2001 04:45 PM: Just one question about Doom's infinite. It's Short,Job,Roundhouse,fly X3 Short, Roundhouse, Fly indefinitely right? Does it matter which launcher you use? Can you do it by doing Crouching Short, Crouching Short, Crouching fierce? Posted by Megaman187 on 06:04:2001 04:53 PM: Monkey Can you explain Strider and Gambits inf. to me plz Posted by Megaman187 on 06:04:2001 05:10 PM: Someone plz help Posted by tortoise on 06:04:2001 05:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Hey Timeflip, what's up with the mad kirby orgy in your avatar? Those gerbils are horny bastards! Posted by Monkey on 06:04:2001 06:21 PM: Megaman187: Gambit doesnt have a infinite. Striders is against Sentinel only, j. jab (optional, j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse land repeat JWangSDC: Yes, that is right. It does NOT matter which lancher you use. Personally, I think the c. fierce is the best for it. But you can use which ever you want. Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 06:26 PM: A little further help on the IM Infinite. The best way to practice and get this down, is to go into training mode with Ironman, Akuma, and Psyloche. Akuma expansion, psyloche AAA. get them into a corner, and assist with akuma. wait until it gets to 4 hits, then jump up. right when you leave the ground, hit lk, then hit lp,lk, upfierce. Just hold the joystick/d-pad at an angle, you never have to move it. That's how you start it, lk,lp,lk, upfierce. Remember, KEEP IT SLOW. People think infinite so they have to do it fast. This infinite is a very slow combo compared to the speed you're used to. After you get it started, jump up, and hit lp, lp, lk, upfierce, repeat. Remember, it is 10 times easier to start it with lk, lp, lk, upfierce. Try it out of akuma, he is the easiest person to do it out of. Once you get the timing down (REMEMBER: This will take a lot of practice, you cant just learn how to do it and do it, you have to learn the muscle timing in your fingers) try it out of psyloche, and then other characters like Magneto (capture) Cable (AAA) etc... Just get the timing down, it is very slow (remember that) Good Luck Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 06:30 PM: Some things I left out. Try to keep the timing ALL EVEN. You don't do the 2 punches quicker then the lk upfierce, that is a common misconception. Keep it all spread out evenly, and if you do it right, by the time you get to the upfierce, you will be almost to the ground. So spread it out PERFECTLY. No 2 attacks faster then the others. They are ALL the same... Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 06:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by Archangel21 how did you do the glitch in megaman infinite 2? so interesting. yo monkey, about the megaman inf. is a glitch and i doubt it can be done in a normal game. there are too many stipulations for it to actually happen. first, player 1 must pick venom, bulleta, and anyone else, then the second play can have any two people with megaman. when megaman is very low on life he must charge his rockbuster for as long as he wants to (the longer the better) and then player 1 must do the venom web super and cancel it into bulleta's beautiful memory while they are still in vemon's web, which will cause megaman to"jump" about in bulleta's hands. after that, megaman will have very little life left, and hit will kill him, but his rockbuster will be automatically charged. this means that the longer you charged the buster before the vemon super, the more powerful your buster will be...all by simply pressing HP and holding it for one little second you get 30+ hits. also, since its not a technical special move you can fire another buster shot b4 the first one ends, chaning the hits into a semi-infinite. however, since the glitch relies on you charging the shot and your opponent having venom and bulleta and cancelin his super at the right second (causing it to do very litttle damamge and giving you a very powerful move...i really dont think it could ever happen in a real battle, but its somethin cool to show off with. i just hoped this helped. (Posted in page 13) Posted by Player Unknown on 06:04:2001 06:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Do you remember the url for "dickman's" site? Here you go man. Posted by Macgyver on 06:05:2001 06:40 AM: Remember its all about the assist Also try learn the Guard break with Iron Man Once u kill a char walk up to where there going to jump in (not at the very edge of the screen) then jump while falling down do up hp this will make them block once u land jump again and start the infinite very hard 4 me to do though i love the Cable Guard Break so easy Best assist IMO Psy,Sim draw then Cable,Cyc,blah blah blah if u get the chance and there open walk up to them (u have to be pretty close) call out Sim assist then grab em then start infinite Posted by Kobun_12 on 06:05:2001 04:56 PM: Hey, does Cyclops have a inf.? Posted by Ryu-ism on 06:05:2001 06:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Player Unknown To bad he got half of them from a Japanese site... Bad accusation. He got some of them from Mike Z ( the originator of most of those inf). But some of those he did on his own as well. Monkey: Sorry about that. I thought you said some where you originated those. that's what I get for skimming the bad. lates Posted by DarkCharlie2002 on 06:05:2001 07:29 PM: Only infinite i like thats on that site is storms infinite. I havent seen all of them becuase the guys downloads take to long Posted by Monkey on 06:05:2001 08:34 PM: Player Unknown: Thanks. Kobun_12: Yes, I believe it was one of the first ones I explained. Plus, I have the how-to up on my site for it. Ryu-ism: I didnt get any from MikeZ. The only movies from MikeZ that I have, and he said I could use them, are his combo movie series. Fusion: Okay, I am not going to change it. Technically, it is a infinte so I am going to keep it there. Posted by Fusion on 06:05:2001 08:40 PM: yeah that's what I was thinking.. keep it. Peace Posted by Monkey on 06:05:2001 10:52 PM: I am going to shut down the site. I have to finnish it, and its slowing my computer ALOT. I can still explain infinites, strategy and tatics for a character, Just no site. Once I am done, I'll have it at (Hopefully). I will also send the movie files through email if you wish. They are not that big of files, so it wont take that long. If you want the email, keep it under 5 infinte videos at once. -Monkey Posted by orochi ryu on 06:06:2001 12:24 AM: Can any of this "infinites" be rolled out of? like on cammy's? Posted by Monkey on 06:06:2001 12:53 AM: No. If it could, it wouldnt be an infinite. Posted by Macgyver on 06:06:2001 02:09 AM: Monkey its good u went back to ur old avatar Anyway plz gimme Mag starts plzzzz Posted by Monkey on 06:06:2001 02:13 AM: Damn, I forgot all about them. I have to go now, I have to get up for school's finals earily tomorrow. After I get home, I'll do it for ya. (SORRY D00D!) Posted by SebFinnegan on 06:06:2001 06:30 AM: What is the adress for the site ? i tried the link he gave and it doesnt work... thanx... Posted by JChristopher on 06:06:2001 10:10 AM: simple question (sorry if already asked) If you do an infinite on irregularly sized chars like Kobun, Roll, and Blackheart, does that mean the infinite only works on them?? Posted by Monkey on 06:06:2001 02:32 PM: SebFinnegan: I have the site down now. I need to work on finnishing the site before I am going to put it up again. If you read a few posts up, I explained things there. JCHristopher: It was not asked. I think you are right though. I tried the Magneto infinite done of Servbot in the corner (launch, roundhouse, dash down, short, roundhouse, otg, c.short, c. roundhouse, didnt remember the number) for along time, I got it for like 3 times maybe. It may work on other characters. I know the Sentinel Only ones will only work on Sentinel. I am just not 100% sure about the little characters. Macgyver: Okay, once again sorry for this to take so long. Here we go: Magneto: Magneto is the best rush down character in the game, in my opinion. What you want to do with him is just this. Superjump, dash down, attack. That is the most important thing you can do to get your oppoent off guard. He is really quick, so you can get out of traps, supers (sometimes), and you can run away with ease. You need to get these combos down if you want to be successful with him. launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. hypergrav xx magnetic tempest. Now, this combo can be mashed out of, but there are still some people that do not know about it, so it can work sometimes. Its sill okay to throw it in every once in a while, they may get cought in it. Its all about the timing from the hypergrav to the tempest. It doesnt have to be extreamly fast, but fast enough to see two little balls come out. What I do, I listen for Magneto to say "Hyper" in Hypergrav, then I cancel it to the tempest. It works. launch, superump, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short, on the ground, s. roundhouse (one hit) xx shockwave. This is a great combo if someone can mash out of the tempest combo. This takes alot of health, and not excapable. It wont take long to learn this combo. What you might want to do is throw a assist in with the s. roundhouse. Just make sure that the s. roundhouse only hits once. Make sure you get both of these combos down! I think that is all. If you would like more, just give me a holla. Posted by Macgyver on 06:06:2001 02:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey SebFinnegan: I have the site down now. I need to work on finnishing the site before I am going to put it up again. If you read a few posts up, I explained things there. JCHristopher: It was not asked. I think you are right though. I tried the Magneto infinite done of Servbot in the corner (launch, roundhouse, dash down, short, roundhouse, otg, c.short, c. roundhouse, didnt remember the number) for along time, I got it for like 3 times maybe. It may work on other characters. I know the Sentinel Only ones will only work on Sentinel. I am just not 100% sure about the little characters. Macgyver: Okay, once again sorry for this to take so long. Here we go: Magneto: Magneto is the best rush down character in the game, in my opinion. What you want to do with him is just this. Superjump, dash down, attack. That is the most important thing you can do to get your oppoent off guard. He is really quick, so you can get out of traps, supers (sometimes), and you can run away with ease. You need to get these combos down if you want to be successful with him. launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. hypergrav xx magnetic tempest. Now, this combo can be mashed out of, but there are still some people that do not know about it, so it can work sometimes. Its sill okay to throw it in every once in a while, they may get cought in it. Its all about the timing from the hypergrav to the tempest. It doesnt have to be extreamly fast, but fast enough to see two little balls come out. What I do, I listen for Magneto to say "Hyper" in Hypergrav, then I cancel it to the tempest. It works. launch, superump, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short, on the ground, s. roundhouse (one hit) xx shockwave. This is a great combo if someone can mash out of the tempest combo. This takes alot of health, and not excapable. It wont take long to learn this combo. What you might want to do is throw a assist in with the s. roundhouse. Just make sure that the s. roundhouse only hits once. Make sure you get both of these combos down! I think that is all. If you would like more, just give me a holla. Well monkey thx 4 the help but I have 1 problem I play pperfect on the right side but when on the left i fuck up hard moves to do like tricky moves (AHVB,Mag combo,well thats it) With Cable its alright cause its 1 moves and i do it most of the time but with MAg its a total pain in the ass I hit the combo then try to do the grab but it comes out to slow or i miss it and just do the finisher. Thx 4 the mag tips Posted by Macgyver on 06:06:2001 03:18 PM: Damn u monkey and ur american talk it always makes me re read what u say Plz plz say this 4 me in future lp,lk,lp,lk thats so much easier 4 me Posted by Macgyver on 06:06:2001 03:56 PM: O yea once again i fluked a IM move when i'm bored i usually just go 4 a move i could never do so i started tryin the IM infinite wiv out assist i figured out Launch sj Hit em down dash down lp,lp,hp start infinite thats fuckin basic the other Starter clp,clp,sj xx isn't easy though did it 3 times kinda Monkey i found the 1st 1 But you said both Non assist start ups are both hard which is harder? So with Mag its SJ cancel Dash down attack combo em up super? well i'll have to try that tomorrow so L8 Thx Monkey this si the best thread here on SRK Posted by Megaman187 on 06:06:2001 04:28 PM: Monkey Can you talk about any of Megaman inf if he has any. I know hes not the best charcter but hes good so could you plz explain his Posted by Monkey on 06:06:2001 11:39 PM: Here is the 10982345 time I explained it. Megaman: j. jab, j. jab, j. fierce (fireball) Posted by Gamer4Life on 06:07:2001 07:56 AM: hey monkey, just a couple of comments / questions. first off thx for taking the time and helping people about with stuff. umm, it seems as though i can't get into the site anymore. i was able ot get in there once but not anymore. is anybody else experiencing this? also, you know the last game between Wong and Ortiz? where Magnus was doing some kind of sj. ad. df + hk~hk, sj ad. df + hk... something of that nature? is that an infinite? i think i've seen that in one of your movies. can u explain how to do it? also, with magnus' infinite, launcher hk, ad. df + hk, lk, lk, j. lk, j. d+mp, j. lk, repeat... do you have to hold down on the mp? is this infinite acutally doable? well that's it for right now. thanks for your help. Posted by Macgyver on 06:07:2001 10:20 AM: Monkey thx 4 the mag combos i'm geting better with him but how do u Xactly dashdwon attack them??? Just jump up dash down hk? after i hit the hk go 4 a air combo? is that it? Well i'm going to play now (i wish the AI was harder!) Posted by Monkey on 06:07:2001 01:59 PM: Gamer4Life: I took my site down. My cable modem couldnt handel everyone on it at once. It will be back up once I get it finnished. I dont think you have to hold down. And the thing Justin was doing, is a infinite, but when he was doing it it was not connecting. Macgyver: launch, superjump, hk, dash down, lk, lk, on the ground, hk, shockwave. Posted by Macgyver on 06:07:2001 02:49 PM: Monkey thx 4 saying it that way I kept tryin to do it never did get it But it sounds alot safier than what i'm always going 4 2/3 i hit the combo fully then continuing the combo in2 another super is even harder 2 do I'm just thinkin i like Psy and i can do her supers alot better than Mag well i can conect with them easier who should i put more time in2 Psy or Mag i want to chose Mag but hes so fuckin difcult to use while on the left Posted by Vonstar on 06:07:2001 04:31 PM: did you know about the anakaris/gambit infinite? well, heres how to do it just in case. -turn the guy into a mummy(qcf or qcb with a kick) -call gambit assist then do it over again, it can be on normal speed and still work Posted by Monkey on 06:07:2001 05:04 PM: Vonstar: I dont know if that will work or not. I guess it could, but you gota have good timing. Macgyver: I would say Magneto. Even though you seem to be getting frustrated, it will all pay off later. Posted by Vonstar on 06:07:2001 07:10 PM: Hey monkey, whens your site gonna be up again? Posted by Monkey on 06:07:2001 09:35 PM: Who knows. I have to finnish everything first. Then find a host. Then get a domain name. Hopefully it will be Origionally I wanted, but its taken. If you would like a movie, I can always email it to you. Posted by KenIsDope on 06:07:2001 10:26 PM: monkey go through Posted by Sepehr on 06:08:2001 12:23 AM: Infinites hey moncky man you explained Doom's infinite wrong. In the corner you do a c.hp, superjump, lp,lk,lp,lk, dash lk, HK, fly, lk, lp, hk, fly, lk, lp, fly , lk, hk, lk, hk etc. Do you know anything about Ironman's infinite setups. YOu know the one you go, C.lp, superjump, lp .... I had a few questions when you are using a dreamcast pad: 1: Do you have to let down go before c.lp hits? 2: Do you have to do it really fast like mag's hypergravXXtempest 3: If you take your hand of the pad how long can waste? 4: Can you take your hand of down and then press down up again. 5: Have you ever tried Launch, superjump XX hp , dash DF, lp, uhp 6: Did you NeoAkira's movie, how did he started the infinite? thanks Posted by Vonstar on 06:08:2001 01:41 AM: yo monkey, mail me the sickest one Posted by ssjgohan334 on 06:08:2001 03:37 AM: What 2 MVC2 guys would go good with Hayato Posted by ssjgohan334 on 06:08:2001 03:45 AM: Come on, I like him, and i want to know a good group to use with him Posted by Gamer4Life on 06:08:2001 05:56 AM: thx monkey. just one more thing. what are the button commands for that infinite that justin was trying to do to ortiz in the final match? i tried doing a sj. hk, ad. df + hk, but that doesn't work cuz of flying screen... Posted by KenIsDope on 06:08:2001 06:44 AM: hey monkey will you send me the tron infinent Posted by Macgyver on 06:08:2001 12:52 PM: Monkey i played the best comp australia has to offer (we got nothing over here) So i used MAg and he took me apart with Sent/BH Next match i used Psy and beat him I'm going to stick with Psy i can pull off moves with her better her assist is perfect 4 the infinite But she takes damage 2 bad thx 4 all the help Monkey Posted by Monkey on 06:08:2001 02:03 PM: Sepehr: I did not explain the Doom infinite wrong. You just explained a way to get into it. 1. You must keep down until the c. jab hits. If not, then it will be a standing jab, and will not send them into the air. 2. Iron Man set up has to be done faster than the hypergrav xx tempest. 3. I dont understand the question. 4. After the second c. jab hits, (as you are holding down) do a manual superjump. It will take some time to get used to it. 5. Yes I have. 6. I have not seen NeoAkira's movie. It would be cool if you gave me the link to it. Vonstar: How about you give me a character you wish to have a infinite with. ssjgohan334: Hmm. Hayato goes good with Thanos-Projectile, I know that. Maybe one of the Shotos? Try Hayato/Ken-aaa/Thanos-projectile. Gamer4Life: It is sj. roundhouse(hk), dash down, sj. roundhouse(hk) KenIsDope: Will do. Macgyver: No Prob. Posted by Macgyver on 06:08:2001 02:53 PM: Monkey got any strats 4 Psy and how do you do her AC??? I Launch em then lp,lk,lp,lk,UpHk,HSChk,Super Cancel in2 IM Super then get IM 2 build level 4 Cable or if i have 5 levels Cancel again in2 Cables Super Is that a waste of levles or what? I'm going to bed now and i'm going to sydney again to Vs some guys up there Thx Monkey Posted by Sepehr on 06:08:2001 03:58 PM: neoakira His movie is located at: it is not bad. Posted by VanDread_431 on 06:08:2001 05:19 PM: MONKEY HOW CAN I ENTER TO YOUR PAGE CUZ I CANT ?????????????????? Posted by Monkey on 06:08:2001 05:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by VanDread_431 MONKEY HOW CAN I ENTER TO YOUR PAGE CUZ I CANT ?????????????????? Its not up. Did you notice the url? Posted by Monkey on 06:08:2001 05:27 PM: Macgyver: I'll answer your questions when I get home tonight. Posted by Ryu-ism on 06:08:2001 06:16 PM: Monkey: I thought that guy was talking about the geocities site about the japan/copy thing. Not your site when i mentioned the mike z video.sorry about that, lots of confusion. but you really should do your own videos/combos. Good site by the way. Posted by Shogun on 06:08:2001 10:01 PM: whats strider infinite? Posted by Deviant on 06:08:2001 10:39 PM: monkey... mag's dead body infinite is d.c.short, repeat correct? is there any trick as to knowing when you should hit the person, during their fall? i find most times i only hit them once, and then the second one never connects. also... what are some good setups as far as killing your opponent in a way that sets up the infinite easily?? thanks. Deviant Posted by Sepehr on 06:09:2001 01:49 AM: Infinite setup Hey was up monckey For the ironman infinite set up i have found some ways i can manage to cancel into a superjump. Still have some problems but I connect it 8 out of 10 times. Anyhow if you have seen those japanese video liquidmetal vs white and ... u see that ironman starts off the combo by doing a superjump, dash lk, lk, dash ,, C.lp, superjump and ... Well I can connect the first lk, lk, but when i dash and hit , C.lp it does not continue the combo. It is like it goes 2 hits and then goes 2 hits again. I think i can not do the dashing part after lk, lk, why? Posted by Vonstar on 06:09:2001 05:45 AM: Send me a tight ecc6 vid thats worth the download Posted by Gamer4Life on 06:09:2001 10:04 AM: hey monkey. i tried doing it like that before, but after the AD, i can't input any other commands and won't be able to press nay other buttons until he lands.. isn't this called a flying screen? i'd like any other info on this.. thanks a lot Posted by Macgyver on 06:09:2001 12:44 PM: Monkey fuck my Q's Heres what happened to me today I went up to Sydney and played MvsC2 against crap players 4 ages After 7hrs i get some comp (i had to wait 7 fuckin hrs 4 comp!!!) Anyway Mr Creed came and Vsed me and i beat him a few times then he beat me (i'm better than him now) And then i Vsed his friend I got my ass kicked He uses Cammy i beat him twice he beat me like 6 times I CANT BEAT CAMMY PLZ HELP Oh when i did beat him my team was Cyc,CapCom,The Cheap 1 Also with Cammy by herself he beat all 3 of my char's!!! How do i stop Cammy???? Posted by Monkey on 06:09:2001 04:10 PM: Gamer4Life: You are probably holding down as you hit the second roundhouse after you dash. You must keep the stick in netural or you will not be able to get the second roundhouse to connect. I had this problem at first also, but easy fixer. Macgyver: It sounds like his Cammy is really good. His Cammy shouldnt be able to beat your entire team though. Cammy's assist comes out really fast, you have to be ready for it at all times. I use her also, so I know these things. Anyway, once you get him to just Cammy, just play keep away. Let the time run out, unless you have less life. (I'm guessing "The Cheap 1" is Cable?) If so, it will be easy to take out Cammy with him. Good keep away tatic for Cable is call assist, superjump, gun shot, gernade, land do over. Make sure you use the gernade with light kick, and hold it down for it to reach the gound. This should keep your oppoent on the gound, or if they do jump, the gun shot will stop them from attacking you. Sepehr: You are putting all your effort into this set-up! Its a good set-up and everything, but its way too much work when you can call out an assist and get the same result. I'm not saying to stop trying to do it, its not a big deal. Anyway, you should just jump (not superjump) and dash down. That will help with connecting the c.short, c. jab after you land. As far as the two sj. shorts, you are hitting them too slow. After you land, you must dash really quickly. BUT, make sure you are on the gound first!. Shogun: Only on Sentinel. j. jab (optional), j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse. Deviant: That is right, c. short, dash. You cant really "set-up" this that well. I just hope that it can happen every now-and-then. If you get the oppoent in a hypergrav xx tempest, hit them with fierce after they are dead. You have to have extreamly good timing for this. I dont know how Justin Wong does it all the time. The reason the second one that you try doesnt connect, is because you are doing the c. short before they land. It must be at the same time. Good Luck. Posted by Macgyver on 06:09:2001 04:40 PM: Monkey i had just killed his Sent his other char was dead aswell i think it was Iceman and then Cammy come in i guard break she now has jack all health and i have 1 super i can still do So he runs in hits me up (i still had Capcom and Cyc on my team) And combos me to death after Cable died i freaked out cause i had this game in the bag He then killed Cyc then Capcom This guys cammy is fuckin fast And once i'm in the air i'm fucked\ But i hurt her nuff @ the start with Capcom assist AHVB thats y she was'nt in the whole match Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:09:2001 05:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Macgyver Monkey fuck my Q's Heres what happened to me today I went up to Sydney and played MvsC2 against crap players 4 ages After 7hrs i get some comp (i had to wait 7 fuckin hrs 4 comp!!!) Anyway Mr Creed came and Vsed me and i beat him a few times then he beat me (i'm better than him now) And then i Vsed his friend I got my ass kicked He uses Cammy i beat him twice he beat me like 6 times I CANT BEAT CAMMY PLZ HELP like the avavtar Oh when i did beat him my team was Cyc,CapCom,The Cheap 1 Also with Cammy by herself he beat all 3 of my char's!!! How do i stop Cammy???? Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:09:2001 05:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Macgyver Monkey fuck my Q's Heres what happened to me today I went up to Sydney and played MvsC2 against crap players 4 ages After 7hrs i get some comp (i had to wait 7 fuckin hrs 4 comp!!!) Anyway Mr Creed came and Vsed me and i beat him a few times then he beat me (i'm better than him now) And then i Vsed his friend I got my ass kicked He uses Cammy i beat him twice he beat me like 6 times I CANT BEAT CAMMY PLZ HELP the best way to stop that bitch is to use doctor doom he will stop all the dasing offense she has Oh when i did beat him my team was Cyc,CapCom,The Cheap 1 Also with Cammy by herself he beat all 3 of my char's!!! How do i stop Cammy???? Posted by Nuker on 06:09:2001 06:01 PM: anarkis/cyclops triple infinite? Posted by Sepehr on 06:09:2001 06:05 PM: Ironman's infinite setup Hey moncky You know what the thing is: I can do the set up in practice really easily but during a game i sort of mess it up. I think it just requires a bit more work. calling an assist is a bit risky if you ask me for setting up ironman's infinite, specially if you are against someone like cable. i think this set up is one of the best moves in the game. I know how to do it but i have to get used to it. Did you say that i have to dash before ironman hits the ground after two lks? Posted by Vonstar on 06:10:2001 06:19 AM: hey monk send me a cool ecc6 video Posted by Vonstar on 06:10:2001 06:19 AM: hey monk send me a cool ecc6 video Posted by Samus on 06:10:2001 05:15 PM: Re: Ironman's infinite setup quote: Originally posted by Sepehr Hey moncky You know what the thing is: I can do the set up in practice really easily but during a game i sort of mess it up. I think it just requires a bit more work. calling an assist is a bit risky if you ask me for setting up ironman's infinite, specially if you are against someone like cable. i think this set up is one of the best moves in the game. I know how to do it but i have to get used to it. Did you say that i have to dash before ironman hits the ground after two lks? When using assist against Cable make sure u can save there ass or make sure they wont die (he has no meter) Also who do u use to set up the infinite cause if u use Sim then Cable can't kill him when ur using the assist if u use it correctly I might give up using Cable 4 Sim maybe... Posted by Sepehr on 06:10:2001 07:28 PM: Infinite Samus: I am not even talking about using assist. I am talking about comboing ironman's infinite. There are a couple ways you can set up ironman's infinite: 1:, C.lp, superjump (lp, dash lp, uHP) land, jump and ... 2: launch, superjump hp, dash DF, lp, uHP (You can try other bottoms) 3: Using an assist like Cyc, cable and so on. Cable's really hard, i never do it. The first one is the one i usually use, it is quite hard but you get used to it. Moncky: Thanks for all the help, today i found a way i can do the superjumping. I am really happy, it is quite useful. Thanks man Posted by Samus on 06:10:2001 08:22 PM: Re: Infinite quote: Originally posted by Sepehr Samus: I am not even talking about using assist. I am talking about comboing ironman's infinite. There are a couple ways you can set up ironman's infinite: 1:, C.lp, superjump (lp, dash lp, uHP) land, jump and ... 2: launch, superjump hp, dash DF, lp, uHP (You can try other bottoms) 3: Using an assist like Cyc, cable and so on. Cable's really hard, i never do it. The first one is the one i usually use, it is quite hard but you get used to it. Moncky: Thanks for all the help, today i found a way i can do the superjumping. I am really happy, it is quite useful. Thanks man Don't bother with them there harder to hit I find Cable,Psy,Sim the best to start the infinite against big guys Cable shoots them up 2 far though Sim in perfect against Sent As soon as both of u's are both ducking waiting 4 the other 2 attack walk up 2 em call out assist and grab em I fuckin hate TECH HIT Damn it i could'nt hit the infinite I found starting the infinite off the launch hopless over an assist Posted by Sepehr on 06:10:2001 08:29 PM: ironman infinite That is where you are mistaking. The first set up that i wrote is winning garanteed. Even if you are playing against someone who is realy really pro like Duc, Alex, and ... if you can land that move and finish the infinite with a proto canon, boom, one person dead. Ironman is the god of infinite and you better take advantage from that. I am not an American player so i would not know how you guys play. I like the my own style (japanese styel). I use assist for his infinite as well. The most useful way is to superjump over your opponenet go dwon hk, dash, call assist and go infinite. I can not explain it very well but my advice, Learn all ironman's setups. They will come in handy. especially, C.lp, Superjump, lp, dash lp, uhP trust me on this. Posted by Samus on 06:10:2001 09:01 PM: Re: ironman infinite quote: Originally posted by Sepehr That is where you are mistaking. The first set up that i wrote is winning garanteed. Even if you are playing against someone who is realy really pro like Duc, Alex, and ... if you can land that move and finish the infinite with a proto canon, boom, one person dead. Ironman is the god of infinite and you better take advantage from that. I am not an American player so i would not know how you guys play. I like the my own style (japanese styel). I use assist for his infinite as well. The most useful way is to superjump over your opponenet go dwon hk, dash, call assist and go infinite. I can not explain it very well but my advice, Learn all ironman's setups. They will come in handy. especially, C.lp, Superjump, lp, dash lp, uhP trust me on this. i tried it 2 fuckin hard i'm not american either i'm Aussie so i get bad comp here, I have to travel 1 hr to play MvsC2 I hate the sj part then canceling it in2 an attack very hard i'll stick to my air dash down lk,lk, call assist (Sim) grab em works now and then Unless i'm Vsing Cammy Grrrr Damn i hate Cammy Hey u think i should go back to Sim or keep my new team of Cyc,IM,Cable Posted by JWangSDC on 06:11:2001 02:34 AM: Neoakira's combos are kinda hot. The 4MB one with Sprial,IronMan, Storm, and Magneto...what's the name of the song playing? Posted by LOWDOWNMUTHAFUC on 06:11:2001 05:09 AM: cool Posted by Monkey on 06:11:2001 01:08 PM: Yeah! ^_^ Posted by Sepehr on 06:11:2001 08:38 PM: I think your team is pretty good. But i would not play Cyc as my point. Play cable then pick Cyc anti-air and use it very often. Each one is a free AHVB so you better take advantage from that. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 06:11:2001 10:19 PM: Can you explain the Morgian Infi Posted by xenogears on 06:11:2001 11:58 PM: Interesting way of explaing! Posted by epionevangilon on 06:12:2001 12:31 AM: Monkey or whoever I have a question about the morigan infinite and the iron man infinite. How do you do morrigans and how do you start ironmans and keep it going. Thanks all in advance Posted by Sepehr on 06:12:2001 01:40 AM: Ironman infinite Ironman is my main guy so i can answer any questions that you might have! infinite? Easy! There are a couple ways you can start off his infinite. 1: is using an AAA assist to Cyc, Cable, ... 2: launch, superjump hp, Dash DF, lp, Uhp (i think that set up is useless) 3:, C.lp, suerjump (lp, dash lp, Uhp), land and do the rest of the infinity. his infinity goes like this lp,lp, pause, lk, pause, uHP the 1 one is quite useful if you can use it well. the 2 one is quite useless because first of all it needs a really good timing and all that shit. the 3 one i found most useful. The superjumping is one of the most difficult moves in the game but evantually you get used to it. But when you do get used to it you might even be able to beat the top players with it. setup, infinite, proton caonon. BOOM, DEAD. Posted by Vonstar on 06:12:2001 02:54 AM: Hey, are most of these combos done with turbo2 speed on dreamcast, are they even feasible in the arcade? Posted by Mung714 on 06:12:2001 05:46 AM: Ditto on morrigan's. What about hood Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 12:33 PM: Actually, Morrigan has 2 infinites; Here they are: D+Fp/\Jp,D+Rk,HCB+K, Land and repeat And, in the corner: Jumping Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk,Fp,HCB+K, jump and repeat. Set this combo up with Psy AAA or the like. ___ As for BB, she has many. In the corner, repeated (Charge B,F+HP) That's rather hard to do, so I've been thinking about doing a (Hk,Charge B, F+HP). Thing is I don't know if the Hk will count as an OTG When will the website work again, Monkey? I need to find out about Storm's infinites Posted by Samus on 06:12:2001 03:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sepehr I think your team is pretty good. But i would not play Cyc as my point. Play cable then pick Cyc anti-air and use it very often. Each one is a free AHVB so you better take advantage from that. Cyc builds my meter and hes pretty safe, well kinda If i'm Vsing Cammy i have to change my team so no IM and CapCom instead So Capcom never comes in only @ tghe end All i do with Cable is use assist and AHVB there ass when i get the chance but His Cammy is very smart Posted by Nuker on 06:12:2001 03:25 PM: anarkis?!?! Posted by Sepehr on 06:12:2001 03:39 PM: cammy YOu need to do some fixing with Cable. Man you should change some of your strategies, instead of just usinsg assist and go AHVB. You should some of his other moves as well. Use assist jump up and throw granade and viper beam. Try to learn how to combo,, SHk, AHVB, AHVB, AHVB, AHVB Posted by Monkey on 06:12:2001 04:19 PM: Thanks TimeFilp. I have been extreamly busy lately. I was working until 2 in the morning last night, and I am beat. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 04:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nuker anarkis?!?! Solo Anakaris has: Sk,Jp, Super Jump then immediate DF+Rk, repeat Anakaris/Cyc: D+Fp+Cyc AAA/\Sk,Sk, Pharaoh's Curse There's a lot of other infinites, but these are the ones people generally use. Posted by Mung714 on 06:12:2001 05:34 PM: thanks Posted by Monkey on 06:12:2001 07:43 PM: It seems that this is going down hill. Nobody asks about infinites anymore. I may make a free site so people can have the infinites able to download. I'll think of something, and let you all know. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 08:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey It seems that this is going down hill. Nobody asks about infinites anymore. I may make a free site so people can have the infinites able to download. I'll think of something, and let you all know. With your website down, I have been unable to find out about Storm's infinites. The only one I got so far is... Rk/\Immediate Fp, Airdash DF Sk, SK/\Rk and redo Any more? Posted by LiQuiD on 06:12:2001 09:54 PM: I'm sorry if this question was asked but how do you do striders infinite? Posted by Samus on 06:13:2001 12:22 AM: Re: cammy quote: Originally posted by Sepehr YOu need to do some fixing with Cable. Man you should change some of your strategies, instead of just usinsg assist and go AHVB. You should some of his other moves as well. Use assist jump up and throw granade and viper beam. Try to learn how to combo,, SHk, AHVB, AHVB, AHVB, AHVB Oh Derr With Cable i killed Cammy straight away so his whole match was IM and Sent Vs Me team (cyc,Capcom,Cable) I Murdered him GBed Cammy then she hit me once then she hit Cyc once then she hit Capcom then it was Gameover Posted by Sepehr on 06:13:2001 02:00 AM: team I do not think you have a really good team. Cyc, capcom, cable. I think that capcom and cable do go together. that is just my opinion though. I can not undrestand what you are asking. If you have cable with Cyc's anti air you should be able to murder his Sent. Ironman is a big problem though. Does he know how to set it up off the Ground? If he does then you could be in a big trouble. Tell me what youare asking? Posted by Vonstar on 06:13:2001 02:19 AM: is the cyclops infinite do able in the arcade? Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:13:2001 03:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip With your website down, I have been unable to find out about Storm's infinites. The only one I got so far is... Rk/\Immediate Fp, Airdash DF Sk, SK/\Rk and redo Any more? I think that won't work cuzz after the second fp, it will cause fs, which u can't airdash downward. Posted by Samus on 06:13:2001 06:34 AM: Re: team quote: Originally posted by Sepehr I do not think you have a really good team. Cyc, capcom, cable. I think that capcom and cable do go together. that is just my opinion though. I can not undrestand what you are asking. If you have cable with Cyc's anti air you should be able to murder his Sent. Ironman is a big problem though. Does he know how to set it up off the Ground? If he does then you could be in a big trouble. Tell me what youare asking? ok wait heres MY TEAM Normal team Cyc or Sim,IM,Cable Against this guys cammy Cyc,CapCom,Cable This guy uses Sent (I destroy him),Mag,jill,psy,etc His Cammy is the only 1 that gives me trouble Posted by Rollin772 on 06:13:2001 08:28 AM: Monkey, It's been a little while since I've been here to post so this may or may not be a long post. Well through my playing Mag has remained the constant... which assist is best? I usually choose projectile, but once in a while I will use capture. With my constant playing I have gotten better in my own eye's, but it was only when the other's I continuously play against said I was better that I really accepted the fact. My only "real" problem is with Guile's anit air assist. I try to rush them down but that DAM assist alway's catches me. So when I play against that I usually am more reserved and conservative in my aggressivness with Mag. Just last night I was playing with him and I got his sj. jab, short, jab, short, jab, grav xx tempest, jab, short, jab, short, dash up-foward, jab, short, jab, short. I was too shocked that I had gotten that far that I couldn't finish it. Up to that point I just got to the jab, short... after the first tempest. My dash would not work and knock them down. But today just practicing I was able to get the COMPLETE combo down, although I can't land it every time yet or do it fast enough to where it would ALL count in the same combo, but I DID do it! So now I pose some question's to you. 1. What do you mean when you say that people can "mash" out of his combo? 2. I've also started to use Sent with my team occasionally.... he hit's dam hard and sometime's I can land some decent combo's....qcf short+roundhouse,(timing and range is important) qcf jab+strong...... I found this by accident so I use it when I can. An opponent jumped over me as I did the combo and as the third wave of fist's hit him he was in front of me and I did his lil yellow's electro-ball thingie... all added up and was awesome. My only question with him is should I do like the vid's and fly and chase them down or stay back and try and choose my shot's? 3. I've also started to use Psy as a team member instead of Ironman with her anti-air assist... I found that If her assist land's you can hit em' with a short and either roundhouse xx grav or just launch and do your combo. I'm not really good with her, actually I suck so she's my worse member, I can do her combo's occassionally. The one in the air I can occassionally land is jab, short, jab, short, her little spiral thingie xx butterfly thingie. But that's rare, like I said I suck with her. So any help you can give me I'd much appreciate. One last note, my personal teeny-weeny record so far with Mag is 91 hit's I was sooo happy with my self. And anything you can help me with or little hint's or tip's with Mag, Psy, Sent, or IM I would greatly appreciate. Thank's again. Posted by Sepehr on 06:13:2001 11:50 AM: cammy I do not undrestand why you pick capcom when you have cyc. Do not play Cyc as your main. Use Cable. and as for cammy: Cammy is a close fighter she can not fight like Cable but she is quick, she has some combos that might cause some damage. She has to come close so if you have cable alive among with Cyc you should be able to crush her easily. Just wait for her to come close then just use Cyc to keep her back. jump up hp, throw granade. if cyc hits then do an AHVB and try to link them together (You can only do 2 if you are doing it off Cyc's assist), use viper beam alot, i think rush down characters have alot of problems with that. Ask me if you have more questions Posted by Samus on 06:13:2001 01:16 PM: Re: cammy quote: Originally posted by Sepehr I do not undrestand why you pick capcom when you have cyc. Do not play Cyc as your main. Use Cable. and as for cammy: Cammy is a close fighter she can not fight like Cable but she is quick, she has some combos that might cause some damage. She has to come close so if you have cable alive among with Cyc you should be able to crush her easily. Just wait for her to come close then just use Cyc to keep her back. jump up hp, throw granade. if cyc hits then do an AHVB and try to link them together (You can only do 2 if you are doing it off Cyc's assist), use viper beam alot, i think rush down characters have alot of problems with that. Ask me if you have more questions ok listen I choose Cyc 2 build my level This mother fucker does this Sent assist dash in it always works But once Cable comes in 5 meter no more fuckin Sent AHVBx4 Dead Sent His Cammy always tricks me with blocking i can't use IM against her i wish i could damn it Ok with Cable jump shoot Grenade assist repeat Normally if i can take his cammy out straight away the match is mine When he isn't using cammy hes getting raped Posted by Monkey on 06:13:2001 03:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rollin772 Monkey, 1. What do you mean when you say that people can "mash" out of his combo? What I mean by Mash is, they can rub the buttons and hold back on the joystick and get out of the hyper grav, before the tempest hits. quote: 2. I've also started to use Sent with my team occasionally.... he hit's dam hard and sometime's I can land some decent combo's....qcf short+roundhouse,(timing and range is important) qcf jab+strong...... I found this by accident so I use it when I can. An opponent jumped over me as I did the combo and as the third wave of fist's hit him he was in front of me and I did his lil yellow's electro-ball thingie... all added up and was awesome. My only question with him is should I do like the vid's and fly and chase them down or stay back and try and choose my shot's? Its good to fly around, and keep them on the ground with Sentinel's long legs. Remember when you are flying, you can call assists out also. Get a good assist to set up combos as your flying, or just chip them to death. quote: 3. I've also started to use Psy as a team member instead of Ironman with her anti-air assist... I found that If her assist land's you can hit em' with a short and either roundhouse xx grav or just launch and do your combo. I'm not really good with her, actually I suck so she's my worse member, I can do her combo's occassionally. The one in the air I can occassionally land is jab, short, jab, short, her little spiral thingie xx butterfly thingie. But that's rare, like I said I suck with her. So any help you can give me I'd much appreciate. Psylocke is a great assist, and once you get down to her, she isnt extreamly good, but good enough to save you. You want to get that combo down as best as you can. Just remember though, if you miss, you are vonerable until you hit the ground. Practice that combo, and you should be good. (Thats all I did) You also want to be on the defensive side with her too. Dont rush them down, cause you'll probably be the one getting killed instead. Jump around, and once you see them mess up, then you'll attack. quote: One last note, my personal teeny-weeny record so far with Mag is 91 hit's I was sooo happy with my self. And anything you can help me with or little hint's or tip's with Mag, Psy, Sent, or IM I would greatly appreciate. Thank's again. Hints? Hmm. Well, with Magneto, once you get the first hypergrav xx tempest, you can connect, sj. short, sj. short, hypergrav xx tempest, sj. short, sj. short, dash up, jab, short, jab, short, hypergrav xx tempest, short, short, hypergrav xx tempest. Posted by Monkey on 06:13:2001 03:49 PM: Striders Infinite: j. jab (optional), j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse, land repeat. Posted by Sepehr on 06:13:2001 08:40 PM: Cammy Now we are talking. cammy does not have the power to back Sent up like cable does. So if you have cable when he uses Sent's assist, jump back AHVB, AHVB, AHVB. Try to jump over sent's assists because they are quite damaging. In my opinion Ironman is very good against Cammy. superjump over sent's assist and throw bombs. superjump over his cammy press dHk, dash and call your cyc, go infinite. Use his, C.lp, superjump lp, dash lp, uHp. yOU should not have any problems. i do not think using Cyc as your battery is a good idea. use ironman, he is perfect. put cable second and crush his Sent and Cammy and who ever he has with Ahvbs. aNY MORE QUESTIONS? Posted by LiQuiD on 06:13:2001 10:31 PM: thanx monkey. does striders infinite work with all characters? and is the arcade set in turbo1 or turbo2? Posted by StriderX on 06:13:2001 11:56 PM: Ok, I am REALLY REALLY sorry if this has been asked, but I don't have time to read all the posts, so...I need to know how you do IM's super jump after the c.lp, c.lp for the infinite. I've tried down-up, and KK, but to no avail. Any help will be appreciated. Posted by Monkey on 06:14:2001 12:36 AM: Liquid: It doesnt matter what speed you have it set at. It only works on Sentinel. StriderX: You have to cancel the second c. lp into the superjump and hit sj. lp dash sj. lp, up+hp for the set-up. I think its a great setup, but its alot of work. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 12:55 AM: What about Storm's infinites??? And Omega Red's??? I'm asking since I'm planning for a tourney Posted by Monkey on 06:14:2001 01:19 AM: I dont have any Omega Red's. I can email you the Storm's if you want. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 01:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey I dont have any Omega Red's. I can email you the Storm's if you want. I mean just type them out >_< I know about OR's jumping infinite(Jp,Mp,Fp), but can you explain the timing? And I'm totally clueless about the relaunch infinite. Posted by Monkey on 06:14:2001 01:46 AM: I dont use Omega Red, so I dont know the infinite. I never done it before. Also, I cant explain timing. Sorry. Anyway, the Storm infinite on Sentinel is: j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse. What you cant do is hold up during this, then she will slowly go down to the ground and it wont combo. Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 01:54 AM: How do you do mega mans infinite?? and does juggy have one?? or CapCom?? Posted by StriderX on 06:14:2001 01:58 AM: Sorry Monkey, I don't think I made myself clear. I haven't been able to cancel the second c.lp into the superjump, he just sits there in the punch formation like a goon. Any idea what's wrong? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 02:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey I dont use Omega Red, so I dont know the infinite. I never done it before. Also, I cant explain timing. Sorry. Anyway, the Storm infinite on Sentinel is: j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse. What you cant do is hold up during this, then she will slowly go down to the ground and it wont combo. But I thought Storm has another one versus everyone? I know it had airdash in it. And anyway I thought she had about three...??? ___ Mega Man's infinite is J.Jp, J.Mp, J.Fp, land and repeat. Best set up from Psy AAA, and the timing is Jp->Mp(Pause)->Fp. Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 02:10 AM: i know htis is going to be a major scrub question, but im new to this lingo. what is like an and stuff, im really sorry for the inconveince. Thanx and juggy wouldnt happen to have an infinite that you know of would he? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 02:15 AM: >_< Jp=Jab punch/Light Punch Mp=Medium Punch(Jpx2) Hp=Fierce Punch/Heavy Punch And J. means "jumping" Juggy has no infinite that I know of Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 02:18 AM: ok, thanx Posted by Sepehr on 06:14:2001 02:32 AM: Ironman proton canon What is up monckey I just learned, C.lp, superjump... for ironman's infinity. I decided to try to link the proton canon straight to my infinity in the corner all by itself, but I could not do it. The character felt too fast and it was not someone big like sent or blackheart. I think I have to make a stop before pressing uHp for my 10th lp,lp,lk,uHP. What do you suggest? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 02:35 AM: Re: Ironman proton canon quote: Originally posted by Sepehr What is up monckey I just learned, C.lp, superjump... for ironman's infinity. I decided to try to link the proton canon straight to my infinity in the corner all by itself, but I could not do it. The character felt too fast and it was not someone big like sent or blackheart. I think I have to make a stop before pressing uHp for my 10th lp,lp,lk,uHP. What do you suggest? Do the last rep faster than normal and the Proton cannon should connect. Posted by Samus on 06:14:2001 02:38 AM: Re: Cammy quote: Originally posted by Sepehr Now we are talking. cammy does not have the power to back Sent up like cable does. So if you have cable when he uses Sent's assist, jump back AHVB, AHVB, AHVB. Try to jump over sent's assists because they are quite damaging. In my opinion Ironman is very good against Cammy. superjump over sent's assist and throw bombs. superjump over his cammy press dHk, dash and call your cyc, go infinite. Use his, C.lp, superjump lp, dash lp, uHp. yOU should not have any problems. i do not think using Cyc as your battery is a good idea. use ironman, he is perfect. put cable second and crush his Sent and Cammy and who ever he has with Ahvbs. aNY MORE QUESTIONS? I'm going to have to learn the set up 4 that IM infinite Argh damn thats hard got any tips on how to do it or is it just like you said? Once Cammy makes me block Sents drones she does a low kick or jumps me and tricks me with the blocking Fuck i hate her Well I'm buying PSO today so i don't think i'll be playin MvsC2 4 a while Posted by Gandido on 06:14:2001 03:30 AM: Monkey, the site is down and I *desperately* need the SonSon infinite on Sent. This guy is killing me and I want revenge. Also, does that infinite work on other people, and if it doesn't, want me to try variations to see if I find something? Help make a smile on my face? Posted by Jacob Bleyl on 06:14:2001 06:21 AM: thanks monkey. do you have and with juggernaut? Posted by sick$imulations on 06:14:2001 06:37 AM: does anyone know when is gonna get new tournament videos??? Posted by Rollin772 on 06:14:2001 08:39 AM: Monkey, Well today some guy came into my work and played with us, he turned out to be pretty good. He uses Mag too. In my first match with him he did a pretty good air combo... Launch, sj, jab, short, jab, short, dash up, jab, short, jab, short--or at least that's what I'm guessing it turned out to be around 12 hit's with the few he got before the launch. He said the grav xx tempest air combo couldn't be done or he couldn't do it with out Psy's anti air assist.... assist, c. short, c. fierce, sj .... so on and so on. But I know this not to be true =). I'd say I'm just as good with Mag as he is, he couldn't land or wouldn't even try to land the grav xx tempest in the air, but I landed it a few time's on him, unfortunately I couldn't get the second grav xx tempest to land =(. But he did have an air combo that I couldn't figure out. Just watching (was done on someone else) he took them up hit them a few time's and did a dash hit them a few more time's and kept going up and up, but I only saw one dash as far as I could tell, but by the time he was done he was at the very top of the screen ready to head out of the picture. I asked him if he knew of some way to air dash more than once, cause I didn't know how. He said he could dash only once, but his button combo's were different, he claims he would do something like jab, short, fierce. I haven't a clue how that would work but I don't have a clue how he got so high in an air combo without the grav xx tempest. Any ideas? I did a little better today with Sent, taking your advice I'd just try to jump away or what not and use his reach to keep them away. Once in a while when my opponent would be left with his weak char, I'd fly over and start smackin him around till he managed to knock me out of the air. Me and Psy still don't get along all that great. I need ton's of work with her but she did manage to live a tiny bit longer playing as more of a defensive player... standing back looking for an opening rather than trying to make one. So my question's today are for your thought's on that Mag air combo, as mentioned above. Secondly any info on what kind of order I should pick my char's? Does it make a difference? Thank's again Posted by THE 1 on 06:14:2001 07:24 PM: COol Good attitude, people should be mroe concernin with thier lives than just the game, and plus if u suck then u suck. don't bother others. morons. Posted by Jacob Bleyl on 06:14:2001 10:43 PM: pimp Posted by Sepehr on 06:15:2001 12:40 AM: Ironman If you can master, C.lp, superjump lp, dash lp, uHP then you have a very good chance. Learning is hard but mastering it is even harder. A tip? sure why not! when you hit , C.lp let the C.lp hit. Do not cancel into a manual superjump right after you pressed C.lp, it will not work, you will have to wait for a second then go Down up. This is just the easy part because you have cancel your superjumping into lp then dash and press lp. Do not wait to see ironman going forward. Just press 2 pounches and press lp then uHP. land jump up press lk, lp, lk, uHP to put your opponent in a good position then go lp,lp,lk, uHP, lp,lp,lk, UHP..... and finish it with a proton Canon which took me longer then the superjumping part. Cammy should be a piece of cake. I suggest you forget about cable. He is a character well known even by biggeners. I would not count on cable unless i knew that i am really, really, really good with him. Cyc: the same problem, everybody knows him well because too many people pick him. Ironman: God of Infinite. I think people are starting to get to know him better since White made the biggest mistake and told everybody how to do his infinite starting from a combo. Plus those vids. They should have kept it as a secret, atleast that is what i would do. If you would like to stick with your team that is good but IMO your team is not quite effective. Going infinite from Cyc's beta is really difficult i can tell you how to do it if you want to Call Cyc, superjump Hp, dash lp, uHP, land, jump .... Puting Cyc as your main character is not a very idea since i think Cyc is garbedge. Good teams i think are generally strong and go well with ironman are: Doom (b), ironman (g), Capcom, or Psy (a) Ironman, Sent, Psy:Capcomhalsim Ironman, Cyc, Dhalsim good teams but you need to be good with ironman and others. if you need anymore help i am willing ot help you out. Posted by Samus on 06:15:2001 01:08 AM: Re: Ironman quote: Originally posted by Sepehr If you can master, C.lp, superjump lp, dash lp, uHP then you have a very good chance. Learning is hard but mastering it is even harder. A tip? sure why not! when you hit , C.lp let the C.lp hit. Do not cancel into a manual superjump right after you pressed C.lp, it will not work, you will have to wait for a second then go Down up. This is just the easy part because you have cancel your superjumping into lp then dash and press lp. Do not wait to see ironman going forward. Just press 2 pounches and press lp then uHP. land jump up press lk, lp, lk, uHP to put your opponent in a good position then go lp,lp,lk, uHP, lp,lp,lk, UHP..... and finish it with a proton Canon which took me longer then the superjumping part. Cammy should be a piece of cake. I suggest you forget about cable. He is a character well known even by biggeners. I would not count on cable unless i knew that i am really, really, really good with him. Cyc: the same problem, everybody knows him well because too many people pick him. Ironman: God of Infinite. I think people are starting to get to know him better since White made the biggest mistake and told everybody how to do his infinite starting from a combo. Plus those vids. They should have kept it as a secret, atleast that is what i would do. If you would like to stick with your team that is good but IMO your team is not quite effective. Going infinite from Cyc's beta is really difficult i can tell you how to do it if you want to Call Cyc, superjump Hp, dash lp, uHP, land, jump .... Puting Cyc as your main character is not a very idea since i think Cyc is garbedge. Good teams i think are generally strong and go well with ironman are: Doom (b), ironman (g), Capcom, or Psy (a) Ironman, Sent, Psy:Capcomhalsim Ironman, Cyc, Dhalsim good teams but you need to be good with ironman and others. if you need anymore help i am willing ot help you out. so ur confindent when ur using IM wivout assist??? Gees i'm going to have to practice Cable kills assist i live in Oz so no1 Xpects thge IM infinite or the Cable AHVBx5 Only a few and those few are very good Posted by Sepehr on 06:15:2001 02:26 AM: Ironman I have been playing Ironman as my main character for 4 months so i think yes i am pretty confident with him. I think that ironman is perfect against anybody, he can wipe out a whole team in a few seconds with his infinity. if you have more questions about ironman just read my post Ironman guide (2) that should cover up all your questions about him. If you put him in a team with Sent and someone with a good AAA assist he becomes imposible to beat. One mistake and one of you guys is dead and then a guard break, infinity again and your other guy is dead, guard break and your other guy is dead simple is that. Posted by Monkey on 06:15:2001 02:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rollin772 Monkey, Well today some guy came into my work and played with us, he turned out to be pretty good. He uses Mag too. In my first match with him he did a pretty good air combo... Launch, sj, jab, short, jab, short, dash up, jab, short, jab, short--or at least that's what I'm guessing it turned out to be around 12 hit's with the few he got before the launch. He said the grav xx tempest air combo couldn't be done or he couldn't do it with out Psy's anti air assist.... assist, c. short, c. fierce, sj .... so on and so on. But I know this not to be true =). I'd say I'm just as good with Mag as he is, he couldn't land or wouldn't even try to land the grav xx tempest in the air, but I landed it a few time's on him, unfortunately I couldn't get the second grav xx tempest to land =(. But he did have an air combo that I couldn't figure out. Just watching (was done on someone else) he took them up hit them a few time's and did a dash hit them a few more time's and kept going up and up, but I only saw one dash as far as I could tell, but by the time he was done he was at the very top of the screen ready to head out of the picture. I asked him if he knew of some way to air dash more than once, cause I didn't know how. He said he could dash only once, but his button combo's were different, he claims he would do something like jab, short, fierce. I haven't a clue how that would work but I don't have a clue how he got so high in an air combo without the grav xx tempest. Any ideas? This combo has alot of timing in it. Here it is: superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, (pause), sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, dash up, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, (pause), sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, (hypergrav xx tempest, punch, kick, whatever) The pause is not that big, it will take awhile to get it down. quote: I did a little better today with Sent, taking your advice I'd just try to jump away or what not and use his reach to keep them away. Once in a while when my opponent would be left with his weak char, I'd fly over and start smackin him around till he managed to knock me out of the air. Me and Psy still don't get along all that great. I need ton's of work with her but she did manage to live a tiny bit longer playing as more of a defensive player... standing back looking for an opening rather than trying to make one. So my question's today are for your thought's on that Mag air combo, as mentioned above. Secondly any info on what kind of order I should pick my char's? Does it make a difference? Thank's again Order doesnt really matter that much. I put them in "favorite" standings. I'll have Magneto first, then Cable, then Cammy. It's not that big of a deal. Posted by Trouble on 06:15:2001 02:57 AM: I've been using Iron Man alot and I can do his infinite, etc. I was wondering if there are any good air combos that you can do into his Photon Canon? Don't flame me if this has been posted already...I dont have the time to look through all of these messeges to find out. Posted by Monkey on 06:15:2001 03:17 AM: c. jab, c. jab, proton cannon. Posted by Monkey on 06:15:2001 03:18 AM: Infinite, at the end, Proton Cannon. How do you do it you ask? (I'm guessing you were going to ask that. ) The last rep of the infinite, do slower than normal. Dont do it too slow, then it wont combo (duh) as soon as you land, do the proton cannon. Posted by Gandido on 06:15:2001 03:19 AM: Monkey, since your site is down I can't manage to get the SonSon infinite on Sentinel, need a little help here... I posted amsg. but since too many people put some down you prob. ignored me. s'ok This cheap ass sent player is bugging me... d. fp, drones up and down, and repeat. any strats here? Gandido Posted by Monkey on 06:15:2001 03:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gandido Monkey, since your site is down I can't manage to get the SonSon infinite on Sentinel, need a little help here... I posted amsg. but since too many people put some down you prob. ignored me. s'ok I didnt ignore you, I probably didnt see it. Sorry. quote: This cheap ass sent player is bugging me... d. fp, drones up and down, and repeat. any strats here? Gandido The trap he is doing is a pain. Just try to look for an opening, and superjump. I dont think by telling you the infinite, it will make you beat him. Here it is anyway. Jump, J.LP, J.LK, J.LK, J.HP, J.HK, Land (Repeat). Posted by Gandido on 06:15:2001 03:30 AM: w00t! IT WORKS! Mwahaha the timing is a pain though. Thank you very much monkey. You aren't the only one who walks on trees. *points to SonSon wall walk* :yawn: Posted by Gandido on 06:15:2001 03:37 AM: Oh man you guys are going to hate me... how about a Kobun/BH chipping trap? wp assistant, BH AAA assist, throw the long range helicopter and do the balance type super for LOADS of chipping. I did this one on Cano2k and boy he got PISSED. I knocked out his magneto with chipping only O_O BTW Monkey, is there a Kobun inf. on sent? Posted by Monkey on 06:15:2001 03:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gandido BTW Monkey, is there a Kobun inf. on sent? No there is not. Posted by Gandido on 06:15:2001 03:56 AM: >.< Damnit. ANyways, Kobun already owns Sent. by chipping ownly, so what the hell... Thanks anyways. Posted by Samus on 06:15:2001 10:02 AM: Re: Ironman quote: Originally posted by Sepehr I have been playing Ironman as my main character for 4 months so i think yes i am pretty confident with him. I think that ironman is perfect against anybody, he can wipe out a whole team in a few seconds with his infinity. if you have more questions about ironman just read my post Ironman guide (2) that should cover up all your questions about him. If you put him in a team with Sent and someone with a good AAA assist he becomes imposible to beat. One mistake and one of you guys is dead and then a guard break, infinity again and your other guy is dead, guard break and your other guy is dead simple is that. Yea against the guy who uses cammy i did the IM guard break on him twice he was so pissed but his team that game was rouge,Cap (not Com),and Sent HOW DO U DO PROTON CANNON AFTER THE INFINITE??? Posted by MECCJOO84 on 06:15:2001 04:03 PM: mag hey monkey do you kno about a flight infinite for mag since you can dash infinitely in flightmode? i saw somebody doing it and it look nice. is this an infinite if so how do you do it? thanx Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:15:2001 05:21 PM: monkey owns Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:15:2001 05:27 PM: got any cyclops infinites for me? Posted by Monkey on 06:15:2001 06:00 PM: MECCJOO84: It is a semi-infinite, but it will work for the flight period. Here is how to set it up, and do it. It only works on big characters. Psylocke AAA assist, hypergrav, flight, hold up+jab, jab, jab, jab, jab (etc) At the end, you can throw in a hypergrav tempest or something to finnish them off. TheBestMvC2Man: downfoward+hk(Launch), super jump, sj.jab, sj.short, sj.jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, land, (downfoward+hk, super jump, sj.jab, sj.jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short) Posted by BESHER_MEKER on 06:15:2001 08:16 PM: monkey can you tell me ryu's infinites or the lack of one. Posted by Dark-Angel on 06:15:2001 08:23 PM: Can someone tell me a Jin infinite? -Dark-Angel- Posted by KenIsDope on 06:16:2001 12:10 AM: hey monkey can u send me a storm infinite and if cable has one to: thanks! Posted by Sepehr on 06:16:2001 01:17 AM: Blackheart How do you do Blackheart's infinite. How can you set it uP? Posted by Monkey on 06:16:2001 03:06 AM: Besher_Meker: The only infinite Ryu has is to chetch the assist after the main character dies and keep launching them over and over. Dark-Angel: (in corner) s. jab, c. fierce repeat Sepehr: Superjump Roundhouse, dash roundhouse. To get into it, have Cyclops aaa assist, superjump, and do such. Posted by Samus on 06:16:2001 12:06 PM: Monkey and who ever else is a master @ MvsC2 Who is the BEST char overall @ MvsC2? Give me 1 answer plz don't give me crap bout it depends PLZ ANSWER THIS Also How do u do Proton Cannon onve u have the infinite going I've done it b4 by fluke but i don't know how to do all the time some1 tell me how plzzzzzzzz And Monkey or any1 who plays strider and doom plz Xplain the trap and how to use Strider i want to learn his trap and how to use him! Posted by Galford on 06:16:2001 03:56 PM: Hey Monkey. I have a challenging infinite for you. Rogue on point. Get opponent in the corner and: ducking lk, ducking fp, sj., sj.wp, pause, sj. lk, sj. mk, sj. rh, pause a bit... sj. lk(has to be done right before opponent lands), land, hold joystick foward and: wp, lk, wp, lk...etc. basically juggles. the hardest part of the infinite is to land the lk while your juggling know, after you've landed and hit the foward+wp. If you know how to keep the infinite going...then hit me back and tell me how you did it. thanks... lataz. p.s. i don't have a DC at home...otherwise i'd do it myself. besides, you seem like the infinite master. *grins* Posted by Monkey on 06:16:2001 04:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by Samus Who is the BEST char overall @ MvsC2? I dont think you can narrow it down to 1 character that is the best. There are alot of good characters. Posted by Monkey on 06:16:2001 04:13 PM: Galford: Are you sure this is a infinite? I'll do it. Posted by Samus on 06:16:2001 04:32 PM: Money (said like that guy said Magnus) U still did'nt answer me WHO IS THE BEST CHAR OVERALL and how do u do the Proton Cannon after the infinite??? That would be very handy Posted by omni__dragon on 06:16:2001 09:48 PM: Samus: there cant be only one overall best char, becuz all of the top-tiers have their own game, advantage and diadvantage over other characters and for the cannon after the infinite: get them into the corner and try to slow down the infinity as slow as possible....then do standing fpxxproton cannnon Posted by Samus on 06:16:2001 10:13 PM: WHO IS THE BEST CHAR IN MVSC2!!!! Also so once i get them in the corner i just slow it down land do a hp then proton cannon? Well i would vote IceMan as the best of the best Posted by Monkey on 06:16:2001 11:34 PM: That is right about connecting the Proton Cannon after the infininte. Iceman is way off of the best character. The question: Who is the best character in MvC2, is a opinion question. Most everyone will have a different answer for it. I personally think Magneto is the best. He is fast, doesnt take that much damage, is powerful. Thats my opinion, there is no true answer. Posted by Samus on 06:17:2001 01:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey That is right about connecting the Proton Cannon after the infininte. Iceman is way off of the best character. The question: Who is the best character in MvC2, is a opinion question. Most everyone will have a different answer for it. I personally think Magneto is the best. He is fast, doesnt take that much damage, is powerful. Thats my opinion, there is no true answer. i was joking i would have to vote IM as the best Char He kicks MAg's old ass any day MAGNUSSSSSS Posted by SSChris5 on 06:17:2001 03:07 AM: akuma help Hey Monkey! Can you give me guile's, shuma, and akuma's infinite Thanks! Posted by poborsky18 on 06:17:2001 06:12 AM: akuma does akuma have any infinite or any bad ass combos Posted by Galford on 06:17:2001 06:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Galford: Are you sure this is a infinite? I'll do it. Hit me back when you can do it...lataz... Posted by poborsky18 on 06:17:2001 06:25 AM: akuma I need to know this very hard and fast cause i have been going to the arcade every week and i'm not getting any better any every body is laughing at me so i would like to learn some nice combos so that i can kick at least some ass you know what i mean Posted by The Hobo Clown on 06:17:2001 06:57 AM: What about Venom? I've been using him in my Doom/Sent team for a while and still cant seem to beat those good Mag or Cable players...... Im thinking of swapping either him or sent (or both) for someone else....but WHOOOOOO???????? Posted by Vonstar on 06:17:2001 07:55 AM: thats a lot of posts whats cyke's infinite again? and how do you do cammy's long ass aircombo into the bee thingy or whatever Posted by ID on 06:17:2001 09:43 AM: man, monkey you shoulda found a more organized way to do people have to look thru 20some pages to find the infinite they're lookin for, and it might not even be posted at all.. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:17:2001 12:42 PM: quote: What about Venom? I've been using him in my Doom/Sent team for a while and still cant seem to beat those good Mag or Cable players...... Im thinking of swapping either him or sent (or both) for someone else....but WHOOOOOO???????? Well, you could always get rid of Venom, and add in someone from the top tier if you wanna have a good team. Or, you could even take out sent and keep Venom and add BB Hood. That glitch is fun to watch. Do what you want, it is your team. Posted by Mung714 on 06:17:2001 04:22 PM: is this an ifinite with works on an auto blocking comp in traing mode.forward Lk, lk^lp lk lp lk up+ fp land and repeat. Its always fun to be good with shuma Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:17:2001 05:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Galford Hey Monkey. I have a challenging infinite for you. Rogue on point. Get opponent in the corner and: ducking lk, ducking fp, sj., sj.wp, pause, sj. lk, sj. mk, sj. rh, pause a bit... sj. lk(has to be done right before opponent lands), land, hold joystick foward and: wp, lk, wp, lk...etc. basically juggles. the hardest part of the infinite is to land the lk while your juggling know, after you've landed and hit the foward+wp. If you know how to keep the infinite going...then hit me back and tell me how you did it. thanks... lataz. p.s. i don't have a DC at home...otherwise i'd do it myself. besides, you seem like the infinite master. *grins* I seen this infinity in one of MikeZ's video? Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:17:2001 10:22 PM: lol Posted by DaSloth on 06:18:2001 12:04 AM: could i get the a video of akuma infinate monkey thanks Posted by Monkey on 06:18:2001 03:40 AM: DaSloth: New name? Anyway, there are a few I believe. I'll send all. (Like always. ) Gerjay_2001: Nice spamming. Mung714: I dont believe so. An, auto-blocking only blocks every now and then. ID: How else could I have done this? I tried my best. Vonstar: Cyclops' Infinite downfoward+hk(Launch), super jump, sj.jab, sj.short, sj.jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, land, (downfoward+hk, super jump, sj.jab, sj.jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short) "Long ass Cammy combo" launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, (pause), sj. jab, sj. jab, jump (hit up again), sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. cannon drill (qcf+hard kick), super (qcb+2punch). SSCris5: Akuma vs Sentinel Only Jump, J.LK, J.LK, J.HP, Spin Kick (QCB+Roundhouse(HK)) Land (Repeat). I'll get back to you on the other two soon. Guile doesnt have one. Shuma Gorath j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. up+fierce Galford: I havent gotten a chance to practice it yet. I'll say somethin once I do though. poborsky18: Akuma vs Sentinel Only Jump, J.LK, J.LK, J.HP, Spin Kick (QCB+Roundhouse(HK)) Land (Repeat). I'll get back to you on the other two soon. The Hobo Clown: Venom isnt that bad of a character, but not that good either. He doesnt have a infinite, and lacks the power. I would go with someone else, but its your call. Posted by Mung714 on 06:18:2001 05:27 AM: thats what i said mine is officially working now Posted by DaSloth on 06:18:2001 05:29 AM: thanks monkey, how are you so cool Posted by Player Unknown on 06:18:2001 05:29 AM: Yo Monkey...what happened to your site???? Posted by Mung714 on 06:18:2001 06:13 AM: da sloth: i was thiking of making my name El Perezoso (the sloth) and having a sloth late Posted by VVasaki on 06:18:2001 07:30 AM: thinking the same as unknown... site down or something, and got anything for dan. and could you go into detail with that cammy infinate on page 1 i think it was... Posted by VVasaki on 06:18:2001 07:39 AM: and can someone please explain what on earth the 'cancel' move is? you just say press down.... well what happens when you do that??? Posted by DaSloth on 06:18:2001 08:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mung714 da sloth: i was thiking of making my name El Perezoso (the sloth) and having a sloth late sorry i have a sweet ass avatar just waiting for 50 posts, its a sloth with my head pasted on it, it'll be bad u can see the big one of it at my website Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:18:2001 01:18 PM: Monkey, I don't think I saw this infinite on your site but you might know how to do it. How do you do the megaman infinite with a lot of charged up megabusters? I think it's a glitch. Posted by Monkey on 06:18:2001 03:38 PM: ANNOUNCMENT! My site is now back up. Alot of people are complaining that it has not been there. ------------------------------------------ Gerjay_2001: You are right. It is a glitch. People told me I shouldnt keep it on my site, or put it under the glitch section, but I kept it. The Megaman has 1 pixel of health left, if you notice in the movie. DaSloth: Welcome. VVasaki: Answered the question about the site. Dan's Infinite s. jab, s. jab, s. roundhouse Go into detail? Um. Its not that hard. c. lp, c. lk, b. hk, d, df, f, uf +kick, repeat.. Posted by VanDread_431 on 06:18:2001 04:51 PM: monkey your site is the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:18:2001 06:59 PM: Yep, great site. Posted by Monkey on 06:18:2001 07:08 PM: Thanks. Posted by VVasaki on 06:18:2001 07:16 PM: could you explain the dan one in your site? Posted by VVasaki on 06:18:2001 07:17 PM: like do you have to launch them and do that first? Posted by Ryu-ism on 06:18:2001 07:22 PM: Monkey: the reason people keep asking you the same stuff over and over is because you don't go into much detail about the infinites. You kinda have to go slow with some of them. Example: "Silver Sam...D+HP, repeat"... that really doesn't help much. It would be a good idea to explain the timing/flow.A good example of how to do it right is Super Geek's Iron Man guide on the inf. "The sequence of buttons to be pressed are: j.LP, j.LP, slight pause, j.LK, slight pause, j.UF HP, the biggest reason people cannot continue after three sequences is because the opponent falls down too fast, to prevent this use the j.LK, j.LP, j.LK, slight pause, j.UF HP, after three sequences and you should have no problem, this sequence also should be used on all the big guys (Sentinel, Blackheart, Juggernaut because the normal sequence makes them fall back down too fast.). The pauses are very important to have in the infinite, because if you just do it straight up, you knock them too high to continue, or if you pause too much, they fall down faster." A near perfect explanation. I hope that helps a bit. I hope I didn't come off as an assh0le, heh, sorry if it seemed that way. later Posted by Battousia on 06:18:2001 08:31 PM: thanks thanks man... i could never get it past 3 or 4 sequences on the infinite... i just didn't know when to pause i guess... Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:18:2001 08:48 PM: lol, I didn't think that that was meant to actually explain the Ironman infinite but it seems to help people. I thought it was to prove his point, it worked though. Anyways, Monkey, when will the glitches section be up and running? Posted by SSChris5 on 06:18:2001 09:32 PM: Hey Monkey Can you give me striders infinite. Posted by Gandido on 06:18:2001 09:54 PM: Hey Monkey I found out a Felicia on Sent infinite for ya =P Either jump and just do the hunter series sequence (it pushes you back, not recommended) , or you can do jump, wp , wk, mp (it does 2 hits), mk, fp, land and repeat. There are a MILLION ways to do this infinite. It depends on your taste =P Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:19:2001 01:56 AM: Well it depends if you want a strider on sent or just a strider on anyone infinite. I'm pretty sure that the strider on sent infinite is either j.fp, j.rk,(land, jump, j.lp,,, j.fp, j.rk) repeat. Or, that without the jumping lp. Posted by DaSloth on 06:19:2001 02:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by DaSloth sorry i have a sweet ass avatar just waiting for 50 posts, its a sloth with my head pasted on it, it'll be bad u can see the big one of it at my website or u can see it to the left! OOOOOOOOOOOO!! its cool when u quote yourself Posted by Player Unknown on 06:19:2001 03:58 AM: Hey yo Monkey.. From some reason the Speech about the EEC6 Tournament is not working...for some reason I only get about 10 seconds of it and that is all..whats the deal? Anyone having the same problem? Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:19:2001 06:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Player Unknown Hey yo Monkey.. From some reason the Speech about the EEC6 Tournament is not working...for some reason I only get about 10 seconds of it and that is all..whats the deal? Anyone having the same problem? Try right clicking then save as. Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:19:2001 06:56 PM: Yo monkey, I think you forgot 1 more magneto's infinite, but i don't know, Im going to test it right now! Posted by tiger on 06:19:2001 06:59 PM: Hi, Monkey. Can you please tell me how do you do the strider/doom trap ? thanks Posted by Esthar SD on 06:19:2001 08:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gandido Hey Monkey I found out a Felicia on Sent infinite for ya =P Either jump and just do the hunter series sequence (it pushes you back, not recommended) , or you can do jump, wp , wk, mp (it does 2 hits), mk, fp, land and repeat. There are a MILLION ways to do this infinite. It depends on your taste =P yah i also discovered this, never seeing a felica infintie on sent. i was lik wtf!! i discovered an infinite! then i realized i dident but its all good man i think thats prob. the easiest infinite in the game hahah you can do it like, anyway you want!! Posted by Player Unknown on 06:19:2001 08:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by KKCapcom2 Try right clicking then save as. I did that and it still doesn't work...I download the whole thing (6:06) but then it just stops at 5:45...thats only about 20 seconds..whats the deal????? Posted by Player Unknown on 06:19:2001 09:04 PM: nevermind now....I got it Posted by tiger on 06:19:2001 10:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Player Unknown I did that and it still doesn't work...I download the whole thing (6:06) but then it just stops at 5:45...thats only about 20 seconds..whats the deal????? I have a suggestion for you. Download the freeware "Download Accelerator" from the web site Whith this freeware you can recover from broken downloads. For exemple, when you were downloading the vid and it stoped at 5:45, you could have continued downloading the file from 5:45 to 6:06 and not from the begining. Try it and you will see by your self. It is very usefull. Posted by Battousia on 06:20:2001 02:43 AM: how do you finish off the ironman infinite combo with the proton cannon... Posted by Player Unknown on 06:20:2001 04:02 AM: Looks like Monkey's been gone for a while...not helping I decided to help ..of course if you dont mind everyone..ask away.........if you asked a question before and Monkey didn't answer it or he didn't explain to you very well..fell free to ask again...I dont feel like go back and answering the questions..Im lazy. :P Posted by Vonstar on 06:20:2001 05:55 AM: this thread is too long now lol Posted by ChiLLy on 06:20:2001 06:46 AM: I wanna see your site monkey your URL doesnt work for some reason. is your site down right now? Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:20:2001 01:14 PM: quote: Battousia how do you finish off the ironman infinite combo with the proton cannon... A simple question requires a simple answer. Slow down the last jumping hits and then you can combo in the proton cannon. Posted by Player Unknown on 06:20:2001 03:27 PM: I guess GerJay is helping out to. I wonder where Monkeys at? This is his thread and hes not even here anymore...hmmmm... Posted by Monkey on 06:20:2001 03:31 PM: There are a few things I want to say here. 1. If the infinite explaination is on my site.. dont ask how to do it here. 2. I'm sorry I havent answered any questions in a few days. I have been really busy, and I'll be able to answer your questions tonight. -Monkey Posted by Galford on 06:20:2001 04:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey There are a few things I want to say here. 1. If the infinite explaination is on my site.. dont ask how to do it here. 2. I'm sorry I havent answered any questions in a few days. I have been really busy, and I'll be able to answer your questions tonight. -Monkey Have you even attempted the Rogue infinite yet? Yes, Mike Z has done it, but i can't get in contact with mike Z. I just wanted to know how to keep the combo going when you land on the ground....lataz... Posted by TS on 06:20:2001 06:29 PM: Monkey (or anyone who's free and good at combos, really...)- try this and see if you can get it to work: Posted by TS on 06:20:2001 06:48 PM: Question about the WM infinite on Monkey's page ( ). Is there anyway to transition into the regular WM/IM infinite from it? Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:20:2001 07:13 PM: To me it looks like a variation of the normal one, just with slower hit's instead of another fast strong punch thrown in there. You probably could transition if you want, maybe. I like that starting though, it's the one I use, just looks cool. Posted by Battousia on 06:20:2001 07:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gerjay_2001 To me it looks like a variation of the normal one, just with slower hit's instead of another fast strong punch thrown in there. You probably could transition if you want, maybe. I like that starting though, it's the one I use, just looks cool. i found that IM infinite works just the same with him... but i just can't finish it off... Posted by Battousia on 06:20:2001 07:58 PM: Can someone please explain how to do the 3xAHVB with cable... Posted by Monkey on 06:20:2001 08:26 PM: I dont have time right now. I have to get ready for work. After work, I am going partying, so I'll answer the questions after I get home. Sorry again. Posted by Player Unknown on 06:20:2001 09:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by Battousia Can someone please explain how to do the 3xAHVB with cable... Down,Down-Forward,Forward,Up-Forward 2 punches buttons...I can't really explain how to do just need to practice it....just remember not to go ALL THE WAY UP....Up-Forward. This will cause you to do a Super Jump and then pressing the 2 punches will cancel you into the do 3....just do it again after you land..Like I said..just practice it. You'll get it eventually. Posted by COMBO on 06:20:2001 10:23 PM: Iron man infinites I would like to know how to do the iron man and ice man infinites. And any other thing I should know about them both thanks. I am a newbie also so be easy on me. Posted by TS on 06:20:2001 10:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by Battousia Can someone please explain how to do the 3xAHVB with cable... You have trouble chaining the AHVBs together, or just trouble doing the move? Because if you're having trouble with the move, you're pobably doing it too's not one quick have to wait a tiny bit... It's not easy to explain the timing but if you can do that sort of backwards tiger-knee motion with shoto's hurricane kicks in A2/A3, it's basically the same command as that. Posted by Monkey on 06:21:2001 05:02 AM: Gerjay_2001: I dont exactly know when the glitch section of my site will be up. I havent been working on it that much, it all depends. SSCris5: There are a few ways to do Striders infinite on Sentinel. j. jab, j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse This is simple. The, j. jab, j. short, j. short part is somewhat faster than the rest. Dont have a big pause though. j. short, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse This is also easy. Instead of one part quick, this is all smooth. Have the same time period with the button press for all of them. The first j. short should hit Sentinel on his knees. There is probably more, but I am not 100% sure on the others at the moment. I'll try them out once I get to my house and get back to you. Gandido: I have not had a chance to try this out yet. I'll have to do it soon too. I never heard of it, but I'll try it anyway. Player Unknown: You may NOT take over. I can do it thank you. No offence or anything. Its just that I made this thread, and I feel I know what I am talking about (not that you dont, I dont know). Galford: No I havent. Like I said before, I am extreamly busy these days. I am off work the next 3 days, so I'll try it then, and get back to you. ChiLLy: It probably was down. The site only works when my computer is on, and cable modem it up. My father sometimes turns the computer off. Hell if I know why, but he does. Vonstar: Thread long? Hell no. COMBO: Iron Man has two infinites. Iceman does not have any. Here are the two Iron Man infinites. Iron Man #1: j. short, j. short, j. u+fierce (short=light kick, fierce=hard punch, u=up) This isnt the popular infinite that everyone who uses Iron Man these days does. It works just as well though. You can get into it by a Psylocke anti-air assist and alittle bit of timing. The j. short, j. short has a little pause in between. It would be, j. short, slight pause, j. short, j. u+fierce. Its not that hard to get down, but it may take awhile. Iron Man #2: j. jab, j. jab, j. short, j. u+fierce This is the most popular infinite in the game. (In my opinion) Anyway, its simple. There isnt that much of a delay in between here. You dont want to do this fast, then you'll not be able to get back in the air in time. The delay is between the last j. short, and j. u+fierce. Very slight though. After awhile, you wont notice it that much. TS: About the question with the Iron Man infinite, and the War Machine infinite. These two are weird. I would imagine that you could link both infinite together. I just saw a video of ShadyK with his Magneto with the same kind of ordeal. (ShadyK's Magneto on Crack, as it is called) The thing is, those Magneto infinites are alot different from what the Iron Man and War Machine infinites are. You may have to experiment with it to find out. I'll do the same, it was a good question. Battousia: About the Cable AHVBx3. For one thing, you must get this down for Cable if you want to use him. Otherwise, dont bother. *(I cant believe thats all he's used for..oh well, I use him. ) There is a number of things that may have you not being able to use it. 1.) You may be doing the motion to soon. You have to wait until you get to the ground to do it. (Common sence huh..) But soo true. The slightest timing that is off, you'll be above the ground as you do the motion. Just get used to the time it takes to get to the ground, then do it. 2.) May not be doing the motion correctly. That, the only thing you can do is practice it, nothing I can do about it. 3.) You may not be hitting the buttons at the same time. Once again, practice. 4.) Not doing it fast enough. Meaning, you are taking too long to do the second one. If you seem to be on the ground along time, then do it quicker. What I would suggest, practice the move first. THEN get to the timing of linking them together. To All: Once again, I am sorry for the delay on the this response. Just dont think that I am on here 24/7 answering questions for yall. Posted by Monkey on 06:21:2001 08:56 AM: First thread with 10,000 views! Posted by Akira Llamo on 06:21:2001 10:08 AM: hey this is kinda off of the subject. But i was wondering, since the DC can go online. Isn't there a possable way for it to manage people playing against each other online like fighting games such as MVC2? Gouken Posted by Monkey on 06:21:2001 12:21 PM: For other games, yes. MvC2, CvS, 3s, I dont think so. Posted by Akira Llamo on 06:21:2001 12:51 PM: thats a dman shame. well thanks for the input. Posted by Player Unknown on 06:21:2001 01:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Akira Llamo hey this is kinda off of the subject. But i was wondering, since the DC can go online. Isn't there a possable way for it to manage people playing against each other online like fighting games such as MVC2? Gouken actually the japanese MvC2 has online play....I dont know about the others though Posted by VanDread_431 on 06:21:2001 02:15 PM: MONKEY can you xplain me IM´s infinite but the one that is make it in the videos not yours Posted by JiggaDogie2k on 06:21:2001 05:36 PM: How can you cancel Captin americas Final Justice? And wuts a AHVB? Posted by Monkey on 06:21:2001 06:20 PM: VanDread_431: My last post, the big one explains it. Its in "COMBO"'s part. JiggaDogie2k: Ahvb = Air Hyper Viper Beam (Cable's super in the air.) Canceling moves is the same for everyone. Before the first move you do is over, do the next move and it will cancel. Timing is key for this. Posted by JiggaDogie2k on 06:21:2001 06:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey VanDread_431: My last post, the big one explains it. Its in "COMBO"'s part. JiggaDogie2k: Ahvb = Air Hyper Viper Beam (Cable's super in the air.) Canceling moves is the same for everyone. Before the first move you do is over, do the next move and it will cancel. Timing is key for this. But how do you cancel Captins final justice? You cant do something in between Posted by Monkey on 06:21:2001 06:37 PM: Cancel into the Final Justice? Or cancel the Final Justice into something else, other than the next characters super? Posted by JiggaDogie2k on 06:21:2001 06:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey Cancel into the Final Justice? Or cancel the Final Justice into something else, other than the next characters super? Like cancelling final justice right before the enemy hits the ground Posted by JiggaDogie2k on 06:21:2001 07:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey j. short, j. jab, j. down+roundhouse, land, repeat. that J. thing means jab right? Posted by Battousia on 06:21:2001 07:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by TS You have trouble chaining the AHVBs together, or just trouble doing the move? Because if you're having trouble with the move, you're pobably doing it too's not one quick have to wait a tiny bit... It's not easy to explain the timing but if you can do that sort of backwards tiger-knee motion with shoto's hurricane kicks in A2/A3, it's basically the same command as that. i'm having a problem linking the viper beams together... i'll figure out the timing... but i don't know if it's just a simple hyper-viper or is there a certain motion to doing the whole thing... Posted by Monkey on 06:21:2001 07:06 PM: JiggaDogie2k: J means Jump. And you cant cancel supers, unless you do a dhc. Posted by Jin4eva on 06:21:2001 11:18 PM: monkey sup... can you list me some good jin combos please.. 3 or 4 would be fun =] Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:22:2001 01:25 AM: I find that it works better if you hold down and keep mashing buttons to make it go down so they are low. The next one you can hold up and mash buttons. For those two you MUST do the d, df, f, uf motion. For the last one you can just jump and do it because it will hit. Just leave the joystick neutral. Posted by Vonstar on 06:22:2001 02:02 AM: lol will this ever stop? Posted by Monkey on 06:22:2001 02:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Vonstar lol will this ever stop? No. Posted by Battousia on 06:22:2001 03:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gerjay_2001 I find that it works better if you hold down and keep mashing buttons to make it go down so they are low. The next one you can hold up and mash buttons. For those two you MUST do the d, df, f, uf motion. For the last one you can just jump and do it because it will hit. Just leave the joystick neutral. but would i be able to start the first beam from the ground??? Posted by Morphx22 on 06:22:2001 03:33 AM: Blachearts and Felicias How do you do both of blackhearts, and felicias? They are my 2 people I always use. Im still trying to find a freaking 3rd person. Im trying Captain America now. I tried Amingo, Iceman, Captain Commando, Ryu and T-bone. Any ideas for a 3rd? Thanks! Posted by Satsui No Hado on 06:22:2001 04:53 AM: where can go to get a list of all the combos and how to do them? where can i go to get a list of all the combos or atleast all the good ones....and how to do them? downfoward+hk(Launch), super jump, sj.jab, sj.short, sj.jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, land, (downfoward+hk, super jump, sj.jab, sj.jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short) what does "sj." mean super jumb? you think someone could explain this to me better? and does anybody know where i can get the arial combos and how to do them...some please help Posted by bluelizard on 06:22:2001 05:02 AM: Does anyone have any good strategy and combos for using guile? Who are some good people to use with him? Thanx in advance. Posted by The Hobo Clown on 06:22:2001 06:21 AM: 2 question concerning Dhalsim: 1- is there ANY way to link his Yoga Inferno super in an AIR combo? 2- is it possible to guard break someone, by doing a yoga flame (upwards) and then cancelling it into a Yoga Inferno?? I ve tried this serveral times, but it never seems to work.. am i wasting my time?????????????? Posted by Monkey on 06:22:2001 03:07 PM: The Hobo Clown: 1.) No. That super is way too slow to link into anything. 2.) I dont think so. I never tried it, nor ever heard of it working. So you may be wasting your time. bluelizard: People to use with Guile: Captain Commando, and Cable. Have both Captain Commando and Cable on AntiAir assist. Dont forget to use them! Guile himself isnt that great of a character, but it could win. When using him, be more on the defencive side. Once you find an opening, take it. He doesnt have any infinites, its not a big deal though. Satsui No Hado: "sj." means superjump. You said, 'Where can I go to get a list of all the combos or atleast all the good ones....and how to do them?' Who's combos?! Also, that infinite you put down, is hard as hell. Cyclops has the hardest infinite in the game, in my opinion. Air combos are easy. Here is a combo for everyone. Launch, Superjump, Light punch, Light kick, Light punch, Light kick, Hard punch(or kick). That is the most basic combo. Morphx22: Blackheart: The oppoent has to be in the air, off a Cyclops anti-air assist, then call the demons out(hard kick) and dash backwords, call them again, (hard kick). After that, they'll look weird in the air, keep doing it over and over, (superjump, hard kick, dash back, hard kick). Felicia: This one must be in the corner, and timing is key. I never tried it before, until today, and I got it already. Its not hard to do, but takes alot of timing. Anyway, here is how to do it, launch, qcf+punch, punch. (qcf+punch, then hit punch again to finnish the move) repeat. The oppoent cant get too high, or you wont hit them, it does work though. Posted by Satsui No Hado on 06:22:2001 03:47 PM: Where can i get a list of all jill's infinite combos and aerial raves? and how they are explained to do them? Posted by Mikato_Kenji on 06:22:2001 05:55 PM: bluelizzard A combo I like to use with Guile is c.s, c.F, SJ, sj.j, sj.s, sj.j, sj.s, sj. THROW (backbreaker), c.s OTG, c.F, etc... A lot of people have thought this was an infinite and just gave up and let me kill there character. But the more advanced players will tech hit out of it sooner or later. But even if you get the first combo in it's very damaging. Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:22:2001 08:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by KKCapcom2 Yo monkey, I think you forgot 1 more magneto's infinite, but I don't know, I'm going to test it right now! OK, I got it to work on Sent, Jugger, and BH. This infinite only work on heavy characters. To see if the character is heavy, pick mag and do his HK throw then,, into hyper grav, if it connect, that characters is not heavy, if it doesn't then that character is heavy. Ok on to the infinite. On Sent, must be in the corner, then do s.lp,, /\ (sj.lp,,, sj.down+LK,,, land, superjump) then repeat. On BH and Jugger, anywhere on screen and do the same thing. That is s.lp,, /\ (sj.lp,,, sj.down+LK,,, land, superjump) then repeat. This infinite was also on warganic site Posted by Khmer Hot Boy on 06:22:2001 09:40 PM: howd u get two magnetos? Posted by Dark-Angel on 06:24:2001 09:39 AM: Does kobun/Servbot have an infinite? if he has one tell it to me plz I think he's good. -Dark-Angel- Posted by Shuma-Gorath4 on 06:24:2001 09:07 PM: can you tell me Ryu Ken And akumas infinites thanks alot Posted by AshramTI on 06:24:2001 09:23 PM: ??? hey, i just started using cyc in a team with doom and iceman, can you tell me some effective strategies and/or combos to do with cyclops, also in conjunction with ice's alpha and doom's beta? does cyclops have a decent infinite? ~thanks! Posted by Rollin772 on 06:24:2001 09:39 PM: Monkey, Today I have a few question's and thank's ahead of time for your patience with me 1. Pretty basic Is there some way to determine which attack's.... non super just like jab short, etc. etc. override or will hit? Example... 2 char's jump into the air at each other, doesn't have to be at the same time or it could be but char "a" throw's out a fierce punch, and char "b" throw's out a short kick, which is going to hit? What are the factor's determining which attack will hit and which will miss? 2. Sentinel: Any other tip's other than keep your opponent on the ground with his long leg's? I've seen what looked like an almost infinite. QCF+2kicks, c. fierce xx QCF+2kick's... he did his super hit em' with the laser thingie, and had another super on em' before they could hit the ground till he finished his meter out. Also I heaar about fly xx fly what is this used for? 3. I've been reading more on Mag's and there seem's to be alot of combo's starting with: Launch, SJ., sj. roundhouse, dash DF, sj. short, sj. short, land and do something else... I am having a HELLUVA time doing this I've landed it or got it to work maybe 3 time's out of 40 attempt's.... usually I won't roundhouse fast enough or I'll accidentlly dash too late or the wrong way. So the question is, what is this called, and do I have to have finger's with the speed of lightning to do it? This is kind of a progress report with a question thrown in , I don't know if anyone know's how to mash out of Mag's grav xx tempest here yet, so I land about 80-90% of them when I throw em' out. They get really mad too.... but once in a while it seem's that where one grav would have caught them and held em' the next will just be blocked? Is that what mashing is? Thank's again Posted by tpdxmvc2 on 06:25:2001 05:51 AM: RE: infinetes does anybody kno where i can find a site or text file that has all this info in it about infinetes if to let me know how or reply below thanx in advance Posted by MilkMan on 06:25:2001 05:57 AM: hey monkey, is your site down right no or is it just my internet? Posted by MilkMan on 06:25:2001 06:00 AM: oops, i mistyped a word on my message, hope i don't get banned or about i smile for everyone so i dont... What i meant was if the site is down right now. Posted by Dark-Angel on 06:25:2001 08:02 AM: Does Zangief have an infinite?? Please tell me I want to know! -Dark-Angel- Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:25:2001 02:14 PM: Well, he said that when his comp is off his site is down. So he has probably gone on vacation or something like that. Posted by Monkey on 06:25:2001 03:40 PM: Site it back up. Answer the questions in a bit. Posted by Damage2001 on 06:25:2001 03:51 PM: where can i view the b5 tournament movie? Posted by Monkey on 06:25:2001 07:19 PM: Damage2001: - The movie should be in there. You need Windows Media 7.0 or greater to view it. Dark-Angel: Yes. MilkMan: Yes, it was down. Its back up now. tpdxmvc2: Mine does. Not a text, but movies, and how-tos (some). Rollin772: quote: Monkey, Today I have a few question's and thank's ahead of time for your patience with me 1. Pretty basic Is there some way to determine which attack's.... non super just like jab short, etc. etc. override or will hit? Example... 2 char's jump into the air at each other, doesn't have to be at the same time or it could be but char "a" throw's out a fierce punch, and char "b" throw's out a short kick, which is going to hit? What are the factor's determining which attack will hit and which will miss? Whoever hits the button first. I believe, I never really took it to thought. I would amagine though. quote: 2. Sentinel: Any other tip's other than keep your opponent on the ground with his long leg's? I've seen what looked like an almost infinite. QCF+2kicks, c. fierce xx QCF+2kick's... he did his super hit em' with the laser thingie, and had another super on em' before they could hit the ground till he finished his meter out. Also I heaar about fly xx fly what is this used for? Fly xx fly. I never heard it that way, but I know what they ment. What I said before, fly around, calling assists, and attacking at the same time. Its the main strategy for Sentinel. quote: 3. I've been reading more on Mag's and there seem's to be alot of combo's starting with: Launch, SJ., sj. roundhouse, dash DF, sj. short, sj. short, land and do something else... I am having a HELLUVA time doing this I've landed it or got it to work maybe 3 time's out of 40 attempt's.... usually I won't roundhouse fast enough or I'll accidentlly dash too late or the wrong way. So the question is, what is this called, and do I have to have finger's with the speed of lightning to do it? Its just a combo, its not really called anything. You dont need fingers of lightning to do it either. Just practice it, make sure after you superjump, have the j-stick in the down-fwd position so you get the dash right. I know, its probably frustrating, but keep with it. You seem to be a determined Magneto player, keep with it and you'll get better. quote: This is kind of a progress report with a question thrown in , I don't know if anyone know's how to mash out of Mag's grav xx tempest here yet, so I land about 80-90% of them when I throw em' out. They get really mad too.... but once in a while it seem's that where one grav would have caught them and held em' the next will just be blocked? Is that what mashing is? Thank's again Mashing is rubbing the buttons as quick as possible. If they were doing that, they could of gotten out of the hypergrav without them knowing it was possible. Since they dont know about it, keep doing it but once you get somewhere that do know it, you better get that combo down (launch, superjump, roundhouse, dash down, short, short, otg, roundhouse xx shockwave). Satsui No Hado: Jill doesnt have a infinite. Dark-Angel: Servbot doesnt have a infinite. Khmer Hot Boy: After getting every character, and every 'New' colors for them, and the stages in the home version of MvC2, you can pick 3 of the same character if you want. Posted by AshramTI on 06:25:2001 07:43 PM: hey monkey, i had a question on page 23 which i think you missed, it was basically this: what are good strategies/ combos/ infinites for cyclops? my partners would be most likely: iceman alpha doom beta Posted by Monkey on 06:25:2001 09:39 PM: My bad. Cyclops' assist is great. Use the assist only from half screen. Have Iceman as your main man. Doom as back-up, and Cyclops as your securment. As for Cyclops' combos, either do the basic one, or get more damage with this one: launch, superjump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, slighest pause, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, jump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. roundhouse. The pause is really little, but dont do it too fast or it wont combo. The infinite is hard, I dont use it but here it is: downfoward+hk(Launch), super jump, sj.jab, sj.short, sj.jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short, land, (downfoward+hk, super jump, sj.jab, sj.jab, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+short, sj.down+jab, sj.down+short). I would really suggest on downloading the movie for it so you can get an idea of the timing. Cyclops Infinite Posted by TS on 06:26:2001 12:59 AM: Requesting assistance with the standard WM infinite (jump jab-strong-forward-u+fierce, land, repeat). do you do it? Either they just fall out after about 25 hits (not the un-dizzy thing...), or when I get to the corner, they end up on the other side of me. little help. Posted by Damage2001 on 06:26:2001 01:17 AM: Monkey are you going to b5???? you post alot of great stuff so it would be cool 2 c u there Posted by Monkey on 06:26:2001 02:02 AM: Damage2001: I would love to d00d, but I dont have the money, and I have no way in getting there. By myself anyway. I live in central Pennsylvania, and it takes alot to just goto tourneys in Philly let alone SoCal. See, I am 17, and my parents said hell no when I asked them. I dont know how Justin Wong can do all his traveling to tourneys. I'm going to get my car soon, and hopefully my parents will let me go to more tourneys than what I been. I only been to ONE. It was just a learning expirence, and I learned alot. Ever since then, I feal that my game has gotten alot better, and is still improving everytime I play. I dont know where you live, but if you are close to PA, it would be coo to see you at a Philly tourney. Believe me, I would die to get to B5. TS: It seems that you are having the problem I had when I first started the infinite. (except I was using Iron Man. ) If you are using Dreamcast this is why: Once you get them into the corner, if you keep holding up-forward you get around them some how. (dont ask..:Eek: ) If you seem to be doing the infinite fine until you reach the corner, then once you get to the corner just hold UP, and when you see yourself drift away, jump at them once, and go back to Up. If thats not the reason, then your timing is off. Try to keep the same timing on each button hit as you go along. If you see them getting to high, or going to far infront of you, adjust to get them back. Posted by Damage2001 on 06:26:2001 02:17 AM: Hmm im in Los Angeles ^_^ But i would pretty much lose to all dose good ppl that are going der Posted by Satsui No Hado on 06:26:2001 03:17 AM: i would hella go but i cant ethier =( i live in cali about an hour away from the place but i have no money to go =( i am the only person in my city that would actually stand a chance only cause i am like the cheapest person in the world win it comesto fighting games but i wish i could go Posted by Monkey on 06:26:2001 03:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Damage2001 Hmm im in Los Angeles ^_^ But i would pretty much lose to all dose good ppl that are going der Oh well shit! Why you say that though?! Posted by TS on 06:26:2001 06:53 PM: Thanks. gonna try that out later today. Posted by Shinobi on 06:26:2001 08:20 PM: ohh, chensor the SRK combo vid maker. LOL can any of us give me the location of B5 stadium? Posted by Sepehr on 06:26:2001 08:41 PM: BH Can you clearly explain the way to set up Black Heart's infinite? How do you do it? How do you do the infinity? Could you explain the timing? Posted by mr_d on 06:27:2001 02:31 AM: I'm sorry if this is a repeat, but I am in a super rush, I have to go to my aunts, but uhhhh I need the Blackheart infinite using an assist. I think it is using an assist. If it's not can u just give me any infinite. I think someone did it on me with cyclop's assist. Thanx. Latez. I really apreciate it. Posted by TS on 06:27:2001 02:34 AM: Yet more War Machine stuff! Ok, I was browsing through GameFAQs for combos, and I found these ones, and wanted to know if they were possible (the one labled 3 especially...I think someone was playing too much MvC1). I realize Monkey is busy, so if anyone (anyone at all! Anyone! Help!) could give me some assistance here, it'd be appreciated. Hikou means flight mode, btw. quote: 07] j.Fierce \/ d.s.Short > s.Roundhouse /\ sj.Short > sj.U + Fierce > sj.U + Roundhouse, (air dash up-forward at opponent) ad.U + Fierce > ad.U + Roundhouse XX Jab Shoulder Cannon [11 hit][from Charles Ragan] 03] d.c.Strong > s.Roundhouse /\ sj.Jab > sj.Short > sj.Strong > sj.UP + Fierce XX Hikou, f.Jab > f.Strong > f.UP + Fierce, (air dash up-forward at opponent) f.Jab > f.Strong > f.UP + Fierce, (air dash up-forward at opponent) f.Jab > f.Strong > UP + Fierce, (air dash up-forward at opponent) etc.. [?? hit] quote: 19. C.Short, C.Strong, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Shoulder Cannon) Posted by Monkey on 06:27:2001 07:35 AM: Shinobi: Can I ask you something? Good, what relivance does the location of B5 have to do with infinites? Sepehr & Mr_D: You can set it up a couple ways. One, with the Cyclops Anti-Air assist, or two, Launching. The infinite itself is: Superjump, roundhouse(demons), dash BACK, roundhouse(demons). If you keep repeating the moves, it will work no matter the timing. Thats what I do, I keep throwing the demons over and over. The oppoent looks like they are a glitch, their body isnt right. Anyway, off of the Cyclops AAA, superjump as it is hitting, and throw the first set of demons, and continue. Off the launch, you must do the first set of demons quickly. TS: Yes they work. Posted by Rollin772 on 06:27:2001 10:03 AM: Thank's again for your response Monkey. I've been playing with Mag's since I first got here and started asking you question's. I've alternated the other two char's alot, from Storm, Doom, B-Heart, you name it I've probably tried it. So now I've got Mag's and I'm pretty sure IM is going to stay in my team now too. So the third spot is still up in the air, I usually switch it up between Psylocke, Storm, or Sentinel. But yesterday I was using Doom some more with his Anti Air assist. And everyone seemed to be having more problem's with me. Then playing Doom they had more trouble than normal. The guy's at the arcade even went as far as to say that I should make him a permanent member of my team. Today someone else made the same comment. So I'll be using Mag's (capture assist) IM (projectile or anti air assist) and Doom (anti air assist). So my new goal's are to get better and more comfortable with Doom, I don't even know all his super's . Then I'll move onto learning IM's infinite, then working that so much it's like Mag's grav xx tempest. Then Mag's combo.... launch RH dash df.... etc etc. So my question's today are.... 1 I know it's possible if you catch someone slippin to get IM's infinite without an assist, just by jumpin at em'. And I assume it's possible to get it with Mag's capture assist. Is there a combo for IM by himself to get them into the infinite? and any tips' on starting the infinite with Mag's assist? like jump from far, or get under and start? 2 This one is kind of a dumb question. I know you said not to ask about timing but I've written down a few air combo's for IM and I can get opponent's into the air with IM fairly easy now (compared to when I first started using him) but I can never get more than 4-6 hit's in the air. Is the timing alot different? Like should I hit the button's faster? or slower? I've had his air combo done to me and I don't like it but I'm not a threat with IM other than his proton cannon . 3. I've read enough post's to know that Doom is a good keep away char, and that he could also KINDA be considered a rushdown char. But so far I just know how to play keep away (is there a diff between keepaway and runaway)? Right now I just SJ. away and throw a couple pink stuff and call assist's when I can. I also read that you can use his little laser gun, J., Fierce. To keep some sort of distance between you and your opponent, but when I try to shoot it, it barely come's out and disappear's . So I guess I'm just looking for any technical help you can give me with Doom, right now I just rely on his pink stuff, I'll throw his super pink stuff in at the end of my air combo's but it never hit's like I want it too. Well here's another LONG post thank's again. I'll keep at it. Posted by Sepehr on 06:27:2001 02:31 PM: BH In your movie it seemed that you were jumping up? do you press HK after you dash back or not? After you launch do you press HK or HP? then do you dash after the HP,Hk? Posted by tutsu on 06:27:2001 02:56 PM: how do u do the three way dash with magneto like what buttons to press while im dashing up and down Posted by Trouble on 06:27:2001 04:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by tutsu how do u do the three way dash with magneto like what buttons to press while im dashing up and down I didn't know that Magneto could do a 3-way dash....If he can I'd like to know how he did it also! Posted by Monkey on 06:27:2001 04:43 PM: Trouble and Tatsu: Its called a triangle jump. Superjump up, and dash down-forward. To dash, press the direction and the two punch buttons. To superjump, down, up. Rollin722: quote: 1 I know it's possible if you catch someone slippin to get IM's infinite without an assist, just by jumpin at em'. And I assume it's possible to get it with Mag's capture assist. Is there a combo for IM by himself to get them into the infinite? and any tips' on starting the infinite with Mag's assist? like jump from far, or get under and start? Sure it is. If they are rushing you down, just jump up and start it. You cant block during a dash. You could guard-break them as they are just jumping, but thats alot of work for it. YOu can get it off of the Magneto assist also. Iron Man has 3 combos to get into the infinite. 1. In corner: s.jab, c. jab, c. roundhouse xx unibeam(jab) This one is easy, only works in corner though. 2. Anywhere: c. jab, c. jab xx superjump, sj. jab, dash forward, sj. jab, sj. u+fierce land infinite This is alot of work to do, but it works. Its hard. 3. I dont remember off the top of my head. I'll get back to you. quote: 2 This one is kind of a dumb question. I know you said not to ask about timing but I've written down a few air combo's for IM and I can get opponent's into the air with IM fairly easy now (compared to when I first started using him) but I can never get more than 4-6 hit's in the air. Is the timing alot different? Like should I hit the button's faster? or slower? I've had his air combo done to me and I don't like it but I'm not a threat with IM other than his proton cannon . It is alot different from Magnetos air combos. Mags is fast, Iron Man's is slow. Try doing it slower and it should work. quote: 3. I've read enough post's to know that Doom is a good keep away char, and that he could also KINDA be considered a rushdown char. But so far I just know how to play keep away (is there a diff between keepaway and runaway)? Right now I just SJ. away and throw a couple pink stuff and call assist's when I can. I also read that you can use his little laser gun, J., Fierce. To keep some sort of distance between you and your opponent, but when I try to shoot it, it barely come's out and disappear's . So I guess I'm just looking for any technical help you can give me with Doom, right now I just rely on his pink stuff, I'll throw his super pink stuff in at the end of my air combo's but it never hit's like I want it too. Keep away and Run away are the same. The reason the laser isnt comming out that much is because you have to hold it down, not just hit it. Your doing the basic runaway doom strat though. Jump up and throw the pink shit. Thats all you gotta do and it works. After you build up some meter, then throw the pink super. Sepehr: quote: In your movie it seemed that you were jumping up? Yes quote: do you press HK after you dash back or not? Yes quote: After you launch do you press HK or HP? HK quote: then do you dash after the HP,Hk? HK Posted by Vicious on 06:27:2001 04:56 PM: yo monkey! whazzup! regarding the Blackheart infinite ( the BH movie number 1 in ur infinite homepage ), u said in ur previous post in the last page to superjump, HK, airdash back and press HK again, land and repeat. I guess Sepehr and me is a bit confused because in that video of urs, ur BH looks more like normal jumping than superjumping. Guess that is the cause of the confusion. Hope u can clear this confusion up for us. Thanx dewd. Ciao... Posted by Monkey on 06:27:2001 05:19 PM: It works either way. Superjumping or regular jumping. Posted by Damage2001 on 06:27:2001 05:50 PM: Where is your infinite page monkey????? Posted by Vonstar on 06:27:2001 06:16 PM: how do you do the magneto infinite, the one the wong did against valle. is it lp lp lk ? can you explain it monkey? Posted by dest120yer on 06:27:2001 06:32 PM: infinites can i get the any strider infinite and ken and akuma's as well Posted by Sepehr on 06:27:2001 07:29 PM: So you are saying after we hit super jumpin HK from Cyc's anti air you can eighter superjump or jump press HK, then dash press HK again? In your video you jump press HK then just DAsh? What is that? Posted by GtXbY32 on 06:27:2001 09:28 PM: what is wolverines speed up infinite my freind wont tell me lol thanks Posted by Ouroborus on 06:27:2001 09:46 PM: How do you do Chun-Li's air dash infinity? And can her Lightning Legs be used as a runaway? I haven't try it out yet but triple jump, air dash and repeated lighting legs looks like a runaway method to me. Posted by Hellfromabove on 06:27:2001 10:17 PM: Thanx i got all i needed from your site but when do you think you will be getting all of the characters infinites up? Please e-mail me. Thanx. -See Ya!!! Posted by mr_d on 06:28:2001 04:12 AM: Thanx a lot monkey!!! I really apreciate it. Posted by Penguin on 06:28:2001 03:33 PM: is their any way to connect infinites to character switches. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:29:2001 03:08 AM: With good timing, any repeated jump infinites (ie. IM) can be comboed in if the switch actually hits. Just takes some amazing timing. Posted by Monkey on 06:29:2001 06:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gerjay_2001 Just takes some amazing timing. No it doesnt. Posted by Bonesaw on 06:29:2001 07:18 PM: Dhalsim super combo somewhere in this thread I read that you could not combo dhalsims super...I know you can combo it by doing lk,lk,lk yoga thrust, XX super. Posted by GtXbY32 on 06:29:2001 07:37 PM: monkey what is wolverines speed up infinite? Posted by Ducky on 06:30:2001 02:45 AM: does captain america have an infinite? Posted by TS on 06:30:2001 04:43 AM: Agreeing with Monkey. Something I've picked up from playing WM, is that how close/far you are from your character being in the corner determines how easy the tag into infinite works. Speaking of WM: Can somebody suggest some standard combos? I mean a lot of characters can just go into some auto-pilot combo when they land a hit...the WM combo I usually do is launch, zigzag, Up+Fierce, dash towards, jab, up+Fierce, up+Roundhouse. I would to into the infinite from a superjump cancel crouching Strong...but that's hard. Posted by Penguin on 06:30:2001 05:25 AM: Are there infinites with the triangle jump techniche Posted by Mush on 06:30:2001 03:28 PM: perhaps the easiest way to get IM's infinite with no assist other than jumping in with fk while holding up c.lp superjump(put joystick to neutral) sj.fp air dash down forward xx sj.lp sj.fp (hold up and forward for the fp here) land jump and start infinite (lp mp lk fp) Posted by Damage2001 on 06:30:2001 03:32 PM: Jump in w/ lk,lk,Dash in w/lp,Hp,Unibeam, Jump into the player and start infi... Posted by Mush on 06:30:2001 05:38 PM: thats only in corner i am talking about anywhere on screen and unless u got a hella good rushdown IM u aint gonna get many people into the corner often enough Posted by Warlock on 06:30:2001 06:22 PM: Monkey, I need help with the Storm infinate if there is one, I still have trouble with Magnus, how do I go into the air combo, and do it without a delay in the timing, I had a guy do it yesterday on me, he did it with no delay just straight hitting,he carried me from the launcher all the way off the screen for about 5 seconds, then the hyper tempest, how is it possible to keep hiting with Magnus, I know he's got the delay in his air combos, how are people bypassing that to keep hitting? and with strider, the semi infinate in the air, to link the combo before the air jump, and the air jump it's self to continue the combo, how is that done? Posted by Warlock on 06:30:2001 06:27 PM: never mind with strider, I got it Posted by MilkMan on 06:30:2001 06:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by Big Pete Roasa Hey Monkey I'm trying to do the IM infi off the ground but I can't get it right can you tell me the set up, oh one more this is dumb but I can't connect his super at the end of the inif in the cornor any suggestions When you are in the corner doing the infinite, i learned that you can use fierce after you land after the last hit in the infinite. Cancel the ground Fierce into the super, and it connnects easier. Posted by ghettokimchi on 07:01:2001 02:25 AM: can sum1 post the site for monkeys infinite vids?? Posted by Damage2001 on 07:01:2001 03:05 AM: Http:// Posted by Dark-Angel on 07:01:2001 07:47 AM: Monkey can you wxplain the dan infinite I just can't get it because I do all the combo in the air but when its down hitting low punch medium punch and fierce kick it falls down. Posted by Macgyver Style on 07:01:2001 04:23 PM: Monkey this is Samus thx 4 all the help now i'm able to kill Cammy cause of your help Every1 @ Sydney Arcade uses Sent,Cammy,Mag (normally that team) I'm the only 1 who uses IM and i win with him now and then well i have a few Q's My Team now is IM(infinite God),Mag(Sets up the infinite good and is a good char),Cable(the cheap 1) Who should i start with ? And how do you do the Strider Infinite on Sent? is it jump in lk,lp,lk,hp,hk repeat And how do u play Strider? I would'nt mind learning how to use him Posted by Monkey on 07:01:2001 04:33 PM: For those that dont know my site, this is it: You also can click on my "Web Page" thing on EVERYONE of my posts. Posted by mr_d on 07:01:2001 05:37 PM: ya for the blackheart infinite video all you did was jump forward with a hk and dash back without a hk. So which do you do. Thanx latez. Posted by Galford on 07:01:2001 07:11 PM: C'mon monkey. i've haven't been on here in over a week and you STILL haven't gotten back to me on that rogue infinite...i'm talking 4 pages later. if you can't do it, then it's cool. i was just wondering since it seems that you can do everyone else's infinite...lates... Posted by Warlock on 07:01:2001 07:17 PM: Monkey- I try to load your site, but it never comes up Posted by Monkey on 07:01:2001 08:16 PM: Warlock: You always goto it when my computer is off. There is a lightning storm going on here, thats why my computer has been off cause the power went out twice. Galford: I'll look at it and try it right now. I have been busy, and I kept forgetting abuot it. Sorry. Mr_D: Both work. Everyone: I PM'd James and Psx2000 to close this. I feel that I answered alot of questions, and I am getting alot of repeats. I dont know if they are going to keep it sticky but with it closed, or not. I'll put a link to it in my signature so ya'll can find what you are looking for. I hope it helped -Monkey Posted by Monkey on 07:01:2001 08:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by Galford corner: ducking lk, ducking fp, sj., sj.wp, pause, sj. lk, sj. mk, sj. rh, pause a bit... sj. lk(has to be done right before opponent lands), land, hold joystick foward and: wp, lk, wp, lk...etc. So after the first part, and the last sj. lk, the wp, lk, wp, lk is on the ground? s. wp, blabla Posted by Monkey on 07:01:2001 08:38 PM: And, what is your original question?? Posted by Monkey on 07:01:2001 09:18 PM: Okay, I did it for a little. The beginning is easy. The hard part is going to far away from your oppoent with the s. jab, s. short. I did what you told me to hold fwd. When I did it, I got the 7 hit combo, then 10 hits of the infinite. I am guessing you hold forward. I did. After that, I fucked up. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:02:2001 12:08 AM: Well, I think it's good that you want to shut this down because it is really getting annoying to have so many repeats. Also, Monkey, is your status (or whatever that thing above your avatar is) supposed to say The or really Thw. Either way please explain, thanx. Posted by Monkey on 07:02:2001 01:11 AM: Holy shit! Thanks for pointing that out to me. Its soposed to be The Shoryuken Tree Walker. *Hence Monkey... Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:02:2001 01:38 AM: I was wondering about that for a while, just forgot to add it after some of my posts. Anyways, why'd you set it to junior member, I liked it the old way. Posted by Trouble on 07:02:2001 04:30 AM: It took me a little while to figure out how to change mine from member to The One Winged Angel... Posted by Repulsorgiest on 07:02:2001 07:08 AM: Whats all of mags infs and what is the most usefull ones Posted by Red_Spiral on 07:02:2001 11:12 AM: hey man i think you need a new server on your website cause i have cable modem and it usually downloads at 100 kb a second but when i go to you site and download the videos its goes as fast as 56k. oh yeah and your site kicks ass Posted by Monkey on 07:02:2001 05:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red_Spiral hey man i think you need a new server on your website cause i have cable modem and it usually downloads at 100 kb a second but when i go to you site and download the videos its goes as fast as 56k. oh yeah and your site kicks ass I have it going through my cable modem. If there are alot of people on it, or I am downloading something, it gets slow. Mine goes at 500k/s, and its slow when people are on my site. Posted by HolyLight on 07:02:2001 06:34 PM: To Monkey or anyone who can help: For Ironman's infinite, after the c lp, then clp, then superjump, then his infinite, I can't seem to pull it off AT ALL......everytime I wanna superjump after his c lp, he never u need to hold up before u hit the second c lp or wat? Also by the way, does Ryu and BB Hood have any infinites? And for the last question, for Storm's infinite, Stomr always fly down too slowly, and never combos on u need to dash downwards to do her infinites? Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:02:2001 10:50 PM: Ok then, for the last time. To do Ironmans infinite it is, c.lp, superjump, sj.lp, dash, j.lp, j.u+fp, land, infinite. You must let the control stick go to neutral after the c.lp and then manually do the superjump. Also, to make the infinite work on all characters, use, j.lp,, j.u+hp on the first time to set up for the normal infinite. I have no more time so I can't explain you other two questions. Posted by OrOcHi PoWeR on 07:02:2001 11:24 PM: My Strider Infinate on Sentinal is lk lk hp hk rejump and Do over, Works best in the corner but you can do it away from it. Also, Where in the East Coast are ya from? Monkey? Also, I know 3 Iron Man Inf link ups without an Assisst. The regular infinate lp lp lk hp. Do you know any. Here is what i know 1- Jump Air Dash Down Up HK then do the Inf 2- lp lk HK SJ Down HP AirDash lp lp Up HP then do the Infinate (My Bud Made it up ke hehe) 3- down lp lp Fly lp lp hp cancel fly do the infinate got anymore for me to tinker with? Posted by Monkey on 07:03:2001 02:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by OrOcHi PoWeR Also, Where in the East Coast are ya from? Monkey? I'm at Penn State (State College) Pennsylvania. I see you are from Philly. We should plan a day to play mvc2. (I need more comp. ) Posted by OrOcHi PoWeR on 07:03:2001 03:02 AM: Oh Sweet, Where do you Play, I go to 40th and Spruce at University Pinball, The Only good Arcade in Philly. =Þ They gonna be a MvC2 Tourney on the 21st. You should go. Posted by Monkey on 07:03:2001 03:09 AM: Did you goto the NEC in December?! I was there. I really want to get to another tourney, but I have no money, and my parents dont want to take me. I'm only 17, and have no rydes. I'll get to one though. Posted by GtXbY32 on 07:03:2001 03:20 AM: d00d monkey what is wolverines speed up infinite? Posted by OrOcHi PoWeR on 07:03:2001 03:21 AM: Aww damn, Dude Im 17 also, Take the Sub, The Broad Street Line to City Hall and take the Free Interchange to the Blue Line up to 40th, Walk up to Spruce. Or take the Trolly to 40th and Walk down to spruce. Justin Wong might be their. I hope he is cause my Buddy wants to play Him. You should try and make it, Its a great Arcade and lots of Comp. Everyone chills their Posted by Monkey on 07:03:2001 03:27 AM: I know its an 0ssum arcade. I dont live in philly, I live 3 hours away from it. If I lived in philly, I'd be there all the time. Posted by Monkey on 07:03:2001 03:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by GtXbY32 d00d monkey what is wolverines speed up infinite? Its not a infinite. I dont know what it is either. I'll guess though, dash, s. jab, s. short, s. short, dash repeat. Posted by GeekBoy on 07:03:2001 11:57 PM: For Magneto's rejump infinite, how come you have to do D + Short, instead of a regular Short? Posted by Monkey on 07:04:2001 12:14 AM: It keeps the character lower to the ground. If you dont have down+short it will make them go higher, thus making it not combo. (I perty sure) Posted by GeekBoy on 07:04:2001 12:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by Monkey It keeps the character lower to the ground. If you dont have down+short it will make them go higher, thus making it not combo. (I perty sure) Oh, thanks a lot, Monkey. Posted by bluelizard on 07:04:2001 03:13 AM: what are some good combos for gambit? would this team work, gambit, iron man, juggernaut. Posted by metrock on 07:04:2001 07:23 AM: Cammy Infinte??? With Cammys infinite will the combo counter reset after the cannon drill? Or do you have tigerknee cancel as soon as possible after th b-hk. Thanx Posted by *Magneto* on 07:04:2001 03:12 PM: I've been spending alot of time working of the doom infinite. Maybe I'll get it some day. Posted by StarFire on 07:04:2001 03:51 PM: Hey can somebody tell me the exact way to do the Blackheart infinite? I just know the basics. I know that this has probably already been covered a lot in this thread so can somebody tell be which page it's on. There's 25+ pages to sift through and I didn't really find it. Posted by Justin Justice on 07:04:2001 04:39 PM: Monkey I'm pretty good with IM and my team is IM,Magnus,Cable What i want is help with is IM I've seen vids of him doing air combos so i sat down and practiced em and this is what i got out of it Launch,lp,lk,lp,UpHp,dash,lp,upHp,fly,lk,upHp weak Unibeam Well thats the combo i was doing. Theres better combos then that out there so can u plz tell me them Also Magnus is my weakest link. Why don't ppl ever use his infinites? Yea gimme some good mag strats, like how to play him and his easiest infinite And how do u do Mag Runshdown? plz respond monkey and if you describ moves plz say it like lp,lk,lp,lk Not like Jab,Roundhouse etc.. that confuses me Posted by bizounce on 07:04:2001 05:49 PM: Monkey, is your site down? I just can't seem to get on to it. Very good thread BTW. =^) Posted by Rollin772 on 07:04:2001 08:57 PM: Justin Justice If Magnus is your weakest link you should check out supergeek's Magneto guide. But for rushdown with Magneto you need to use his air dash and speed. His speed is one of the thing's that make's him sooo deadly. Also you may know this but you need to use his triangle jump's. Triangle Jumps: Jump, Dash Down Foward, attack. That's it in a basic sense. You can also use super jump instead of a regular jump. I think using a superjump help's a little because it seem's like he get's off the ground faster, but with that in mind you have to dash down alot faster too. As for the attack part you can throw a couple of LK's or what not, but when you land back on the ground you should do a c. lk, c. hp. This can lead to an air combo or one of his infinites or a super combo. He's very versatile in this thought. Just know that the tri-jumps are used over and over to break your opponent's defense down and get an opening for a combo. Infinite: Sorry I never really tried his infinite so I'll tell you one from memory, hopefully monkey will say if I'm wrong. with the idea of tri-jumping. c. hp, superjump, sj. hk, dash down foward, j. lk, j. lk, land, c. lk, c. hp. repeat. I'm pretty sure that's one of them I'd have to find my book to verify, but someone else can correct me too Here's another couple of thing's that I've read and used, it helped. Have IM with projectile assist. Call IM assist dash in - if unibeam is not blocked then c. lk, c. hp. Lead's into air combo or what not. If it is blocked s. lk, s. lk xx lp em disruptor (HCF LP) His air combo's can be fairly easy or pretty dang hard, I'll give you a couple to practice with. launch, superjump, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk, air dash UP or UP FWD, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk launch, superjump, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, pause, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk, dash UP or UP FWD, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, pause, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk. - timing on this one is kind of hard, pause is not really that long at all Here's the dreaded and beloved Grav xx Tempest combo (well one at least) launch, superjump, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk, hyper grav xx tempest, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk, dash up or up fwd, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk, hyper grav xx tempest Lot's of variation's on that last combo and it can be mashed out of too. If you can't do this one yet I suggest you learn and practice the grav xx tempest on the ground first. As soon as you see the ball's appear from his chest or as soon as you hear him start saying hyper grav.... cancel into the tempest! that is key! Well hope this help's a little. Monkey helped me ton's with Magneto so I figured I would try to help too. But you should look at the first 10 pages of this thread, he wrote down all of Magneto's infinite's there I may have been wrong. Posted by bluelizard on 07:05:2001 05:42 AM: I have a friend who is really annoying me with his ice man. All he does is jump and then ice beam. Is there any good way to around this. Who is a good character or team to use against iceman? help plz... Posted by Cpt. America on 07:05:2001 06:02 AM: Does ne1 know an infinite for captain comando or captain america or Dan???????????????? Posted by Cpt. America on 07:05:2001 08:09 AM: Can ne1 tell me a good web site to see the infinites at? I tried to go to the one that was on here b4 but it would never come up. It would be easier for me to learn the infinites if I could see what they look like, but I did learn the Dr. Doom infinite in about one day without a video. I just think it would be easier with one. Posted by Gamer4Life on 07:05:2001 08:27 AM: monkey: is your site up yet? if it is what's the address? Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:05:2001 01:28 PM: Monkey is probably having some big storms right now so his computer is off. Rollin772 That infinite is not possible. The basis for the opening is that the does not send the opponent into the flying screen effect. After doing it once it cannot be done again in the same combo. Posted by VanDread_431 on 07:05:2001 03:12 PM: monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules monkey rules Posted by VanDread_431 on 07:05:2001 03:16 PM: note: the last reply was in order to get my avatar Posted by Rollin772 on 07:05:2001 03:56 PM: Thank's Gerjay I wasn't sure if that was the correct attack's for the infinite. I didn't have access to the one's I had copied down from Monkey's earlier post. Justin Justice, you really should look through some of the earlier responses. Monkey took the time to write down all of Magneto's infinites. Posted by Rollin772 on 07:05:2001 04:00 PM: Justin Justice I found the post from monkey with all the infinites. Magneto's Infinites, all of them! Here, I am going to post all of Magneto's infinites. (They are all on my site, if you need help with timing.) Magneto 1: j. jab, j. short, j. jab repeat. The easiest way to get into this is launch, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. down+short, sj. down+short, land, start infinite. The reason for holding down and short is so Magneto will land quicker than normal. (Good thing to keep in mind. ) Magneto 2: j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. short repeat. Same as Magneto 1, that is the easiest way to get into it. There is a slight delay between the first j. short, and the next hit (j. jab). The movie will help. Magneto 3: superjump, sj. short xx dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short repeat. This one is fast, not to hard. The hardest part is comboing the first short, into the second after you dash down. Other than that, its not that difficult. Magneto 4: Throw with roundhouse, c. short, c. roundhouse xx superjump, dashdown, sj. down+jab. Repeat Again, it is important to hold down after you dash down from the superjump so Magneto will land quickly. Magneto 5: c. short xx superjump, sj. short, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short repeat. The oppoent gets the dizzy's quickly in this infinite. Not too good of one if you ask me. Magneto 6: In corner, launch, superjump, sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. roundhouse, land, c. short, c. roundhouse, (repeat c. short, c. roundhouse) I believe that it works on normal sized characters, but its alot more difficult than it would be on Kobun or Roll. Timing is hell on this one. If you are going to learn this, dont get angry with the timing, it takes practice. Magneto 7: While dashing, s. fierce, Hyper Grav (with roundhouse) repeat I guess this isnt a true infinite since the Shoryuken staff found mashing out of the hypergrav, but it works.. uh if they dont. I dont know if it works on anyone else besides Blackheart, but try it out. Magneto 8: sj. roundhouse, dash down-forward, sj. roundhouse repeat. This works well on Sentinel, Juggernaut, and bigger sized characters. Magneto 9: jump, dash down-forward, j. short, j. roundhouse REPEAT 3 TIMES, superjump, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. roundhouse REPEAT 3 TIMES, repeat entire thing. Not too hard, but get used to switching. Magneto Sentinel Only #1: jump, j. jab, j. short, j. jab, j. short, j. fierce, j. roundhouse repeat. Magneto Sentinel Only #2: superjump, sj. short, sj. short, dash forward, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. fierce, sj. roundhouse, repeat This one is not hard. You have to do it quickly though. Not on my site, soon though. Magneto Sentinel Only #?: Superjump, sj. short, sj. short, dash down-forward, sj. short, sj. short repeat. This is in my opinion his easiest one. There is not that much timing at all. The easiest way to get into this one is either throw with punch, or triangle jump. That is courtesy of Monkey Posted by Monkey on 07:05:2001 06:05 PM: Okay, this is going to remain sticky, but its going to be closed soon. I would like to say, your welcome to everyone that needed help. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:05:2001 11:11 PM: Well, anyways, it was a great thread, thanx. Posted by VanDread_431 on 07:06:2001 06:20 AM: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Posted by jchensor on 07:06:2001 06:31 AM: At the request of Monkey, this thread is now closed. However, DO NOT FRET. Just about every Infinite was discussed SOMEWHERE in this thread. And it will remain sticky for a period of time. But it IS closed now. If you have any questions about any Infinites in the game, take the time to browse through this thread. You'll find what you are looking for, almost undoubtedly. If not, start a new thread, but PLEASE be sure to thoroughly look through this to make sure it isn't in here before you start a new thread. For the love of God, I don't need another 80 threads asking about Ironman's Infinite. ^_^ Thanks to Monkey for this useful and productive Thread. - James Posted by jchensor on 07:06:2001 06:33 AM: Except that, for some reason, my "Close Thread" option isn't working... Heh. Well, it'll remain open for now, but when I get my priveleges fixed, I'll close this thread. ^_^ - James Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:06:2001 12:18 PM: lol Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:06:2001 05:41 PM: Hey Monkey, So now that your web is completely out of control your going to close it down. Thats cool, but is your site going as well? Or is it under construction? GOuken Posted by Monkey on 07:06:2001 06:33 PM: Its gone too. It makes my computer way to slow to run it through my cable modem. Posted by Monkey on 07:06:2001 06:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by jchensor Thanks to Monkey for this useful and productive Thread. - James w00t! ^_^ Welcome to any Iron Combo Chefs! Posted by *Magneto* on 07:07:2001 12:54 AM: What happened to ur site monkey? It doesn't come up at all. Posted by Akira Llamo on 07:07:2001 02:22 AM: Hey Magneto, Try scrolling up or reading a little sometime. He shut it down since it slowed his computer up. Posted by *Magneto* on 07:07:2001 02:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Akira Llamo Hey Magneto, Try scrolling up or reading a little sometime. He shut it down since it slowed his computer up. Oops...That's to bad Monkey. I liked ur site. Posted by Monkey on 07:07:2001 04:03 AM: Yeah, alot of people liked it. I need a host first. Posted by Damage2001 on 07:07:2001 07:13 AM: One more thing... How do you set up the IM infi off of akuma's assist?? Thx for the awsome thred Posted by Monkey on 07:07:2001 03:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by Damage2001 One more thing... How do you set up the IM infi off of akuma's assist?? Thx for the awsome thred Nice avatar. After the assist hits them, wait until the last hit of the spin kick before you start. After starting, its a breeze. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:18 PM. Show all 689 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.